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Posts posted by banglay

  1. 25 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    A voice from the jungle: our ToT office in the district town is never open on Saturdays :tongue:


    A phone number found on the ToT website for Ban Amphoe office:


    Tel. 038237555


    Can only find it in Thai language:



    ("banampeo" another "inventive" transcription :sleep:)


    I could not find information on opening hours.

    Thank you for taking the time and effect cheers

  2. Hello every one.


    Can anyone tell me this office is still open ???   and if so what days is it open  and the opening times too......and if anyone has the Ban Amphur office phone number I would appreciate you sharing it with me 

    The reason I ask is I went to the office this morning 28/10/17 at 08:45 hrs and the shutters where down ..


    Thanks in anticipation ...


  3. What people want to do in there spare Time is entirely up to them ...At least they are trying to assimilate and give something back to there adopted country .....To many bar stool bar flies like to  criticise  well meaning people because that is the  only way they can justify there meager existence and life's .... I respect people who want to help and make a difference ......just sitting on a bar stool drinking and being negative about everything(out of there narrow minded comfort zone)  does not make Thailand a richer place ..



  4. 23 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    Don't bust my balls; I've got a four year lifespan.

    "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate . Lady-boys walking hand in hand with  Arabs  in Pattaya  All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die".

  5. Blade Runner  is in my top 3 Movies ...But to be honest meeting up with a total stranger and sharing a bucket of pop corn in a darkened environment  scares the be juzus out of me .. But I will be going to see the movie ....but it'll be a Billy no mates experience for me  ...

  6. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    I bought some of the wire you describe in HomePro,up here in Chiang Mai,


    if you have a HomePro in Pattaya look there,in the section with ropes,chains.

    regards worgeordie

    HomePro have  just open a new Shop in Bang Saray just 2 km  from my home ..popped in and I bought what I think I need to make just one replacement cable ....if that works over the next few months I'll make and  replace all ....


    Thank for the tip off mucho apreciated

  7. Hello Everybody.


    I fancy a change of scenery  and was thinking of going to Bang Chang  for a night out on the "Strip".......Never been before so  can any body recommend the bars to visit and the bars to avoid and the reason why ?????  and a good place to eat too


    Plus I do not drink and drive so recommendations for a half descent hotel/guest house close to the strip would be nice to know too  with parking .


    Thank in advance 



  8. 11 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

    Without knowing what type of palm tree it is I suspect that if you go the herbicide route to kill the palm, the fronds will not drop off... they will simply wither, die, and dry out over time... making them harder to cut off later.


    It won't solve your bird nesting problem.


    It looks like this topic has morphed into a bird relocation problem... perhaps our members have some suggestions for that as it seems that the palm tree is not the primary issue.

    this palm ...the  frond die /dry and drop off in the wind  (dropped 3 today  )


  9. The reason I want to kill the palm leave and let  them  die and drop off slowly is that there is a colony of about 20+ small birds all nesting in the palm  .....this way it will give the birds a chance the relocate  and as the leafs slowly  drop off and they can find a new suitable home..it is the best option for the birds ..but not the palm tree 

  10. Hello All.


    I have a large Palm tree in my garden next to my swimming pool which I want fell ..... But before I cut it down I want to kill it ...so all the Palm leafs fall off before felling it ..this hopefully will cause less mess and debris when it finally comes down .


    Can anyone   recommend a a good chemical to do the job ????    I have already tried gallons of neat beach  and bags of copper sulphate to no avail. it is bloody indestructible


    Cheers in advance 

  11. Hello All .


    I need to replace the rear tyre on my Honda PCX..  can anyone give me a ball park figure to how much it will cost (in the Pattaya area) to fit  a new  Tyre and inner-tube ,also  how long will it take to fit???.........and any personal recommendation in the Pattaya/Ban Amphur/Bang Saray area would be appreciated .


    I thank you all in anticipation ....Cheers

  12. Khun Lek    Pattaya Real Estate and Consultants [email protected]  ...Pattaya Tai


    She handled my House purchase nearly 10 yrs ago  .and she still does my annual house audit...she speak very good English ..I highly recommend her ...

  13. Seeing it is a special occasion Bite the bullet .and buy the flowers she likes ... and a little white lie will not do any harm ..tell her they where on special offer ..  and maybe wear a condom next time it'll save you having to buy flower ...lol ...


    Ohh !! and congratulations .

  14. 1 hour ago, KittenKong said:

    Actually the free haircut offered in that place is no worse than many pay ones I have had here.


    40+ years and still looking for someone here who can use scissors rather than just dab at my head with electric clippers. In Manila there are literally hundreds of barbers who know how to cut hair properly and who never use power clippers at all.

    I can image that if you where around in the cave men era ....you'd have  been saying " why the hello do we need the wheel"

    and seeing the traffic congestion now in Pattaya you'd have been right again   lol

  15. 15 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Yes I do understand that workaround, but UK DVLC rules (technically) say that if you leave the UK to live in another country you must surrender your UK license and get one from your country of residence, the fact that most of us don't and that some of you use a UK accommodation address doesn't make it legal.


    FWIW I used to be really precious about my UK license but after 15 years I've come to realise that my Thai license is far more useful, it makes renting a car in the UK much much easier since there are no DVLC checks and every car rental agency accepts it without question. It also means I can buy an annual car insurance excess policy which costs about 35 Pounds and means I don't have to buy rental agency insurance products and that saves a lot of money.

    "I can buy an annual car insurance excess policy which costs about 35 Pounds".....  sounds/is very interesting can you tell me which company do you use and a  web link would be very handy in deed .. cheers 

  16. 3 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    The governement gateway option to renew a UK license has been around for years, I used it to renew my UK license over six years ago whilst living in Thailand (which is illegal by the way but hey).

    Not illegal if you are still linked/registered  to a UK address..   (but hey) 

  17. Hi ! folk ,.


    You can now renew your UK driving licence online  ..very very quick and efficient...... I registered and applied online on Tuesday (am) 16th May 2017   and the new driving licence arrived at a UK address on Friday (am)  19th May 2017  and is now being kindly forwarded to me by recorded airmail .


    At last a online service that actually delivers . see attached link below.  (just copy & paste)





  18. All the large DIY stores sell it as do most of the small Thai style hardware/builders merchants..


    Just download the photo I posted on TV onto your phone and show it to an assistant in the shop ..That always works for me ..

  19. 49 minutes ago, Oink said:

    We have just decided not to renew our Pest Control Contract as the little rays of sunshine "forgot" to turn up for three months.

    So I would like to do it myself as I have plenty of time on my hands.

    Can anyone suggest where I can obtain the necessary pesticide to put in my sprayer?




    IMG_20170504_123503.thumb.jpg.9eebefa5d755e8b45316838490aa64cd.jpgI have been using this  to spray inside and out side my home once a month for around 6 yrs ..and up to now has done the job . about 800 baht for the large bottle that lasts me about a years.


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