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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I had some really fun overnight train rides with a good friend in the early noughties. There weren't many tourists on the trains when we went so it was usually just us in the dining car as soon as it opened and we'd get on the beers and have some dinner before the "party" started. So we got to see the "real" fun at 10pm or so when the crew would dim the lights, turn on the disco ball and crank up the Thai music for a couple of hours. Then a few years later we went on another trip and the train was full of tourists and at 10pm or so they flooded the dining car and took over the place. They must have read about it in the Lonely Planet. They changed the music from Thai to Western and just killed the vibe. Then there was that incident that led to the booze ban and party time was really over. I did a dry trip from Trang to Bangkok with my friend and his brother and it was kind of boring. So I'll probably never do another overnight train ride again in Thailand. However my friend and his brother love trains, they'd marry a train if they could 😅 I think they're batsh1t crazy but if they enjoy that type of then then hey, have at it. I hope the OP has as much fun as my crazy friends 😉
  2. This explains it. Or you could just go to the Khao San Road and see for yourself. I've tried it a couple of times but it didn't float my boat. https://www.drugrehab.com/addiction/drugs/inhalants/whippits/#:~:text=Nitrous oxide is sometimes called,containers filled with nitrous oxide.
  3. I believe that AN is not permitted to alter headlines from external news sources. it's part of the syndication agreement to leave them "as is".
  4. Yes you are. This only applies for in-person reporting, not online.
  5. This has been mentioned many times before but I'll repeat it but for shiz and giggles. Using an agent means you can keep your money invested in a real country and get a decent rate of return. You don't have to dump assets to fund the financial requirements and you also don't have all that money festering in a Thai bank account at ridiculously low interest rates. There's also the added bonus of never having to visit an immigration orifice ever again!
  6. I didn't even know they had horse racing in Bangkok until I saw them going around the track whilst waiting for the BTS. I had to Google the RBSC, turns out it's the most exclusive club in Thailand. Maybe there's why they don't get many spectators for their racing events. Or maybe it's the 100-200 baht every fee and the hoity-toity dress code - no jeans and no slippers. That rules me and most of the population out 😂
  7. If you're eating hamburgers here for only 120 baht then you're doing it wrong.
  8. There's no such thing as a 15 month visa, as you've been told already. You say you want to learn but then you reject the knowledge given to you by the in-the-know guys 🤦
  9. A few months ago, maybe more, there was a mini spate of YouTube travel vlogs that were posted on AN. I watched a few of them and they all seemed to feature pad krapow a k.a. THE greatest Thai food ever!
  10. The gee-gees are back at Royal Bangkok Sports Club but there's no crowds of spectators. I wonder why that would be?
  11. Like I said, had it once and it wasn't that special. However your second point might explain why all the YouTubers seem to go gaga over it.
  12. Easy tiger! I was just having a bit of a dig at the now universal concept that "spicy" equates to dumping chillies into everything because you're addicted to the endorphin rush and that everyone else must follow suit.
  13. Thais don't know what spices are, all they know are chillies and ironically it was the dirty foreigner who introduced them to it 😂
  14. You're still blaming the wrong people. Not everyone in the world is obsessed with eating chillies and for many it completely spoils the dining experience. Eating a chilli-laden dish is a nightmare for a lot of people, both at the restaurant and back at the hotel a few hours later. Tourists come here to experience the "local flavour" but for many it's too hot to handle. So rather than miss out they simply ask for the dish to be "not spicy". If you go to that same restaurant and tell them in fluent Thai that you want it made Thai style, and they don't comply, then that's on them and not the tourist or the poor person like me who can't tolerate even one spoonful of a chilli destroyed dish.
  15. Correction ... there are levels of chilli. OP needs to change to title to replace "spicy" with "chilli". It's not the only spice in the world you know 😉
  16. If the dish tastes like crap because there's no chillies in it then the cook is either not very good, or the recipe is crap to begin with. Me, I can't eat even one spoonful of a dish that contains chillies, the guts just won't have it. The solution for me is to simply not eat Thai food anymore. I did all that years ago when I was here as a backpacker and was still CS by the place. Even then I ate mostly Chinese food anyway, noodle soups etc. However, if I was forced to go to a Thai restaurant I'd probably try and order something that is usually "spicy" but can be made without chillies. That rules out a lot of dishes because the base seems to be pre-made. So if worse came to worst I'd probably have to order pad krapow sans chillies. If that ruins your dinner then I'm sorry but that's on the Thais, not me. If you go into a Thai restaurant and tell them in fluent Thai not to "water down" the dish, but they still do, then it's probably not a restaurant you'd be wanting to eat at anyway. PS. what's this obsession with pad krapow anyway? Had it once in 1998 and it was OK but not so special that I ever went back for it let alone rave about it on YouTube like all the newbies seem to.
  17. If the extension is denied they'll give you a further 7 days to leave the country.
  18. Nah, my 7-Eleven is only open between 11am-2pm and 5pm-midnight 😉
  19. Why should you need anything more than a passport for a 30-day extension? Also where are the actual requirements published? Chonburi Immigration website is a dog's breakfast and the main Immigration website ain't much better.
  20. Bogs has loadsamoney that he throws around like confetti at a wedding. Loadsamoney! That's when he's not making all the ladies go weak at the knees when he flashes his Rolex.
  21. You've obviously been in the tropics too long and haven't heard of microsleeps. Here, I'll let Dr Karl explain it for you... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdOhcmkI0dw
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