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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. That dude is a gibbering idiot!
  2. Of course it can connect to the internet, you're just not using it properly.
  3. What's wrong with xenophobia anyway? Outsiders should be feared. Look at Europe to see what happens when you let your guard down.
  4. CW has a drive through?
  5. Just stop preaching.
  6. Your time is over honky.
  7. 27 is cold. Acclimatizing, you're doing it wrong.
  8. All rather childish isn't it? No wonder the country is in the mess that it is and doesn't seem like snapping out of it anytime soon.
  9. Seems he's back in on a TR ergo there is no 90-day clock.
  10. Perhaps. He may have lived there and thought it was Paradise aka Al Jannah 😉. Some people only see what they want to see and not the reality. I would have gone into details in my OP to back up my position but they'll fall on deaf ears so I won't bother.
  11. Oops you seem to have had a quote malfunction, I didn't write the bit about the allegedly rude bank staff 😉
  12. Some people have no choice, they can't be away from the boiler room for more than a day 😂
  13. Go and live in the Bankstown area of Sydney and you'll quickly change your tune. I happily fled that Godforsaken place a few years ago for the relative sanctuary that is Thailand. Hopefully the Thais never catch the Western disease of importing millions of people whose value system is diametrically opposed to their own and then let them outbreed the local population.
  14. Interesting. I'm surprised that you got away with it because conventional wisdom says that you need to clear Immigration in the arrival country otherwise you'll be denied entry upon your return to Thailand. Or you won't get checked in in the first place. I don't think it's something I'd be willing to chance but then again i don't have a pressing need to do same-day "out/ins". Have you done this more than once or was the experience you related a one-off? PS. If you're going to quote someone on here then please use the built-in quote function. That way the person you are responding to will receive a notification that you replied to their post.
  15. No, it is not. If it was excellent then we wouldn't have constant reports of it not working correctly.
  16. Hua Hin IS a smaller area of Thailand 😉
  17. Why do you all keep calling it Penang curry? Wikipedia spells it as "Phanaeng". 'The etymology of the word phanaeng is unknown, but it may derive from the Malay word panggang, meaning "grilled."' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phanaeng That is somewhat different to "Penang" which is the Malay name for the areca nut. "The name Penang comes from the modern Malay name Pulau Pinang which means 'areca nut island'." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penang inb4: if you think Wikipedia is full of it then cite credible academic sources or get off my lawn 🤣
  18. Thanks for stepping in, I was lost to the Suk this evening 😅
  19. That looks gross, give me a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese any old day of the week.
  20. Before I attempt to answer that question would you mind looking at the attached info page from the Thai MFA and tell us which category you can under? Presumably it's the "Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme" but best to make sure. https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/zE6021nSnu/เอกสาร/VOA.pdf
  21. Found it... https://imigresen-online.imi.gov.my/mdac/main
  22. Nice little downpour here in Lumphini an hour or so ago, doesn't stink quite so much when I go outside the condo 👍
  23. You have no choice but to clear Immigration in KUL, you cannot just "turn around and come back". Also, are you aware there is a new online arrival system for Malaysia? I don't have the link handy but will look it up if necessary.
  24. Much more interesting than any of your posts, plus he puts up YouTube videos with a whole bunch of old-timey stuff that I've never heard of before. A few days ago he posted an old ad for Hefty bags which was most amusing. GG will hopefully understand why I refer to it now.

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