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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. beetlejuice, all you've managed to do is throw your projections onto me and make me some kind of person you have in mind. Hardly conducive to any decent debating at all. Not to mention being totally off-topic.

    I don't like to see the arts and positivity being attacked. I just don't know why you're talking about trailer trash and dross on my thread. It says more about you than the dross you speak of. I've never heard thai people speaking in this kind of derogatory manner in over 20 years.

    You come across as a very selfish person, and that is your right. It's just ugly to read especially when this thread has got nothing whatsoever to do with who you are, nor about your wild and inaccurate projections onto me. It's actually quite objectionable to be characterised like this when it's completely wrong and unfounded.

    And if you see western influences here as a contamination, what on earth are you? An easterner?

    Farangs that wish to practice, teach or participate in the arts can do so in Chiang Mai, providing they obtain the appropriate permissions and permits according to their status and it``s completed officially and professionally, which means this has to be done on the terms of the authorities not at random by anyone that feels like it. The reasons being if that given a freehand there will be those that will abuse the system similar to those who run businesses and activities online without permits as a means of financially supporting themselves in Chiang Mai that are unable to meet the requirements of the Immigration Department.

    Give foreigners the freedom to run any types of activities on a public or commercial basis and it will become abused on a grand scale, and why what you are suggesting cannot be viable.

    And this is my polite way of explaining the situation.

    Well I see you are all over the place. One post they have to be wealthy another one just conform to the minimum requirements. What ever they are.

    How ever I believe you have hit the jackpot here.

    "Give foreigners the freedom to run any types of activities on a public or commercial basis and it will become abused on a grand scale, and why what you are suggesting cannot be viable."

    That was a grand slam home run statement. It would not take them long. In fact I believe there are people here today who would have one up and running in two days.

    Yes, I am talking about those who are not able to hack it here under the imposed rules and requirements of the Immigration Departments and unlike according to your situation need to find means of financially supporting themselves for long stay in the country. Those of little wealth who again unlike you do not have anywhere close to a secure income of 65000 baht per month, that as I have said many times in the past here on Thai visa has the affect of placing us under even more scrutiny by the authorities and tightening the rules up for all of us.

    I personally would not want to see Chiang Mai become flooded by these types of people, I actually completely agree with the rules now applied by Immigration that tries to prevent undesirables and hustlers gaining easy access and an easy means of remaining in the Kingdom completely unchecked.

    • Like 1
  2. beetlejuice, all you've managed to do is throw your projections onto me and make me some kind of person you have in mind. Hardly conducive to any decent debating at all. Not to mention being totally off-topic.

    I don't like to see the arts and positivity being attacked. I just don't know why you're talking about trailer trash and dross on my thread. It says more about you than the dross you speak of. I've never heard thai people speaking in this kind of derogatory manner in over 20 years.

    You come across as a very selfish person, and that is your right. It's just ugly to read especially when this thread has got nothing whatsoever to do with who you are, nor about your wild and inaccurate projections onto me. It's actually quite objectionable to be characterised like this when it's completely wrong and unfounded.

    And if you see western influences here as a contamination, what on earth are you? An easterner?

    Farangs that wish to practice, teach or participate in the arts can do so in Chiang Mai, providing they obtain the appropriate permissions and permits according to their status and it``s completed officially and professionally, which means this has to be done on the terms of the authorities not at random by anyone that feels like it. The reasons being if that given a freehand there will be those that will abuse the system similar to those who run businesses and activities online without permits as a means of financially supporting themselves in Chiang Mai that are unable to meet the requirements of the Immigration Department.

    Give foreigners the freedom to run any types of activities on a public or commercial basis and it will become abused on a grand scale, and why what you are suggesting cannot be viable.

    And this is my polite way of explaining the situation.

    • Like 1
  3. A 100 young farangs in a bar, that was the beginning and concluded the tourist high season in Chiang Mai for this year.

    Perhaps next year the figures may reach 120 young farangs in a bar. The future is looking bright.for Chiang Mai`s tourist industry.

  4. Bad move.

    They were not committing a crime, they were offering a service that Thais can't offer.

    They were taking nobody's job.

    Just another excuse to say how bad these foreigners are..................

    I know, you can't work without a WP, but at this instance they were harming nobody.


    Firstly, these farangs were probably working as a necessity to financially support themselves as do many illegal online foreign workers in Thailand because they are unable to fulfil the conditions and requirements of the Immigration Department to remain long term in the Kingdom. They are under a false impression that by working or running businesses discretely online that the authorities are not monitoring these activities and not likely to notice. These people cannot be regarded as anymore than cowboy teachers, probably not qualified for the job.

    Also these people are jeopardising the livelihoods of the bona-fife foreign owed English language companies and English language teachers in Thailand by creating unfair competition to those who have registered companies, work permits, pay taxes, operating expenses and are required to have the appropriate qualifications and curriculum based teaching methods.

  5. I didn't quote that and many others -- you really have to be far out there to suggest there is anything about a bar fight that should be considered in a death where NOTHING is even being reported as being suspicious about the death or that there was ANY injuries or that there is ANY suggestion of foul play beyond the norm conspiracy theorists.

    But what we do have is the mother stating there was no foul play and she died of Natural Causes -- while I think it possible mom could possibly using the word natural causes in the wrong way she is very clear in communicating she wasn't killed by another. But of course shameful and embarrassingly ignorant at times paranoid and often dellusional social media detectives would know more than mom who has communicated with authorities and knew her daughter who stated publicly she was taking illicit drugs and then bought expensive antibiotics before passing.

    So yes it only makes sense to focus on a bar fight and make up ridiculous speculative reasons about a death despite what seems clear a mother's wish not to make this a spectacle just as the families of the two murdered victims requested an made clear in much kinder words that the conspiracy nuts don't know the fact like they do after speaking to UK Investigators and Thai Authorities and the conspiracy theorist should shut the hell up and stop defending blindly the two people who they are confident murdered their kids .... but just like that case, and this girls desk some people simply have no shame or any level of self-respect for themselves and how foolish they sound.

    There could be a multitude of reasons that caused the death in this latest case of another young tourist on the Island.

    For example perhaps some of these tourists are living dangerously, indulging in extreme sex, drink and drug binges that increases the risks of accidental deaths in an environment that attracts undesirable characters or maybe becoming involved with the wrong crowds. I know that the Full Loon parties have a high percentage of drug and drink fuelled violence, rapes and accidents. But this does not excuse the fact that a young couple were proven to have been brutally murdered on the Island, another young guy discovered hung with his hands tied behind his back and other deaths simply written off as tragic accidents or so-called natural causes (whatever that means?) due to lack of any evidence there was foul play involved.

    Although you maybe able to give explanations for every tourist death that has happened on the Island on and since September 2014, do you not agree that 7 deaths of young tourists in the space of 4 months in such a small area is extraordinary? Or do you just consider that all these tragic deaths are simply coincidental due to unfortunate happenings of bad luck?

    So I am asking you; which one in your opinion is it and why? The ball is now in your court and I eagerly await your response.

  6. 6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

    London, over 100 murders every year?

    London covers an area 75 times larger than koh tao Island. Which means if all 7 of the victims were murdered on the Island within 4 months that would equate in percentages to 525 murders on the Island in 4 months or 1575 murders per year if it were the same size as London. Think I have this right?

    Does that not send alarm bells ringing that something extraordinary is happening here?

  7. Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

    This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

    You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

    Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

    Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

    Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

    Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

    Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

    Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

    Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

    I hope no one accuses me of speculating, but one speculation I will make is that none of these people died of old age, that`s for sure.

    These numbers of deaths of foreigners still in the prime of their lives in a period of only a few months in such a small area is absolutely way beyond what can be described as just bad luck or by coincidence by any stretch of the imagination. Something has to be radically wrong there. I am not making any speculations, all I know is that this tourist destination has a problem, there is a cloud of evil hovering over that place.

    The old saying pertains: Be warned to all those who dare tread in those domains!

  8. I would like to ask the OP, how high is the actual roof of the house from the ceiling?

    Ours here is over 3 metres. If your roof is low than you have problems, it means there is no breathing space above the ceiling between the roof tiles for the hot air to circulate creating a very hot ceiling.

    If this is the case, then there is not much you can do about it. One method that maybe worth trying, is to purchase about 10 light weight aluminium or metal medium size washing up bowls and place them above the ceiling. These bowls will absorb some of the heat. That`s about all I can suggest.

    words fail me! You might as well cast spells on the roof. The roof temperature will be over 70C on a normal day and the bowls would need refilling every few hours.

    Cheapest way as I've suggested is to install a large industrial fan on a tripod near an entrance to the house and force air through the place.

    Next would be to fit 'cyclone' type ventilators on the roof. These rotate under their own power as hot air passes through them and will keep the roof cavity cooler than being totally blocked off as is usually the case. They are available in Thailand.



    If the house is rented, negotiate with the owner about sharing the cost of insulation. This should be 150mm thick, and ensure it's not fibre glass which is not used in most countries. Polyester mix is safer for installers.

    Where in my post did I mention about filling the bowls with water? My point was the the metal bowls will absorb some of the heat.

    All the fans will do is just circulate the heat, they are not a solution to the problem. But one idea you have plonked into my mind is perhaps installing a large extractor fan inside the roof that may expel some of the hot air.

    Whatever, considering it`s a rental property the OP has 2 options, either spend some money on solving the problem or move if a solution is not viable.

    After 'absorbing' the heat what then do the metal bowls do with it?

    Perhaps use the energy to power a small village or generate electricity for a school or something? Or there`s a hole in bucket dear liza, so what can I do about it?

    I don`t know, I`m only making suggestions, my guess is as good as anyone else's.

  9. Honestly, how high is the probability of a young British girl, who in a way is a Hannah lookalike, and who has EXACTLY the same age as Hannah, to die at EXACTLY the same resort (In Touch) where Hannah was also staying within 4 months time-period?

    I would say the chance of that happening is 1 to, probably the same as winning the lotto jackpot 4 consecutive times in one month?

    Seriously, this is "roofie" territory where a lot of horny Thai wannabee bad boys are targeting the Farang chicks and I'll bet you this one is no different but will of course be covered up as well. It is dangerous territory!

    I must say that is exactly what I thought when I saw a photo of Christina Annesley today, the similarities between her and Hanna smacked me right in the face, it`s creepy and scared me in fact.. Also reading some of these posts I had no idea of how high the death rates of tourists have been on the Island over the years. My opinions regarding the deaths from September have changed after the deaths of more tourists since that incident.

    All I can say is this; I wouldn`t want to speculate on these cases one way or another, but unless there are some that like to live dangerously, than best to avoid that holiday destination, which is the logical thing to do considering the circumstances.

  10. Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

    mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

    tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

    What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

    It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

    Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

    At the time of the September murders of the young British couple I saw logic in everything you said and blasted the conspiracy theorists, for reasons that I believed all judgements should be reserved until the case was concluded. Now since then 2 more people, a Norwegian and now this tragic English girl have been found dead with no satisfactory explanations as to who were the murderers and the other tourists causes of death, plus the first murder case involving the couple still has not been concluded yet.

    This means that within the last 4 months 4 tourists have died on that Island, averaging 1 person a month. This is my opinion has to go beyond just being a string of coincidences and cannot be written off as cases of simply bad luck or unfortunate accidents, not on those levels.

    There can only be two explanations in my opinion, either there are tourists that are participating in certain dangerous and risky activities that are placing lives at risk or there are some extermely dangerous dodgy individuals roaming that Island doing harm to people, it`s that simple.

    The big question now is; are these deaths going to always remain unsolved and become another type of Chiang Mai Down Town Inn mystery and just like the Down Town Inn mystery later bulldozed and swept away?

  11. I would like to ask the OP, how high is the actual roof of the house from the ceiling?

    Ours here is over 3 metres. If your roof is low than you have problems, it means there is no breathing space above the ceiling between the roof tiles for the hot air to circulate creating a very hot ceiling.

    If this is the case, then there is not much you can do about it. One method that maybe worth trying, is to purchase about 10 light weight aluminium or metal medium size washing up bowls and place them above the ceiling. These bowls will absorb some of the heat. That`s about all I can suggest.

    words fail me! You might as well cast spells on the roof. The roof temperature will be over 70C on a normal day and the bowls would need refilling every few hours.

    Cheapest way as I've suggested is to install a large industrial fan on a tripod near an entrance to the house and force air through the place.

    Next would be to fit 'cyclone' type ventilators on the roof. These rotate under their own power as hot air passes through them and will keep the roof cavity cooler than being totally blocked off as is usually the case. They are available in Thailand.



    If the house is rented, negotiate with the owner about sharing the cost of insulation. This should be 150mm thick, and ensure it's not fibre glass which is not used in most countries. Polyester mix is safer for installers.

    Where in my post did I mention about filling the bowls with water? My point was the the metal bowls will absorb some of the heat.

    All the fans will do is just circulate the heat, they are not a solution to the problem. But one idea you have plonked into my mind is perhaps installing a large extractor fan inside the roof that may expel some of the hot air.

    Whatever, considering it`s a rental property the OP has 2 options, either spend some money on solving the problem or move if a solution is not viable.

  12. I would like to ask the OP, how high is the actual roof of the house from the ceiling?

    Ours here is over 3 metres. If your roof is low than you have problems, it means there is no breathing space above the ceiling between the roof tiles for the hot air to circulate creating a very hot ceiling.

    If this is the case, then there is not much you can do about it. One method that maybe worth trying, is to purchase about 10 light weight aluminium or metal medium size washing up bowls and place them above the ceiling. These bowls will absorb some of the heat. That`s about all I can suggest.

  13. They should just get on and close it... It does nothing anyway, save the money!

    OR, make it useful again!

    I guess this is on the cards. It is obvious the FCO are winding it down. I can`t think of any reason why I would need to visit the Chiang Mai British Consulate anymore. They no longer assist with passport applications and now they ceased issuing letters and statements I cannot see how the consulate would be of any use to both ex-pats or British tourists, so they may just as well close it down completely and have done with it.

    • Like 2
  14. Personally I enjoy the discussions here in the forums, but one has to be a toughy here on Thai visa, not too sensitive and able to defend yourself well, otherwise it can be like throwing yourself into the lions den and there are members that act like a pack of hyenas going in for the kill and at times have seen threads literally destroyed by posters that seem intent on overpowering all the other posters or an OP, spoiling it for everyone else. I have created threads and later regretted it, thinking I`ve really set myself up for a good bashing now.

    The part that mostly spoils the enjoyment for me is the ever increasing Thainess fanatics that now seem to crawl out of the woodwork on almost every thread, that has definitely become more prevalent over the last couple of years and I think this can put a lot of members off of participating and not wanting to get involved. I for one would like to see more positive aspects of Thailand on TV rather than the wringers and moaners that I find irritating. But the worrying part is, the Thainess put downers seem to acquire the most likes and be the most popular that I find concerning and is not a good indication of the way things are drifting here on TV.

    If I were running Thai visa or a similar forum I doubt if I could do things any differently to how it`s run now. As a whole I believe that Thai visa have created a good formula, basis and format so I guess these forums is how we make them, the actual members and are what we want them to be, manipulated to what suits us. But to be absolutely sincere, I have no complaints and quite content to just plod along with how things are.

    • Like 2
  15. Please give title, the publisher and where it is possible to purchase your book? If not possible than I`m calling troll on this one.

    Guess the title of the book is 'Selected Quotes from Thaivisa'. smile.png Not terribly creative it would seem, using other's words to piece together a 'book'. Permission?

    Judging by the size of the font he uses, it`s probably a book printed for the long sighted titled: The Idiots Guide To Thailand.

  16. I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

    As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

    On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

    If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

    To be fair, I think some people are just trying to out-Thai-bash each other!

    This is what is boils down to. It dosn`t take much of an excuse to bring the Thainess brigades crawling out of the woodwork, the so-called persecuted and the oppressed farangs in Thailand. My guess is that the majority of these Thainess fanatics don`t even live in Thailand There are also the armchair judges and prosecutors who believe they are some kinds of online revolutionists, who are intent on spreading the word of Thailand`s injustices towards the vulnerable and the innocent based on hearsay articles published by crap amateur so-called journalists mostly read in blogs. All some has to do is publish an alleged account of how they were abused or scammed in Thailand and suddenly it becomes fact and International headlines, regardless of the facts that no names are ever mentioned with no documented evidence whatsoever.

    As I said; I am not that gullible to take in all this crap, not unless it`s proven with convincing evidence to back it up.

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