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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. Not that simple and you know it. This was discussed at length just recently but I CBF searching for the thread, OP can give that a go himself.
  2. Didn't say it was. Pester someone else with your "eat the rich" rant.
  3. You are a troll so put yourself on ignore.
  4. Oh thank goodness, I was starting to worry. I went to Kelantan once, spent a night in Kota Bahru. Found a place overlooking the river but of course no beer. Wandered desperately around the streets until I saw a Chinese restaurant with pork on the menu, lazy Susans, and cold beer. Order was restored 🙏 Bugged out for Thailand the next day and never looked back.
  5. You've obviously never been to Malaysia. Take a trip to "Darryl Islam*" one day and see for yourself. * If you don't know what that means then you really do need to get out more.
  6. Nothing "gay" about it, just standard alpha male stuff. You sound like a beta male (or lower), not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. Immigration does when you're being vetted for a PE visa.
  8. I see that @Ralf001 has already educated you. Or perhaps you already knew but are just pretending, for the lulz or whatever. There's rivers of money out there in Thailand that most of us in here will never get close to.
  9. What the F are you talking about? I guess you don't spend much time down the pub if you haven't heard that one, or a variation thereof.
  10. You have to go to Immigration every 90 days to extend your visa. If you don't you'll be on overstay 😹
  11. You live in Negeri Kelantan in Malaysia? You poor dear, however did you find yourself in that backwater? Move to Thailand ASAP buddy, much more fun up here.
  12. I was dragged there many moons ago for the opening of one of the first bars, or so I was told. It was called something else based on its shape but I forget the name because it was a pretty forgettable bar. Soi Dogleg maybe?
  13. Yerr I know. 3rd road, not 2nd. It was back in the good old days before the place got too built up. Used to see ads for it on Sophon Cable Teewee but never went there, those Thai discos don't float my boat.
  14. London to a brick on says it was a Thai seafood place. If you're happy with that then, as I've said before, knock yourself out so since you seem to be still CS by Thailand. I'm from Sydney so the way Thais do seafood don't impress me much. Now if it is a Greek, Lebanese or Balkan-run restaurant and the chef is an import I'd go down there again and try it.
  15. He lives in PKK, there aren't many (any?) good restos. If there are then they're well hidden because I didn't see any in my last visit there.
  16. Off-topic, irrelevant. Go and pester @bignoob if you want a bickering contest.
  17. You're just as irrelevant as the time waster I was responding to. Go and troll another thread, preferably one started by @bigstooge or @nob smith.
  18. Thailand is not Australia bro, not same same.
  19. It does, but you're just not as clever as you think you are and therefore don't understand it.
  20. Brought some sheets from IKEA. Overpriced and average quality only got one fitted sheet , no top sheet, and only 300 TC for a thousand bloody baht! So yeah this new centrally located store, they can jam it! 😅
  21. Interesting take and I suspect a few punters would be reeled in by it. PS. Maneerat's price goes up depending on age but I forget the details. Presumably because the insurance gets more expensive for older folk.
  22. Is this a serious question or are you attempting to troll the troll? If the latter then believe me, you're on a hiding to nothing.
  23. No, he showed his gf that's he's not a cuck. Priceless. If she can't handle that then kick her to the kerb.
  24. That agent is having a lend of you...cannot get CoR from CW without TM47.
  25. Off-topic, irrelevant. Both the difficulty level of opening a bank account, and the pros and cons of using an agent have been discussed ad nauseum in this forum and your pointless comment adds nothing to the discussion.

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