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Everything posted by mancub

  1. No mention this time of the same bt300 (a popular figure) being used to cover insurance costs for tourists.
  2. Over-tourism ? or Over-reaction to the self-induced problems created in major holiday places like Phuket ?
  3. Thought I'd heard that the Chang circuit in Burriram met most of the requirements.....but there's always a political angle to it.
  4. Thankyou, this clearly explains the situation now. I guess the SUV driver was your usual chancer for whom giving way would be a last resort. Assume the sedan was actually turning right which would still be a contributary factor in possibly shielding the slow moving trike from view.
  5. But not at roundabouts.....which for most locals is difficult !
  6. OK, for the benefit of the confused........ the grey sedan is either parked on or pulling out from the wrong side of the road and would have obstructed the view of the driver possibly to the extent that he didn't see the trike coming.
  7. What age criteria is typically used to quantify the "workforce" ? Just trying to reconcile this with the numbers for the proposed Bt 10k handout ..estimated 50 million people eligible over the age of 16.
  8. Why. all those struggling on minimum wage will be purchasing their services, of course, on the back of their bt 100,000 per annum digital wallet bonuses.
  9. What's with the other car in the pic ? Why is it where it is, as it's certainly impairing the vision of others using the intersection.
  10. I'll see your "Legislation" and raise you an "Article 44" said a gambling man under condition of anonymity and immunity.
  11. Obviously works well as click-bait. as 3 of the stories headlined in "Latest News " concern Transgender or Ladyboy individuals !
  12. G'day, now you've got me guessing he could be Gruff from OZ ! 😁
  13. Perhaps the 518billion baht contributed by tourists could be tapped into ?
  14. Wonder if they also informed the police as to whom he was purchasing drugs from ?
  15. Nothing quite like a "dedicated fund" to pay for another populist policy !
  16. I think you need to re-read my post !
  17. For safety's sake horns should be removed from all vehicles in Thailand...along with indicators .
  18. 30+million tourist intruders annually then. Not a very nice picture of how the Kingdom views/hosts their visitors TAT's worldwide advertising campaign obviously not aware of this 😁
  19. Sometimes it's iron bars also !
  20. Or get someone to escort you off the premises 😁
  21. You'd think that some kind of conversation would have taken place that would have given the staff a clue to the perps not being Thai. not just that they "resembled foreigners ".
  22. Foreigners of Asian descent most likely !
  23. Search via Skyscanner and you'll often find that the best deals are from Trip.com or Agoda. Also avoids the money-grabbing 57 baht pp per sector "processing fee" charged by Airasia if you book direct.
  24. Depends if he's still got his wallet !😁
  25. Wonder if your parents have any regrets ?😁
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