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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. Got any sushi joint recommendations for Bangkok? I haven't gotten around to exploring that genre yet although I have had some nice sushi at Sasaya Silom.
  2. Depends on the restaurant. I have it on good authority that casual wait staff at a certain Western-owned international hotel chain don't get a share of the service charge. I've also been told that foreign managers, who are already on decent packages, get a share of the service charge. No wonder the taxi and tuk tuk drivers try to "rip off" the tourists, they're just following the example set by the purer-than-the-driven-snow foreign companies ????
  3. Translate uses part of the Lens however the Lens app itself has additional functionality. Eg. You can take a screenshot of say a product description on Lazada, open Lens and then select the image and translate it and/or copy text. Your can also use the Search function I think it is to do a 'live' translation of text. That was well handy when I was taken to a Taiwanese restaurant in Sri Racha that only had Thai/Chinese menus. Translations aren't perfect but I get by with them as Lens is the only option I've stumbled across so far.
  4. Other way around in my experience. 10% service charge first, then 7% VAT on the subtotal. For example:
  5. Nope, it's 17.7% more. VATis levied on the base price plus the service charge.
  6. Darn it! Was hoping for an easy BKK solution, don't want to go to CW for residence certificate. Thanks anyway.
  7. Well done son! ????
  8. confused. first you say farang and then you say foreigners. which group are you really asking about, whiteys or all non-Thais?
  9. Not me, I always choose the wrong bars ????. I haven't been to Soi Cowboy for an age so some pointers would be great.
  10. The two girls in the video are not farang.
  11. nyuk nyuk nyuk ???? I'm not married but I heard that if you do get hitched then you should never let her hear about shopping malls. bit hard to do that in Bangers.
  12. I don't know what IO it was that insisted on in person reports, the OP didn't say. Here's the thread if you're interested.. https://aseannow.com/topic/1290795-tm-30-question/#comment-17991651
  13. There's been quite a few recent(ish) posts in other threads that have mentioned Chiang Mai IO are not conforming to the June 2020 update. I believe a few other offices do the same but I can't remember all the details. One chap said that not only does his office want a fresh TM30 after every trip, it has to be done in person, online not allowed.
  14. Lots of places in Thailand are cheap if you live like a local but that's not how I want to spend my retirement. I want to be Puttin' on the Ritz as it were.
  15. If you live in Bangkok like I do and want to have a good time then you need buckets of money. Suitcases even ????
  16. Chiang Mai not same same Bangkok.
  17. Google Lens can help with translation if you get stuck. I'd be lost here without it. Edit: if you're using an Android phone to browse the Lazada app.
  18. IMHO it's more perfidious than that. I think they simply don't want us to use the app anymore. Even if you have your Play Store country and payment profile set to Thailand it still won't come up in a search. This is the URL for the app that I extracted using the Play Store's share function. Clicking on it will likely bring up a blank screen instead of the usual "this app is not available in your region" message. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=th.go.immigration.section38 Also, the app itself hasn't been updated since May 28, 2020. I find this unusual as apps need to be updated every so often to stay current. Finally, they are not advertising it on immi.go.th hence why I reckon it's a sunset application that they hope will fade into the distance ????
  19. In Bangkok or somewhere else?
  20. My searching indicates that 'RAV Endpoint Protection' is a product of Reason Labs which appears to be a legit company started by an ex-Microsoft chap. However I couldn't find much in the way of reviews or actual knowledgeable folk who could say whether it is legit or not. Just "it looks like a PUP so kill it with fire", which is likely what I'd do if it sneaked onto my PC. https://reasonlabs.com
  21. no, the topic is RAV Endpoint Protection. Do you have any experience with it or not?
  22. Well that's the topic, innit?

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