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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. Why not try Agoda

    They are offering up to 75% off some hotel rates and internet booking is always cheaper then walk in bookings

    Try http://www.agoda.com/?site_id=1445890

    Can you name me 1 (one) example of an Agoda hotel rate that is 75 % cheaper than anywhere else ?

    A very hollow claim to say the least.


    I think you misread the post. It said "up to 75% off some hotel rates"...not "75% cheaper than anywhere else". A claim that I am sure is true.

    Oh yes, sorry I forgot. Agoda is a ThaiVisa partner.

    Anyway in my book a company that hides the real price of what you have to pay till the last moment, is using misleading tactics, and that's true for nearly all of these booking sides.

    At least at Sawadee dot com you only have to scroll over the price to see how much you really have to pay i.e. taxes and service charge added.

    Permit me to not like these commercial practices designed to lure customers.


  2. Make sure you stay on the bus and get off at the separate biz terminal for the lounge at Doha. Great airline....after Thai you're in for a treat! :)

    i guess the staff would be able to point me in the right direction.

    would it be a separate business class shuttle bus, so it will go directly there?

    thanks for all replies.

    Not really, the bus will have premium and economy class passengers on board. The bus stops 1st at the normal terminal, and then proceeds towards the premium class separate building.

    Normally the bus driver informs the passengers, but on more than one occasion I've noticed they didn't. If uncertain just ask.

    Anyway you're in for a treat at Doha.



  3. cheers guys

    Im quite sure its not bedbugs or ants. I reckon its fleas as I think I see things jumping but sometimes put it down to imagination. Any suggestions how to get rid of them..? There are no sprays anywhere. If Im wearing clothes these buggers seem to penetrate them. If Im not I still get bitten.

    They bite all over the body and its like an itch sometimes.

    As for the sand fleas they bit me outside of a restaraunt once when I was with my friend, in Chiang Mai lol.

    As Im writing this my fingers are getting itchy, gotta do something about this soon

    It isn't your imagination, you've got fleas alright.

    Do you have any pets? Rodent problems?

    In any case you should be able to find the right stuff in the pet shop.

    lol ok

    But I cant find a flea spray anywhere! I have no pets and the place is 1 year old.

    The pet shop is a good idea but I guess they only sell flea spray for the species that live on pets. What about all the other species...?

    I literally have looked everywhere.

    Rentokil might be the solution to all your problems.

    They come and spray everything, you must vacate for a couple of hours though.


  4. So apparently it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

    Hi Mark,

    This brought back some nice memories. " Moonlight Gambler " by Frankie Lane isn't it ?

    Anyway keep it going, you seem to be one of the few that have real grasp of the things (mostly small things) that make Thailand so fascinating.


  5. Mildly interesting that the only country that is facing this 'problem' is the USA. (Yeah Yeah, Russia too....) So is also mildly interesting that any other country in the world would consider using them.

    Makes one wonder how many countries have been targets of TERRORISTS, and how many 'attacks' have been averted by the use of these full body scanners. Two?

    Or how many will be in the future.

    Or who is going to profit by the use of this 'service to the air traveler'.

    Nah. not interesting.


    You know that ban on liquids? It was not imposed by US authorities. It came about because in 2006 UK authorities detained 8 British men who planned to detonate bombs aboard airliners bound for the US and Canada. They targeted United Airlines, American Airlines (code sharing with BA) and Air Canada flights at the height of the summer holiday. 7 flights from LHR to Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Toronto and Montreal were targeted. The flights would have all departed within three hours from London on any given afternoon and been in the air simultaneously. Each would have carried between 240 and 285 people.The suspects hoped to smuggle hydrogen peroxide explosives on board, disguised as soft drinks or mouthwash by using empty bottles and adding food dye to the mixture. The explosives would then be assembled and detonated in mid-flight.

    Look at the trial reports. I don't think these events are "false flag" events. Rringleader Abdulla Ahmed Ali got a minimum of 40 years. Accomplices Assad Sarwar and Tanvir Hussain were given life sentences. Mr Justice Henriques said: "The intention was to perpetrate a terrorist outrage that would stand alongside the events of September 11, 2001 in history" and "I'm satisfied that there is every likelihood that this plot would have succeeded but for the intervention of the police and the security service,"

    The targets may have included some American aircraft, but the 3 flights were Canadian, and the AA flight was a BA codeshare. Passengers included multiple nationalities. The scanners and pat downs would not have stopped the plot then, but they would now if someone tried to sneak liquids on.

    Many countries are under attack by terrorists around the world. In case you didn't know Somali separtists have declared a jihad on Uganda and Kenya For example, according to the Australian government travel advisory; Foreign embassies, hotels and commercial airlines in Kenya have been targeted by terrorists in the past and remain potential targets. The terrorists have already struck in these countries. Many of the Gulf state airlines are also targeted by various terrorist groups since these groups want to overthrow the governments. Qatar, Emirates and others fly in to Thailand. If there has not been an attack to date, it is because those airlines have acted effectively to thwart the attacks. The world is filled with sick people who have no problem making things go boom.


    People should stop blaming their governments. Blame the terrorists !!!

    Oh and racial profiling is happening already albeit on a small scale.

    Imagine the outrage of civil rights groups if it become common practice.

    I have no problem whatsoever with any (and I do mean any) security measure at airports, because I value my life.


  6. So the OP wants a change of scenery.

    No matter what the reasons, it's up to him.

    What I don't understand is the reason to post this on a forum where you know you're going to get a lot of flack.

    And for some of the posters here, have you any idea how racist, biased, opinionated you sound?

    Just my 2 pfennig.


  7. I have had may similar experiences during my many years here in Thailand, and I hate it with a vengeance.

    If this happens in I shop when I ask information about a product I want to purchase, I just turn around and go elsewhere.

    For the other experiences where I need the information pigeon English is a blessing.


  8. Most other managers don't have touchline tantrums everytime one of his players gets a "touch' and yet for some reason fails to see 90% of his own players' indiscretions. What manager perpetually bleats on about in press conferences? What manager managed one of the teams with the worst disciplinary records in the history of the premier league?

    Hypocritical French ponce.

    Wow, no need to get all worked up over a football manager there Carmine.

    You don't like the man, fair enough, but there are people around that pay attention to what he says, and not only Arsenal fans I might add.

    And I do think that him being French has a lot to do with the resentment shown towards him especially in the media.

    Please let's not turn this topic into a handbag slinging match.

    You don't like him, I do and let's leave it at that.


  9. Sounds like Barton, thing is on the whole i wouldnt say the player is dirty just every now and then he does stupid things but as its Barton with his reputation it gets highlighted.

    Wenger has a point about teams intent on roughing up the opposition instead of playing football, but he's always been a hypocrite when his players do it so it ruins his argument.

    Name me one (1) manager who condemns his own players for foul play in the BPL.

    So are they all hypocrites or only the French ones ? :blink:


    p.s. Wenger did say that Wilshere deserved his red card didn't he ?

  10. Notwithstanding the negativity against Arsenal, we are in the last 8 for the eight year in a row.

    This year against BPL teams away I might add, guess who? :whistling:

    Not bad for a team that rotates so many players in this competition.

    Manure next no problem. Our Mexican against theirs, might be interesting.

    BTW Mig16 not 16 the score was 0 - 4 :jap::rolleyes::jap:


  11. If you are going to Southern Buriram, A really pleasant way to go is :: Take Viphadi Rangsit Highway to the Nakhon Nayok turnoff .Go through Nakhon Nayok, Kabin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Turn LEFT at the traffic lights AT Wattana Nakhon And follow that road through Nong Din Daeng.If going to Somewhere near Nang Rong ,take Pa Kham road. If going more to the East ,,go via Lahansai.To Ban Kruat. Just stop, whenever you see something you might like to explore. This route has much less traffic , so is a much more enjoyable way to go.


    Thanks for the replies. I believe it is near Muang Buri Ram where we are going to, i dont know if that helps you? It certainly does not help me lol.

    Well, i think it will be an intresting drive anyway :)

    Muang means the town itself.


  12. what language is that menu supposed to be in?

    I was about to call you a moaner, but after reading the menu.............what's an oignon?

    It must be English from a Frenchman who's first language isn't English.

    Usually, I'm not bothered about how languages are being used, as long as people do understand each other, but this is just a case of language-abuse.

    At least he tried. BTW do you speak French when in France ?:whistling:


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