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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Others take it out on their relatives or their "best friends" over trivial matters also. Bad things also seem to take place at supposedly happy events. like weddings. on a regular basis.
  2. Passport details need to be the originals you opened the account with I believe. Updating a phone or passport number seems to require re-submitting everything including inside leg measurement in order to get back on line. As with every thing though. probably depends on the branch/ ability of the staff.
  3. it's a highly xenophobic "bubble" country, however, whose citizens' xenophobic issues are easily accessed.
  4. There be a fair number of tourists that would that argue your point.
  5. Oh my! Where are those groups of Indian tourists going to wander now to "lose" their gold chains ? ????
  6. Seems that everyone "refuses to be held accountable" for everything here and the best recourse is to turn to social media to pursue a perceived injustice.
  7. For the record. it was an imaginary 3 points, but, heigh ho !
  8. Respect. Fortunately, there's always an iron pipe to be "found" when needed !
  9. Wonder just what percentage of the population are even aware that driving schools exist. Outside of Bangkok most just progress from motorcycles to cars and drive in similar fashion. Judging by the success of the daily road block checks in my town, I'd suggest that a high number also deem it a waste of money spent obtaining a driving licence and /or road tax, let alone paying for lessons. ,
  10. But it wouldn't cover for drunken driving, as in this and many other instances.
  11. Ahh. the traditional joyous Songkran. Coming to a village near you soon !
  12. Oooh be careful out there. there's a wet patch on corner of Soi6 and 2nd Rd. Probably just a Soi dog issue though.
  13. That's their problem. they can't because they're generally such losers. Therefore rejection is almost terminal.
  14. About as useful and as pointless as a weekly roadblock to check for driving licences. Fund raising under the guise of serving and protecting.
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