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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Hello Everybody .....Is there a Genuine Nokia retailer in Pattaya ?????..The screen on my Nokia n95 is now toast and needs replacing ..it's only a 5 minute job and I can do it myself ...

    I know I can get one off the internet but I'd rather just get one locally if possible .......

    It's a old phone and I only use it as a back up but it's still better and got more spec than buying a cheap new phone.

    Thanks in advance

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    surely if it was self-insure they wouldn't whinge over a few 1000 baht????..which 85% of people on here seem to do ...insurance give you the peace of mind knowing it's always covered ....and can go to best to the best possible hospital in your area...

    I see comments, not whinges. Anyone with any brain will try to get the best value that they can for things, and the most expensive is not always the best or the best value.

    Why should I pay 500B for medicine in one place when I can get the exact same medicine for 50B elsewhere?

    If you chose to go to a place that does charge 500B for your 50B medicine because your insurance company is paying rather than you, are you not aware that the insurance company just ups the premiums to cover their loss?

    Ok maybe not whinging but eternal bleating .....my premiums are set and will not increase as long as I pay on time ..like I said peace of mind ...but I am not worried about either 500 or 50 B but it scares the bejesus out of me when I think of 75k a day in a ICU which could happen the older one get .....

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Sounds like most people here have no health insurance

    Surely you mean that it sounds like most people on here self-insure?

    I did my calculations and worked out that it was a waste of time and money paying an insurance company to cover me when I can very easily afford to cover myself.

    Last year I spent a total of just under 130,000B on doctors, dentists and medicine. It was mostly dental implants and medicine/consultations for high blood pressure/high cholesterol, and yearly preventative scans/tests. I doubt I would have got 10% of that back on insurance and I saved myself all the premium.

    Insurance for catastrophic accident cover is another matter (and much cheaper) and may be worth having.

    surely if it was self-insure they wouldn't whinge over a few 1000 baht????..which 85% of people on here seem to do ...insurance give you the peace of mind knowing it's always covered ....and can go to best to the best possible hospital in your area...

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Try this out if you have a few minutes to waste:

    Go to any Bangkok Hospital Group website (different hospitals in different cities/provinces) and click on their 'view our doctors' section.

    Do any of the 'doctors' appear more than--say--21 years old? And yet (according to their educational background) most of them have extensive training/academic credentials. If you do the math they must have started medical school when they were 13 or 14 rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

    Last month I visited BPH--to see a friend--and spent an unusual amount of time looking at the 'physicians'. Maybe I'm just getting old but they appeared to resemble a bunch of middle-school kids on recess.

    My point is...I'd prefer a grizzled, old (maybe alcoholic/junkie) real doctor with a few years experience under his/her belt than the children that are on staff at most private Thai hospitals these days

    Rant over...

    Yeah!!!! and back in the UK all police are getting younger..How old are you exactly?

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Compared to the USA prices, it sound very fair to me.

    Considering most of the staff barring doctors are probably paid less than a tenth of their US counterparts, you'd expect it to be cheaper.

    why do people (expat )in general think it's alright for western countries to make vast profits at ever opportunity ?which has probably help them amass enough wealth to retire and live here in Thailand .or is corporate greed only allowed when it make money for the westerner?? lets keep thailand cheap for the westerner .......oH and by the way a nurses aid can earn ฿20000 + and and a fully qualified nurse up to ฿50000+ per month these wages have to come from somewhere

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    I am contemplating some Spinal surgery and was aghast at the price you paid for a simple procedure.

    I have just asked a local Doctor "Friend" who operates a small surgical clinic.I forwarded your post to him for comment and he agrees that Private hospitals are akin to Five Star Hotels but are in no way necessary for simple surgery as you describe. Many competent Clinics are available and his estimate of total charge at his clinic and several other similar places would not exceed 1500Baht.

    All the best wishes from PEP

    Can you please give the name and the address of your doctor friends clinic for future reference . ...who knows if it checks out I might try it in the future

  7. Hello ...

    At 09:00 hrs this morning I turned up at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya with a infected cyst (middle of my back) which had turned into a abscess ...I saw a general surgeon within 10 minutes for a assessment he advised me it needed lancing.evacuating and cleaning out... 5 minutes later I was having minor surgery totally pain free and professionally done ...a 2 1/2 inch cut and drain was fitted .and I have to return in 2 days to have to drain removed ..and again in 5 days to have the stitches removed

    By 10:05 hrs I was on my way home very satisfied with the quality of the service from start to finish.

    Total cost for doctors fees medicines and following treatment was ฿7,788

    back down of cost as followed :-

    Drugs 800

    Medical Supplies 2528

    nurse charge 600

    package med charge 190

    doctors evaluation 600

    surgeons procedure fee 3000

    Credit were credit is due you can not complain at the price or service ....I would never get this standard of care back at my home country

  8. Hi All

    Does anyone have an idea of where to purchase A beard trimmer in Pattaya ???.

    Please note this is not a hair trimmer or a conventional shaver but something which has a small foil/shaver for trimming the areas around the Beard especially for goatees.

    Thank you all in advance Cheers

  9. My advice to him is to contact one of the large Private Hospitals ( they are full of well educated ladies who all speak English to a reasonable standard)

    May I suggest that he makes a courtesy call to one of his fellow Medics at one of these hospitals under the premise that he would like to make some comparisons between the two countries health care systems ....once there he can fill his boots .....take my word they are filled wall to wall high quality females (most univerisity educated).....that's where my present gf works.

    • Like 1
  10. My wife gets pots from the local market ,large and delicious when baked ,she makes the best i have ever tasted.

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM l ",large and delicious when baked ,she makes the best i have ever tasted." where does she bake them????

  11. Admittedly off-topic but I'm interested in jingthing's reply...

    Have you EVER admitted you are wrong about anything???

    Many, many times, dude.

    A recent example:


    I have no hesitation to do so when I actually AM wrong.

    Please don't ask such annoying questions again directed at me, OK?

    I think you've reached your lifetime limit.

    On the view, I am only ASKING what is this view that I have clearly missed on scenic Pattaya Klang. I think it is silly for a person saying there is a view to not just bloody SAY what that view is.

    MMMMMM WOW !!!!!someome else got it wrong Surprise surprise

  12. On the issue of patient anxiety, this is a serious matter for this kind of surgery. I am not going to get into the blame game here, but one thing patients should demand is that their anxiety situation is being addressed properly.

    Yeah. Wheel out the Valium cart, man! BTW, I'll need a few extra for home recovery.

    Sorted. smile.png


    Is Valium legal here?

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    prostitution is not legal here

  13. Are you talking as a layperson or a medical professional here ??? or have you just gleaned your expertise from the 49+k post on Thai visa (which everyone knows makes a person an expert in every field known to man ).

    peace brother whistling.gif

    So now you're insulting me because I have a lot of posts? That's as disgusting as insulting people who have few posts. You already know I am not a medical professional. I have done a lot of research and yes I need cataract surgery but want to wait to use the femtosecond method. Cheers.

    One thing I am not 100 percent clear on:

    1. Is there something super extra special/unique about the high end multifocus lens that is used at BPH that is different than is available at many other places in the world?

    On the often needed secondary cataract laser procedure, it seems to me logically that would not be needed for people who have new lenses put in who didn't have the initial cataracts.

    I did not mean to be insulting....but you said to me that you would drop subject ..you have hijacked my post by taking it off on a tangent which I have noticed you have/do on numerous occasions All I wanted was feed back from people who have had the procedure done that is all ....not the pedantic s of whether it is Cataract surgery or not

  14. I do not need cataract surgery ..I am looking to have special lenses implanted so that I can throw away my vari focal glasses for once and forever..

    Yes I understand. In my view, this is overselling cataract surgery for people without cataracts. You don't have cataracts but you are talking about getting cataract surgery (removing your natural lens and replacing). I guess I have a conservative view on such things and think even low risk cataract surgery should be limited to those who actually NEED it. Obviously, this is up to you. I am suggesting -- think hard on that.

    On the pro side, if you live long enough, you are likely to develop cataracts anyway, so getting this surgery means you won't need cataract surgery later.

    One question I have which I am not informed enough to know about is if this cataract surgery for people without cataracts is being promoted in western countries. I haven't heard that it is.

    In Thailand, you can easily buy all kinds of procedures you don't really need, or aren't particularly sensible ...

    It's not Cataract surgery. Cataract is when your lens is clouding. And it's the most common cause of blindness in the world.

    This surgery is also done in about every other country. At least in all western countries

    I think it is exactly the SAME procedure as cataract surgery WITHOUT the compelling MEDICAL cause.

    Incision made, old lens sucked out, new lens implanted.

    Are you talking as a layperson or a medical professional here ??? or have you just gleaned your expertise from the 49+k post on Thai visa (which everyone knows makes a person an expert in every field known to man ).

    peace brother whistling.gif

  15. Cute, but I'm actually curious.

    If this is such a good idea, doing cataract surgery for those without cataracts, why isn't this happening all over the world?

    (Or is it. I don't know.)

    Also as far as I can tell "SuperSight Surgery" is simply MARKETING language to describe a cataract procedure and using really high quality multifocus lens replacements (which is an option for cataract surgery in general) targeting mostly those who don't have cataracts.

    I could be wrong about that, but that's my understanding.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    maybe so....

    the west is not the best example for everything in this screwed up world ..things we don't need are promoted by multi national companies in the hope of squeezing every last penny out of people for pure profit ..never mind if we need it or not ....

    may I suggest you do a bit more research . it's not my place to correct anyone ..

    I didn't actually want a debate I only asked for feedback from people who've already had the procedure

    thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gifthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif no offence is meant in this reply

  16. I do not need cataract surgery ..I am looking to have special lenses implanted so that I can throw away my vari focal glasses for once and forever..

    Yes I understand. In my view, this is overselling cataract surgery for people without cataracts. You don't have cataracts but you are talking about getting cataract surgery (removing your natural lens and replacing). I guess I have a conservative view on such things and think even low risk cataract surgery should be limited to those who actually NEED it. Obviously, this is up to you. I am suggesting -- think hard on that.

    On the pro side, if you live long enough, you are likely to develop cataracts anyway, so getting this surgery means you won't need cataract surgery later.

    One question I have which I am not informed enough to know about is if this cataract surgery for people without cataracts is being promoted in western countries. I haven't heard that it is.

    In Thailand, you can easily buy all kinds of procedures you don't really need, or aren't particularly sensible ...

    In Thailand, you can easily buy all kinds of procedures you don't really need, or aren't particularly sensible

    That's why there are so many Agogo's Bar beers and massage palours lol

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