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Posts posted by banglay

  1. 36 minutes ago, i claudius said:

    My computer is in my computer room upstairs , can you advise me where to get a 50ft hdmi cable please :thumbsup:

    You can buy a WIFI (wireless) HDMI dongle   from Lazada for around 500b   that should do the trick 

  2. The way to get around the BBC knowing you are using a VPN  ..   is first open another UK site (can be any site)and  then turn on Hola too the UK VPN ..... after that s up and running  you can open BBC   Iplayer   that way you are all ready in the UK on the VPN ......and the BBC can not detect the VPN turning which is how they block you .

  3. Download  this from the internet   http://hola.org/       it is a free VPN      then hook up  your PC to your TV using a HDMI cable   and you can watch  world TV to your hearts content .


    As long has you have a reasonable internet speed you should have little to no problem  .... 



  4. Hello Everybody..


    Can anyone please advise me what I should be looking to pay for a set of new tyre's for a Mitsu Triton ( 245/70 R16.).    I just need good quality but not the best I only do about  6500 km per year and mainly just short drives. 


    I have noticed after  8 YEARS they are NOW showing signs of sun damage so better replace now than wish I had ......


    And recommendations of a where to buy and get fitted would be gratefully appreciated too 


    Mods please leave in the Pattaya forum as I want to buy in the Pattaya area 

  5. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    I was looking at the gammon products on TGFC's website. They have whole cooked gammon at 449 baht/kilo and also have honey roast at 485 baht/kilo. How much do Yorkies charge?

    Sorry NL  ,I do not know the price of Yorkies COOKED Gammon joints ....I buy uncooked and cook it my self ...far better flavour.

    May I suggest give Yorkies a call and ask them      http://www.yorkies-pattaya.com

  6. I usually  pre order a  gammon joint from Yorkies by phone a couple of days before I need it.. always good quality .......I honey glaze my own too every year I do not know why more people do not ..it is so simple ..and the end product is mouth wateringly tasty 

  7. Hi everyone .


    I am looking to treat myself to a good quality bottle of Port for Christmas can anyone point me in the right direction within the Pattaya area where I might find one .I do not mind paying for a good quality Port  but 5000 baht is my limit .

    I am also in the market for a really good quality Mature Cheddar that can compliment the port  ( I am not a Stilton man).. and maybe some Carr's High bake crackers.


    Thank in anticipation    oh ! oH ! OH!! :burp:

  8. clubproteinonline.com

    I buy all my gear from here great fast service .........if ordered and proof of payment my mid day ..it is delivered the very next day .... I am a regular customer and very happy with there products supplied

    Do they deliver all over Thailand?

    I believe so ...but just check there web site ...and send a message to khun Korn on the site to confirm.....the company is not based in Pattaya but somewhere near BKK

  9. clubproteinonline.com

    I buy all my gear from here great fast service .........if ordered and proof of payment my mid day ..it is delivered the very next day .... I am a regular customer and very happy with there products supplied

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