Any Thais capable of comprehending this forum might be expected to recognize a degree of sarcasm. Actually. I find it degrading when a foreigner refers to other foreigners as "falang" , could at least use a capital "F" !😁
Ever consider they might have been doing this as bit of fun.? The Thai owner is the real loser, being found to operate an illegal business.
The "aliens" being naive. or stupid or both but the owner taking the "potential jobs" from Thais by choosing not to employ Thais !
I use cardless ATM and on several occasions have been found waiting for the card to re-appear !
I get easily distracted by the pretty thing working at Dunkin Donuts.
Perhaps they should have said they were only reporting the crime in the interest of preserving the integrity of the Kingdom.
Seems "in vogue" at present.
I think it's because it's a major commitment/career path which men are more happy to follow than women .Harder for her to pursue that path if she wants a family etc, although more are seemingly taking up the challenge given better equal opportunity and changing family/social values .