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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. The travel forum mostly, and a distant second the Arsenal topic notwithstanding the fact that it's regularly invaded by some spuds fans.tongue.png

    General is more an annoyance than a pleasure lately.


    We've signed Adebayor now as well....more to come too....stay tuned yermanee! biggrin.png

    Another Arsenal, ManC and Madrid reject.

    Wait till he starts raiding your barracks !!!!laugh.png


  2. Just a personal issue, I find it repulsive - If it doesn't bother you so be it

    That the crux of this whole thread isn't it. YOU find it repulsive, so your kids have to feel the same.

    Thank god my parents (ages ago) weren't so narrow-minded.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Don't know how you came to that conclusion as I'm not homophobic. My child is free to make her own decisions as to what is acceptable or not. I have not discussed with her the rights/wrongs of male/female prostitution, never been bought up in conversation, nor would I expose her to it . But as a parent, if I was asked, I would present my view that it's not exactly the best lifestyle - again if it's fine by you...

    - Just a personal issue, I find it repulsive. - that's what you said isn't it?

    I rest my case.


  3. You stated that you always fly business class, so what's the problem ?

    Business class = fast track immigration.


    How does business class guarantee fast track? You get off the airplane, walk the usual 1/2 mile and then what when you get to the immigration line? Is it labeled "Fast Track"? I never noticed a sign or line for that. All I saw was Thai or Foreigner signs.


    There are at least 2 fast track points at Swampy. Because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Upon check-in one gets a voucher for this service. On arriving these vouchers are distributed by the crew.

    All this for business class of all reputable airlines at Swampy.


  4. Gone: How did you find your caregiver (leading question whistling.gif )?

    I'm not Gone but I married mine over 20 years ago. Never regretted it.

    All joking aside I think one of the local government hospitals would know of a few.


    p.s. read my signature.

  5. I'm happy to see you buying mid table mediocrity too.

    Long may it continue! biggrin.png


    Time will tell but Im hoping that Podolski and Giroud are just very good buys, not mediocre as 12 million quid apiece would suggest. I would agree that Gervinho turned out to be mediocre at 12m though.

    I think we haven't seen the best of Gervinho yet. How many years before Walcott began to become more than an occasional impact player ?


  6. Not much point in ranting about RvP's personal characteristics Yermanee, other than to bemoan the generality of hired guns in football. After all Koln and Montpelier will feel just as aggrieved towards Podolski and Giroud - our two new hired guns - and money-bags Arsenalwink.png .

    I think you misunderstood me, must be my English.

    I don't think I'm ranting about RVP in person, nor about players going for the money instead of for loyalty to a team.

    I'm ranting about the fact that they all come up with the same lame excuses i.e. " I love the club and the supporters but I'm leaving for trophies " and the media is all to keen on jumping on their statements to prove once again that Wenger got it wrong again.

    If these trophy hunters just had the honesty to say their going for a better deal money-wise.

    In 20 years time nobody is going to remember these trophies (if they get any) but many are going to remember they betrayed the club.

    I don't know how many games RVP played for Arsenal where he made a difference, but I sure know that Arsenal made a big difference in his career, nursing him through 7 seasons with one injury after the other, giving him the best possible medical care and meanwhile paying him a fortune compared to many - many others and then stating he gave his all for the club that he's leaving just as his form is peaking.

    Nevertheless I wish him well but I don't think he will ever get a statue at the Emirates.

    Rant over.


  7. Thanks for all the imformation, as there will be 4 of us and 2 with large luggage, motorcycles and mini vans might not be the prefered form of transport, so maybe a coach or taxi from BKK is the one to look into.

    You can book a van (minibus) here at very reasonable price : http://www.thelimopattaya.com/index.php?lay=show&ac=article&Id=561301

    Very reliable. Have used them for many years (trips) now as do my friends.


  8. So RVP does not renew his contract. Good luck to him he’ll need it.

    And the British tabloids will be having a field day.

    Anyway that’s what modern sports have become. Money, money.... decadence…..etc….bah.gif .

    Whatever happened to loyalty, camaraderie, team spirit?

    Anyway just read the following on “ untold arsenal ” by Phil Gregory and wholeheartedly agree with him, just thought I would share :

    “A big name or big money signing to replace Robin is of no interest to me, by the way. Transfer fee has no relation to quality, neither does reputation. Let’s judge whoever Wenger brings in to replace Robin on their merits, rather than some preconceived notion based on some plonker in the paper’s view and what we’ve seen on youtube.”

    Yermanee wai.gif

  9. My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

    That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

    Try again.

    How do you know what other people lives are like ?

    maybe he lives like a king already and has everything he could possibly want

    Ive lived in 16 countries and holidayed through many more

    dont feel the need to travel right now

    is that satisfactory enough for you ?

    Blimey, somebody's bit. Calm down love.

    No, you calm down.

    Why do you believe that your lifestyle is the only one worth living?

    Yermanee wai.gif

    • Like 1
  10. http://maps.google.c...F-8&sa=N&tab=wl

    I would be really interested to know if I am wrong

    You are wrong.

    Open your map.

    Enlarge it.

    Drag the route from Saraburi to Kabinburi (Easterly from Saraburi).

    That's the route to take.

    Less traffic and shorter.

    Google maps are not always correct. Their time schedule is probably based on route 331 being a 2 lane road years ago. It is now a proper highway.

    I don't drive a Ferrari but my Vios takes me there as I said in 5 to 6 hours.

    Have done it about 20 times, and my best friend who lives there does it in the same time with his Toyota Sportrider, when he comes to Pattaya.




  11. Contrary to lonewolf99 it takes about 5 to maximum 6 hours.

    As Craig mentioned the trip through the mountainous Khao Yai park can be a pain in the a??.

    For the rest it's about 500 km, with indeed a couple of speed checks in the Korat area.

    For your itinerary write down the road numbers you have to follow, and Khon Kaen signs all the way after you cleared the mountains.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  12. have been thinking of using them in December for my daughters wedding in Krefeld, wanted to go to FRA, then to the wedding, then returning from Dusseldorf, all in around 30,000, and Aeroflot have the Rail and Fly thing with DB.

    Well my friend can have been unlucky, but I won't be advising people to use aeroflot until I heard the full story, which won't be for another 3 months before his return.

    Anyway good luck and congratulations with the marriage of your daughter.


  13. Try Aeroflot, you will find they are a lot cheaper than some of the others.

    Note - Just checked return is gonna cost 1600USD. One way to London would have been 415USD, the return is gonna be the hard thing for you.

    Air India London to BKK is coming in as 532GBP one way.

    I also recommended Aeroflot to a friend who only cares about the price of a ticket and can endure hardships as long as the price is right(he's still a young guy).

    He mailed immediately after his flight " Never again " and has cancelled his return flight, so it must have been pretty awful.


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