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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Cobber. there was NO intended pedantry either, so let's just leave it at that and smile eh ?
  2. Along with a "friendly" please don't grab my arm/crotch and get your hands off my wallet. perhaps ?
  3. Fair enough,,how about "Humourless: too serious and not able to laugh at things that other people think are funny ? Lol ????
  4. If you pay by card, you are offered the choice of which currency you want the booking to be charged in.
  5. You can change to show/view the total price in Agoda on the main page before starting to book.
  6. Oh dear. somebody seems to need to lighten up a wee bit perhaps ? Hardly pedantry, apologies however for any perceived offence.
  7. Need to know your "R's " from your elbow sometimes.
  8. Just out of interest. anyone know if Seoul is still a possible option ?
  9. Of course. but not disguised as something other than, and also payable by nationals of said countries.
  10. Perhaps the eventual recipients of the winning ticket will offer a consolation prize to this couple ? Nah. I wouldn't think so either !
  11. Not an advocate of the bt 300 arrival tax proposal then !
  12. There's a vehicle I see on the school run with a rear door sticker proclaiming "Danger child in car " One day I'll ask if it's Chucky !
  13. I'd happily accept an electronic wallet with bt10k in it as a start !
  14. Err. think you'll find he's not actually crediting them for anything !
  15. First need to understand what their arguments are about. Most likely money. Son feels entitled as. in his eyes mother has a foreign "sponsor" rather than boyfriend? Mother most likely feels obligated to a degree despite and possibly a cause for the fights ? ...and what about the father and other family members ?
  16. Ah. but not according to Liverpool Lou. so it can't be so !
  17. Not unless this "civilian" government can (or has the desire to) break it's military affiliated shackles,
  18. Well. you'll find many more and more powerful vehicles on the roads than 30 years ago ! Driving skills and road awareness haven't kept pace though!
  19. Brook beans from NZ. 3 tins bt220 at Makro. Far better than Ayam
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