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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Not fishing. curious as to how these bank accounts are arranged to satisfy the "seasoning" period. Why even bother with the banking part at all unless they provide a false statement etc to cover the necessary paperwork ?
  2. More of a concern is the malpractice carried out by those banks who willing falsify accounts
  3. Agree. but am waiting for the knee jerking that would follow any high profile crime/terrorist act that might happen with the discovery that the perp was using such "agent services" to be in the Kingdom.
  4. Enlighten us with one which is comparable to Wise please.
  5. Didn't it steal his phone and claimed it was just giving it back because it couldn't get by the password ?
  6. No mention of livestock, thankfully !
  7. Silly and sillier,,,but, as I've nowt constructive to contribute to this "thread", I'll get me coat.
  8. Wonder if the passenger provided the cash/notes for the toll booths (if required) also ?
  9. Midfield as effective as a chocolate tea-strainer when defending.
  10. If your 16th birthday falls on June 1st next year. you're gonna be a tad peeved eh ?
  11. So. if my "housewife" other half doesn't qualify. does it mean she's got half a million stashed away that I'm not aware of ?
  12. Very sensible scheme if it could overcome the sorry "second hand" stigma issue.
  13. Get Lisa to make a "song and dance" about it and half the population will take notice.
  14. The only way to stop it being spent on cigarettes or alcohol is to make it ineligible in any store where such items are sold. Otherwise there's gonna be lots of stress on the cashiers in 7/11 etc.
  15. It's not concerning passenger seating dispersion. but basic guidelines to better enable take-off weight calculation.
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