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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Looks like some gay masonic ritual !
  2. I think it should read multiple monthly payments in the range to Bt 159k . Even so. would still need to be an awful lot of them !
  3. Perhaps it could be made into the much vaunted BKK F1 circuit !
  4. Ah. so that's where he went wrong !😁
  5. But it wasn't a simple grammar error or spelling mistake was it ? In your haste to bash anything British or English. you failed to comprehend that Abdulloh was the victim not the culprit. Anyway, no need to get hysterical about it.
  6. Confused you most definitely are ! Your first post : "The cops organised tea and scones and Abdulloh declined, it's just not British old chap. " And then : "Yes, Abdulloh was the guy beat up by the British thug. " So perhaps you can understand now, although I somehow doubt it.
  7. So you've re-read the article then, having spouted off earlier. Perhaps go back and change your post eh ?
  8. Think of it like crash helmets. only needed to avoid a fine for not having one.
  9. And how do you think she'll pay for the gambling ? Anyway. if you want to "do as you please" you wouldn't get married. Most people get bored of renting clapped out old hookers from Pattaya after a while, but obviously not all.😁
  10. Perhaps someone could try to connect some of these lonely Japanese folk together....so they won't be so isolated ?
  11. Look, there's a clue.....and if it was a foreigner be assured we would all be made aware of it !😁
  12. Pathetic ! Dad could easily be Thai. for all you know.
  13. If you ever get stopped. be careful that they don't "take" your name then !😁
  14. I've come to believe that it actually is a "cultural " thing. in as much as, if it's not "sanook" then there's a genuine reluctance to comply or stubbornness not to . This seems to apply to safety measures in general. but especially on the roads.
  15. Shhhh ! We're no longer allowed to comment on the quality of AI reporting . But it did amuse me too !
  16. Correct there should be. Sometimes, however it is not only native people that employ illegals. I know of several legit Thai owned businesses in UK who employ Thai staff who's visas don't permit employment.
  17. I know how it works. I question why. The charges should not reflect the medical report. The charges should reflect the action, in this case endangering life by running the red light at a pedestrian crossing. The sentencing, however. might then reflect the consequences of the action etc.
  18. Totally misplaced bravado. however. I don't see many championing the cause of foreigners knowingly working illegally here. Quite the opposite. in fact.
  19. More and more if this drivel-speak !
  20. They're the good-hearted ones ( of which there are many) who dare to think/act outside of the norm.
  21. Seen some of her clips and initially thought Labubu must be a pseudonym for camel toe .
  22. Journalistic nonsense !.
  23. Just 4 x as much as the Thai guy....who probably should have known better !
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