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Everything posted by oldestswinger

  1. It's always seemed strange to me that there is no branch at the government complex in view of the bank's largest shareholder.
  2. I also did not receive a reminder for the latest 90 days.
  3. I lived in Nonthaburi until recently. When I went there for a residency certificate for a driver's licence, I was told that the regulation was that I would have to get it from my embassy because I was over 70. I told them that I had not heard of it and asked them to show me the regulation. They could not do so and then supplied me with the certificate.
  4. Yes, it is if you live in Thailand. At the very least, you pay VAT on most things that you buy.
  5. It's about time that the minister in charge of the Immigration Department set out in stone the exact requirements for visas and renewals and emphasised that individual offices cannot make up their own requirements.
  6. I have a Thai driving licence and got an IDP at Nonthaburi by simply showing my driving licence and passport (which has the Immigration Dept notification attached.
  7. Indeed not. They should not shower - preferably for a month - before they break the law.
  8. Is there no scenario that Thais won't use to screw Farang?
  9. Prayuth still full of himself. Pathetic individual and a laughing stock worldwide.
  10. This is hogwash. I believe that Resonance is one of those companies which finds good things to say about its clients.
  11. Vetiver grass, obtainable from your local government agricultural office.
  12. Contact The Mirror Foundation, Soi Vibhavadi-Rangsit 62. Tel. 0619091840
  13. It's typical of what Thai officialdom - and this government in particular - do. Announce things without thinking through all the possible problems and consequences. Not a gram of brain to be seen anywhere, especially for the PM.
  14. That's what I was once told by a songtaew owner.
  15. Hasn't he heard of caveat emptor? Any sane person buying a second-hand car for that sort of money would have had an engineer's report made on it.
  16. Why do they make up these false claims? Even with the first intake of Chinese a few days ago, tourism won't get back to pre-Covid days for a long, long time - if ever.
  17. A public holiday for civil servants? Gives them time to spend the contents of their brown envelopes.
  18. Mediation, not meditation. In other words, mediation in favour of the party with the fattest brown envelope.
  19. Not quite true as he wears 2 hats. he's also Mr. Flip Flop.
  20. Thought he was a left winger.
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