Ah, but only In response to your.......
" the poor, lonely, probably old, bald, fat, drunken …and definitely bitter Mr Jealousy! 🤣."
Lighten up and get your ASS fixation sorted while you're at it eh ?
Actually, I never said your mate was old. that's your own assumption of my imagination.
Also. to quote you ....
" He will now pay virtually zero for any future medical/hospital expenses. He will never need health insurance. "
would indicate that they would need to stay together forever.
Unless he can "piggy-back" on her privilege after any separation. of course.
Not as funny as your "retired mate " supposedly marrying a sexy young nurse and living happily ever after. The healthcare privilege was not questioned.
Kindly help me to re=consider by offering what she gets out of the arrangement, aside from polishing his bald noggin and massaging his beer gut. Suppose she'll get a free wheelchair to poodle him around in later on ? Win =win !
Did they recover the 10 baht chain worth bt332.000 then ?
Were the items seized from her (it) the proceeds of the night's work ?
Anyone else missing some "bling" . Ahmed ?
Probate is detailed under the Thai Constitutional Law and associated legalities.
As with almost everything here subject to individual interpretation and possible circumvention.