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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Look in a garbage can and you will find garbage......look in a flower shop and you'll find sweet smelling flowers .....it all depend where you look ....I believe that 99% of all Thai ladies are honest and true ......they are no different to anyone else on this planet....(not all apple are rotten in the barrel)

    AND do not let bitter and twisted bar stool pseudo Lothario's / Romeo's tell you any different.

  2. Have a look at this thread, you may find something there:


    Thanks, I'll check out BJ's tomorrow. The other one off Nern Plubwan (Pattaya Pet Resort) was closed and abandoned when I looked a few weeks ago.

    Just a word of warning ..I boarded my dog at BJ for 5 night ...and paid extra to have him shampooed before I picked him up ....Upon getting him home I spotted a tick on him ....so I gave him a thougher check of his entire body ...I removed more 12 ticks.....and a few days later he start to show the symptoms of Tick fever ..and nearly died .. for this reason I will never board him there again ..

    At the very least they should have noticed the ticks on his body when they shampooed him .

    Please be advised

    • Like 1
  3. Yes, definitely call Steve 086 - 083 91 40. Just had a few small windows & door done. Fast, reliable, friendly, cheap & perfect job.Nice and respectful staff, too.Rare occurrence to deal with good people/companies like Steve ('s) here in Thailand. Full recommendation without any cautions! BTW, he seems to do all of Thailand! Thanks Steve. MS>

    Hi ! can you give a rough size of the windows and door tinted and the price you paid ? ..I am interested in getting my main bedroom windows and patio doors do


    Ps if you not want to divulge the info on this forum can you message me please

  4. Don't bother trying to purchase them in Pattaya - you'll pay far too much.

    I would recommend http://gymware.com/index.php

    It's 84 baht/kg irrespective of plate size. Delivery from Bangkok is quite cheap and for what you're after it will be probably be about 200 baht.

    The owner is Shaggy and he provides very good customer service. I bought quite a bit from him a few months back, and I did buy 1 inch plates.

    They are not beautifully machined and chromed plates but they do the trick.

    "They are not beautifully machined and chromed plates but they do the trick" I always say it is not what the gym looks like it's how you look when you leave the gym that counts thumbsup.gif

  5. Hello ! Everyone .

    Looking to buy some more weight plates for a E-Z Curl Bar 1 inch....

    10 kgs x 2 (possible 4)

    5 kgs x 4

    Can any one please point me in the right direction to where I might find in the Pattaya area ??? and a rough ball park guide to what I should expect to pay

    I thank you all in anticipation


  6. check these Bar rats out and make up your own minds .....


    !..mature adult with safety in mind ?

    2..mature adults with a IQ of a amoeba who don't give a rats <deleted> about the well being of bike riders .

    I am going with number 2

    • Like 2
  7. the white mini vans are the way to go ..some stop at Sattahip and some carry on to Rayong just flag one down and ask not expensive

    Mini vans? Just flag one down on the sukhumvit? Sounds good any idea on rough price, don't want to be ripped as the gullible foreigner!!

    from Pattaya to bang Saray 30b so to Bang Chang maybe 50 or 60 B max

  8. In my humble opinion you can be as equally miserable and poor of fund in your home country as you can be in Thailand . If I was to pick ! I'd rather be here and miserable than in the **** up west with all its PC political Correctness garbage that we are constantly feed on and the elite classes telling you everything is the working mans fault and you have to pay more taxes .

  9. You might get better answers by posting on the Bang Saray forum. link below

  10. I would recommend a 5 stage reverse osmosis system and add a UV if you want to rely pure safe water ....and you can buy a TDS meter from Lazada for about 600 to 700 b .....

    My system has a reading of about 0..005 ppm (0.00 ppm being distilled water ) ...I have 2 TDS meter ( I was paranoid when I first started filtering my own water )......I have also tested several shop bought bottled waters with my TDS meter to compare and non tested close to the water quality from my RO system .

    http://www.waterfiltersonline.com/tds-sources.asp this site is very useful and there is a test calculation for telling you when you need to change your filters in your unit

  11. I Bought a reverse osmosis filter system and a TDS meter to check the water quality .. my weekly tds reading are averaging 0.009 (ppm) ..distilled water is 0.00 ppm ........I have also tested various bottled waters and non match the quality I am getting through my RO filter ....at least I know the quality and purity of my water and I am not relying n a 300 baht per day hungover worker to clean the used water containers and refill ...and there is no guarantee that the fillers are changed regularly ...it is a lottery ..I much prefer to trust myself ..

    My problem with home systems is that no matter how good they are my condo building water still comes out of two tanks: a big concrete holder tank in the car park and an even bigger one on the roof of my building. Both contain the most disgusting things (I've looked in them) and get cleaned regularly every February 30th.

    If I lived in a house and my water came directly from the town supply then I would indeed consider a home filter system. Even if I had my own tank that I could maintain properly I would consider it also. But as things are I have to rely on the bottling company getting their water fresh from the tap before filtering it, which I think (hope) is the case.

    I Think you will find that the bottled water you buy is filtered by a RO filter system I very much doubt that is is distilled which is the only way to guarantee 100% quality pure .....you are totally buying blind and at the mercy of the water bottle company being reputable ....I have seen how these bottling plants work and that was one of the main reasons I decided to filter my own drinking water.. "better the devil you know"

  12. I Bought a reverse osmosis filter system and a TDS meter to check the water quality .. my weekly tds reading are averaging 0.009 (ppm) ..distilled water is 0.00 ppm ........I have also tested various bottled waters and non match the quality I am getting through my RO filter ....at least I know the quality and purity of my water and I am not relying n a 300 baht per day hungover worker to clean the used water containers and refill ...and there is no guarantee that the fillers are changed regularly ...it is a lottery ..I much prefer to trust myself ..

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