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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. This is what I think and I'm entitled to my own opinion.

    There are no serial killer on this island.

    We have two murders and the suspects has been arrested. They are Burmese and the trial is coming up soon.

    All the other incidents on the island recently are related to suicide, accidents and now this girl tragic death.

    Yesterday a man was found drowned in Jomtien beach. It's high season and many tourists around , every week we will hear about trragi deaths, not only on Koh Tao.

    This is my opinion, now please continue to speculate all you want about a possible serial killer.

    A couple of months ago I would have completely agreed with you, but now considering there have been 7 young tourist deaths (or more, I am losing count) since last September and now another young tourist gone missing last seen on the Island, has to be classified as extraordinary. I am not speculating on these deaths and disappearances one way or another, but alarm bells have begun ringing in my mind that tells me all is not well there, there are forces at work, whatever they are, that is causing people to die on that Island. It`s like a who done it or what`s causing it horror movie, only this is for real.

    It could be simply that young tourists are going to the extremes with drugs and alcohol, living dangerously, or at the moment could be anyone`s guess, I don`t claim to know more than anyone else. But whatever people are demanded some convincing answers without the mystery aspect.

  2. TVF seems to have a lot of junkies. Maybe explains some of the more outlandish and paranoid posts.

    Concerned posts, missing girl on Koh Tao another link http://phuketwan.com/tourism/phuketwatch-british-tourist-missing-koh-tao-japan-back-thai-rail-link-baggage-horror-flight-21784/

    She is, Lauren Hebden 27 years old.

    I found her facebook page. It says she is a scuba diving instructor for Mojo Divers on the Island and other reports say she is a backpacker. She disappeared around last September and an apparent last email was received from her last month from the Island, never been seen or heard of her since.

    The story is now beginning to hit the International headlines, here we go again. If she is never found then we have another mystery pertaining to that Island. This is becoming like a horror movie only for real.


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  3. I should have been dead years ago if that mix kills . . . . facepalm.gif .

    You're lucky and have a rigid constitution then. A casual friend of mine died through that combination.

    He drank a lot of booze, was an alcoholic (were're talking heavy liquor first thing in the morning).

    He went on a heavy night binge. Woke up just after dawn. Took a cold shower, popped some valium to get back to sleep, never woke up again. The combination slows your heart down to the point it fails to beat.

    This happened on Koh Tao and he used to own a bar on the beach at Sairee.

    True, but what you are saying goes against the grain with the crackpot conspiracy fanantics and you have probably done yourself out of 50 likes for your post.

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  4. One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

    I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

    While I bow to your police experience, their is potential he could suffer life threatening injuries due to a seizure related occurrence, particularly if it occurred somewhere like a bathroom with hard and sharp objects to fall against.

    Sorry but no. Anyone that has different opinions to siampolee regarding these cases he considers as an apologist creep, plus he considers the Thai police and anyone that has connections with the Thai police as something to be ashamed of and a load of crap.

    Perhaps Thailand should hire the services of ex Inspector siampolee of the Yard to show them how criminal investigations should really be done?

  5. Beetlejuice post # 11

    Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

    Read that which was in the O.P and that which was in my post Extensive head injuries.

    Just stop being an apologist creep of the week for the Thai police farce force in which you so proudly proclaim your sons serve in.

    Do you actually live in Thailand? If you do then why stay in a country where you feel there are no freedoms and everything is a conspiracy and a cover up? What actually keeps you and others with the same opinions in Thailand? Because I am assure you that if you left, you would not be missed, better for you, better for us here.

  6. And the mysterious and unexplained deaths just keep coming.

    Must say that, yes, it seems that way, BUT:

    I am wondering how many farang deaths of those who were staying long term in Thailand or even just visitors have been reported and proven to have died from long term illnesses, sudden heart attacks, traffic accidents or a ripe old age compared with the reported deaths of farangs by suicide, murder, death by misadventure, mysterious disappearances, drug and or alcohol abuse?

    I doubt that we are given the whole picture here and in my opinion without actually conducting a thorough investigation, obtaining records and details of every farang death in Thailand over the last 20 years, then making any assessments of whether most of these farang deaths are over and above what could be described as the explainable deaths is impossible.

  7. One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

    I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

    Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

  8. Never happened to me because I have enough common sense to know, never to buy flash drives from a market.

    There is no reasons to buy these kind of items from markets these days, the price of flash drives sold in the reputable stores have decreased greatly over the last couple of years, almost at give away prices.

    The best thing the OP can do is scan and clear his computer of viruses and throw the offending device in the bin.

  9. maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

    It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

    Was Fifi a poodle?

    Not a poodle, but must admit now thinking back, she was a bit of a dog.

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  10. maybe the brits walloped the french because they got a bit mouthy / were being a55holes / shouted some abuse at the lad that crashed into their bikes / were there really only 2 french there?? they usually only hang around in their own cliques so i suspect more nearbye?? i dont know the british lads , but im sure these french are no angels...and im sure there is more to the story than what some amateurish paper is reporting

    It`s because the French have never forgiven the British for beating them at the battle of Trafalgar. Personally I have nothing against the French, I do enjoy their wines and cheeses and once had a mad passionate affair with a Fifi in Paris.

  11. This brings to light that there are many sick and twisted individuals out there.

    The problem is what do you do with these people once they are apprehended? There are probably no ways of reforming them, society can never be safe while these people are on the loose, or should they just be locked up in cell for life and forgotten? Perhaps the death penalty, better for them, better for us.

  12. Appears to me that these establishments are becoming desperate for clientele. Also many of the nightly and adult entertainments, such as certain massage parlours will display signs in Japanese and Chinese scripts believing that it gives them the semblance of being more upmarket and therefore an excuse to increase their prices.

    This is just another marketing ploy and personally I cannot envisage the Chinese wanting to place these establishments on their must see lists if they visit Chiang Mai.

  13. My 3 kids started off their education in the States and in the UK. In most of the International schools of Thailand the curriculum is in English language. Many of the children that attend the International schools, their first languages is not English, so therefore when my kids began International school they were at an advantage because at the time their first languages were English. Nothing to do with being smarter than the Thai kids.

    Reverse the situation and place a farang child in an all exclusive Thai school the Thai children would be leaps and bounds ahead.

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  14. Eldragon:

    Non-verbal communication plays a very important role.

    Constructive criticism is an unfamiliar concept. If you have a complaint, keep it as succinct as possible. Holding court about all the ways some one can improve is rarely well received anywhere.

    Ask to speak to the manager in private, rather than trying to train the offending employee yourself.

    A lot of communication occurs through eye contact. A quick look of disapproval can express more than launching into a rant.

    Cool silence often gives you the upper hand. Think pregnant pause.

    Corny and trite, but nevertheless true: never lose your cool.

    If you lose your cool, you may win the battle, but always lose the war.

    On the rare occasions when I had cause to complain about something and asked to see the boss, the excuses I received were, the boss is not here, the boss is on holiday, the boss is at his grandmother`s funeral or no one knows where the boss is or what time he will return or whether he will actually return at all. It seems the policy is; never ever get the boss involved or if they are the boss don`t admit to being the boss, with the objective being to get the customer out the door as fast as possible, by either giving the customer a what`s your problem glance, or grin in the customers face, or just give the customer a blank stare as to give the message, I know nothhhhinnng, wear the customer down and hopefully he will turn his back, walk out never to be seen or heard of again.

    I have never experienced anything more frustrating than trying to make a complaint in Thailand where usually the customer gets nowhere fast. Many times in the past I have just given up and written things off to experience. When it comes to consumer protection and customers rights, Thailand must fall at the bottom of the league. In Thailand the philosophy is, a customer in need, is to be regarded as no more than an inconvenience, we have your money so peees oft.

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