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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Unfortunately. I think the sensible and not far-reaching amendments proposed earned MFP many of their votes.
  2. Passport renewal is really not that difficult...unless you choose to make it so !
  3. Those minority groups are indeed not concerned. What is worrying TAT is the negative effect it will have on the Chinese mass market,
  4. Same story. another publication states a local taxi driver threatened a mobile app driver with a "machete". Mafia reserved parking apparentely.
  5. Brave article there by Arun Saroncha ....shortly to be summoned for "correctional training" or a beheading !
  6. Ok. so apart from.......the bars. go-go's, soapies and Gentleman's clubs.................Splitters! ????
  7. That's a large number of passwords to remember,,,,unless he uses the same one for each !
  8. 4 things Check the Chonote to see if she's gambled your "home" away. Do NOT buy any more land. Ask to see any jewellery you may have bought her and please don't get her pregnant. '
  9. Or it just means that tourists etc will get more for their money and therefore even not spend so much of their own currency !
  10. Explore one "village" in Issaan and you've pretty much seen the lot. local markets etc are essentially the same everywhere. Cities have more of a uniqueness and interest, particularly so if a festival is taking place.
  11. Others take it out on their relatives or their "best friends" over trivial matters also. Bad things also seem to take place at supposedly happy events. like weddings. on a regular basis.
  12. Passport details need to be the originals you opened the account with I believe. Updating a phone or passport number seems to require re-submitting everything including inside leg measurement in order to get back on line. As with every thing though. probably depends on the branch/ ability of the staff.
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