I'd liken some folk's overstay to not renewing tax on a motorcycle....don't do it once. never have an issue so never bother doing it again.
The penalty if you do get caught out obviously far greater though !
Watched again and I believe the reason he's at the right of the lane is a combination of having to go out because of the parked motorcycle half blocking the lane ahead and the moto-taxi guy trying to squeeze through on the inside.
Seems like he got himself squeezed between the motorcycle and the bus and wobbled into the latter. Lucky chap given that he wasn't wearing any headgear.
Nice to see people stopping to assist, but not the motorcycle guy, who went around him and carried on .😁
Have been dealing with essentially the same situation. In this case the UK bank would not release funds (if more than Gbp 5000) without probate deeming "administrative person" being provided. Applying for such for the Thai widow is rather complicated !
Apparently banks have different policies regarding release of funds.
Probate needs to be applied for in both countries. Therefore it is simpler to make separate wills in both countries pertaining to the assets held in each particular country .
Forget your apologetic agenda for a moment and consider all the stories related to Thai family/friend feuds etc. Many a wedding or religious occasion results in violent confrontation.
You can blame society in general if you like, but you can't blame it all on foreigners.
For every "nasty" foreigner a local encounters there will be hundreds who will show respect . Don't restrict yourself to these click=bait headlines of foreigners behaving badly.
Realize that the "daily lives" of this particular breed concerns late night sexual pestering/harassment of foreigners often with a sideline of theft. Any disruption to their activities is to be praised.
It's obviously workable for those already encompassed and participating in the process, but as far as the established pensioner here. can't currently see how it can be effectively enforced. How are these people to be contacted to advise them of the new obligations....Not everyone is an avid reader of AN and it's hard to assume responsibility for something you're unaware of.
It's the nature of this particular "business" they engage in . After dark, approaching often drunk foreigners who don't appreciate their brand of attention/interference. For every happy ending. I'd suggest there'd be many more less so !
That's entirely the point isn't it though. these leading images often being misrepresentative of the following article, misleading or irrelevant , insignificant and inconsequential.