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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. [

    after 3 years , in activity , you will certainly loose your priveleges ,

    FFP ,,,,,,,,,, frequent fliers priveleges

    hope this info helps

    qatar , simly the best , i have regular upgrades off them.

    As I said I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that qmiles are valid for 5 years, so my guess is that your membership stays valid for the same period of time.:unsure:

    Agree that Qatar is the best :jap:


  2. Maybe things have changed since I first (and last) took a Qatar flight from MAN to BKK. I think that was three years ago. I had joined their FF club online and expected 30kg. allowance. I was told at check in that I needed to be at a higher level (after something like 4 sectors MAN-BKK) to get the extra 10kg. and was charged something like 50GBP after haggling. I now have the Privilege Card. Can I expect to get 10kg. extra next time I fly with them?

    Once you have a membership (validated after first flights) account you are in the system..

    You could also contact their FFP program on their website to ask the question, because I'm not entirely sure you're still in it after 3 years inactivity.


  3. When do you get the extra baggage allowance then? I am a member of their FFP.

    After your first flight you receive your card and rule book.

    Once you have these means you're in the system and get the extra baggage allowance.

    If you have your card already then you have 30 Kgs.


  4. thanks for the info everyone. Qatar are quoting me 64510baht for 2pax, just a little more expensive than Lufthansa but the baggage is the main area of concern as going with the wife!!!!!!!!, 23kg with Qatar, 20kg with Lufthansa.

    Join their FFP program for an additional 10 Kgs each.


  5. Have been living in Thailand for nearly 24 years now.

    Have seen the reputation of us " farangs" seen plummeting ever since.

    OP did get of without having to pay a fine whilst being on the wrong side of the law for 2 instances, i.e. no driving license and driving shirtless. .

    Still he finds reason to try and ridicule Thai society.

    What more can I say ?


  6. AOT provides good service. As others have mentioned, there is a counter right by baggage claim prior to customs. They will try and steer you into the most expensive car. If you are telling them that you want the cheapest car, they will adjust accordingly. Sorry, but I cannot help with the price to Pattaya as I have never used them to there. I have used a hotel car in the other direction (Pattaya - airport) and it was also about 2500 baht.

    Hi there,

    Pattaya to airport and vice versa I always use these : http://www.thelimopattaya.com/

    Ask for driver " Bonne" drives a new Toyota Camry.

    Hope to have helped


    Thanks Yermanee! I will have to try them out the next time. Do you remember the approximation price?

    You're welcome,

    It's on the website. Car 1.200,- Van 2.000,- Baht (plus generous tip for the driver). Including gas and tollway.

    No need to pay up front, just pay the driver.

    Good luck !


  7. AOT provides good service. As others have mentioned, there is a counter right by baggage claim prior to customs. They will try and steer you into the most expensive car. If you are telling them that you want the cheapest car, they will adjust accordingly. Sorry, but I cannot help with the price to Pattaya as I have never used them to there. I have used a hotel car in the other direction (Pattaya - airport) and it was also about 2500 baht.

    Hi there,

    Pattaya to airport and vice versa I always use these : http://www.thelimopattaya.com/

    Ask for driver " Bonne" drives a new Toyota Camry.

    Hope to have helped


  8. OK thank you guys,

    I found what I was looking for on airliners.net

    Thanks again


    You could also go to http://www.planespot.../Qatar-Airways. Its a very detailed site, regularly updated with current and historical fleet details, aircraft ages, delivery dates, configurations, previous registration if any, who its leased from if not owned by the airline, and lots of pictures.

    The home page has an index for just about any major airline anywhere.

    That planespotters site is superb... thank you for that find!!! :clap2:

    Thanks. Glad you like it. I check out the Qatar page regularly as I awlays fly with them.

    That's the one I use to check the seating configuration. However you have to know which aircraft hence my topic question

    What's also a very interesting site is flightradar24.com where if your lucky you can find a lot of information about flights with the flight number. For Qatar airways flights you have to use the QTR designation and not the QR.

    Thanks anyway


  9. In Thailand, even after people KNOW you aren't a tourist, we are still subject to racial variant policies at many places. Why be ostriches about something so obvious?

    Well then your experiences are different too mine, let's leave at that shall we.

    I don't have any reason at all to feel victimized here in Thailand, doesn't mean I willingly pay to much for something.


  10. Fact is that white people stand out here in Thailand, and not in Europe, North-America, Australia etc.

    So they are easily identified as foreigners and most possibly tourists, that's why it might be perceived as racism if they get treated differently, but it isn't !

    Japanese, Taiwanese and other asian tourists get treated exactly the same way as any other tourist.


    But it is. Look up the definition of racism. Any different treatment based on race in racism. It doesn't have to be lynching. If a person is assumed to be a tourist ripe for picking based on skin color even if they have lived here for 30 years, it is a kind of racism. Asians in the US have a similar problem. They could be fifth generation and a lot of Americans will still see them initially as some kind of foreign.

    Well you more or less prove my point, but let's agree to disagree.

    Tourists are targets in every country.


  11. Fact is that white people stand out here in Thailand, and not in Europe, North-America, Australia etc.

    So they are easily identified as foreigners and most possibly tourists, that's why it might be perceived as racism if they get treated differently, but it isn't !

    Japanese, Taiwanese and other asian tourists get treated exactly the same way as any other tourist.


  12. I have just read a post about the touts in the baggage reclaim area - groan!!!

    I really dont want any hassle and just want to book the AOT limo service. Thai air are providing a wheelchair service to to get on and off the plane so I guess I will be at the mercy of the guy pushing the wheelchair???

    If anyone has picked up the AOT limo to Pattaya recently and could give me a simple 'template' of where the desk is etc... it would be much appreciated...

    thanks in advance...

    Look here, all the info you need : http://www.suvarnabhumiairport.com/to_from_limousine_en.php

    Hope to have helped.


  13. Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

    A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

    In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

    Yes you did, but got away with it.

    Your and OP's attitude are exactly like mine.

    Too many members of this forum are too busy looking for obstacles, and neglect some of the magic this country and it's people have to offer.

    And IMHO overpricing has nothing to do with racism but all with profit enhancing which is a common practice all over the world, especially where tourist's are concerned.

    But that's just me.


    Not in any country l've been too.. Your saying if you go on holiday expect to pay more than the locals but those same locals can go to your country they pay the same. Nothing to do with what the country offers, my country has lots to offer but we pay the same.

    Not the racist card but tell me, how does a Thai know when to over charge. ? :rolleyes:

    When l go in town in Ubon to play snooker , l don't get charged a different rate, in fact l get looked after cos l have a bit of fun and try and talk to the staff. Being ripped off or overcharged is an insult to you what ever you may THINK to justify it.. ;)

    Read my post again please.

    Where did I say I condoned overpricing or tried to justify it ?


  14. I would be grateful, if someone could point me to a website where I could find out which aircraft is being used on which flight.

    Like f.e. QR941 is aircraft A7-AE1.

    This to find out which configuration the said aircraft has regarding seating, i.o. to be able to find the best seat at booking.

    Some airlines have on their same type of aircraft different seating arrangements.

    If I know the registration number I can find out the rest easily.

    Thanks beforehand


  15. Did I really spell fleece wrong? :o

    A lot of guys come here because they can get away with things that they can't get away with back home. :whistling: Then when the locals try to get away with something, they get all self-righteous. This is the wild west son, and the freedom to cheat is one of the attractions, but that freedom applies to the locals too.

    In Hawaii we flees the Haole and Japanese tourists, every chance we get. Locals get a Kamaaina rate for simply being local. National Parks in the US also have a 'special' rate for locals. Why do we do it? Because we can. Very basic business practice of charging what the market will bare. If you don't like it don't pay, but don't whine about it so much. ;)

    Yes you did, but got away with it.

    Your and OP's attitude are exactly like mine.

    Too many members of this forum are too busy looking for obstacles, and neglect some of the magic this country and it's people have to offer.

    And IMHO overpricing has nothing to do with racism but all with profit enhancing which is a common practice all over the world, especially where tourist's are concerned.

    But that's just me.


  16. If there are more Russians and fewer Brits, for example, why is that a bad thing? If you crave Brits or Americans, there's plenty of them in UK or the USA. Coming to Thailand seeking their company seems a little odd.

    As to mass exoduses, everytime the wind shifts (or the baht exchange rate changes or there's some political noise from red or yellow shirts or there's a coup or they change the times the bars can stay open or they enforce visa regulations or some new flu strain emerges or there's a curfew or ...) all the Chicken Littles announce the end is nigh, everyone is leaving, that's the last nail in the coffin ...

    Judging from conversations overheard in the elevator/lift in my building I'd say there are more Germans than before, a fair number more permanent resident Thais, a smattering of French speakers and some more who appear to be Scandinavian and a few people from the Middle East. None of them has attempted to impose his/her culture on me.

    Once again applying a Yogi Berra quote to Pattaya, "No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded."

    Congratulations you hit the nail on the head.

    Couldn't have said it any better !!


  17. Maybe something local?

    Maybe just SOMEONE local, which is well planning in advance, and knows that getting all those scratchs from the plants while climbing the external wall with all the OP items he just stole, might bring up some unwelcome questions and maybe make him loose a bit of face, not that the would be thief is ever going to be arrested or even remotely worried about such an almost impossible event....

    lol !

    Except for that, in my many many years of being here I learned that Thai's have a tendency to explain personal dislikes as being local superstitions, to avoid confrontation, since they truly believe we don't know anyway.:rolleyes:


  18. Thank you for your response !

    I think we have already the stuff done and a court paper that the father has no rights (he wanted money that time).

    The child wants to be adopted as I take care about 10 years already and sees me as father :), therfor I don't worry about "child support" as I support and love the child a long time already.

    Thanks for the warning.

    The child I want to adopt has 2 half sisters which are my own daughters.

    We are all IN Germany and I have no clue where to start the whole thing.


    A former friend of mine did exactly the same, and as I recall it was all done in Germany, except for some documents like birth certificate etc.

    Unfortunately since then that friend has passed away so impossible to get more info.


  19. I only used the long term car park once and vowed never to do it again, it's a fair way from the terminals and the shuttle bus to the airport is not dedicated for the car park but you have to use a bus that the people who work at the airport use, the long term car park is one one the stops. Getting back to the car park was nightmare, there was no information available and, as I recall, I had to change buses. My experience was a couple of years ago, so it may have got better.

    Noting the prices on the link helpfully supplied by "yermanee" there isn't too much of a difference in the daily rates between the on-site and long term car parks, so in the unlikely event I needed to leave my car there I would probably plump for the on-site car park.


    What's not clear on the airport's website, is that officially ( :whistling: ) there's a 21 days maximum in place.

    Like everything here, bakshish helps to avoid this.


    p.s. I tried the long term car park once in the rainy season. Like you said NEVER again!!!

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