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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The 30 baht scheme covers all major medical problems for Thai citizens, but and it`s a big BUT; a patient will only receive the very basics of medical care.

    That includes: the cheapest medications and drugs. For example if a cancer patient is prescribed with lower grade drugs but these are not sufficient for the survival of the patient and requires more expensive medication for life saving treatment, he/she will not receive it, this has to be bought privately for whatever it costs.

  2. Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

    He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

    Hats off to this guy.

    You're right.

    I think most of it is jealousy.

    Who wouldn't want to have a job that involves bonking you're brains out all day with young desirable girls and making money out of it?

    I know I would. I bet most of us would take up the offer if given the opportunity, only unfortunately the majority of men don`t have the looks, the stamina or the charisma to be a part of that industry. And sadly I also fall into that category.

    Good luck to the guy, he is only doing what most of us can only dream of doing.

  3. Two things: #1) This guy is an embarrassment to other Yanks, as if we needed more embarrassment.

    #2) I suspect these Thai ladies who work for Poer as well working ladies in general, don't report their "earnings" and don't pay taxes on them. Yeah, a real benefit to Thailand all around. I'd pat him on the back, but his hand is in the way...

    ( Qoute:) This guy is an embarrassment to other Yanks, as if we needed more embarrassment.

    He is and he isn`t, if that makes sense.

    In Thailand we are all labelled as one group; Farangs, no matter what they`re nationality.

    Some activities by farangs in Thailand can reflect on us all.

  4. If these women weren't starring in the porn films they would be selling they're bodies elsewhere.

    None of what they do is legal in Thailand anyway, so what's the big deal whether they do their deeds on film or not?

    This is what the girls do. What is the difference whether they are available to the public in bars or brothels or to actors making a movie?

    Perhaps it`s all about this guy not operating via the system and cutting out the old boys network.

  5. Travelling by plane isn't really a human right, is it?

    People do have a choice.

    That’s true. We could always build a raft or hire a hot air balloon.

    But really, the way I see things is that airport security is caught between a rock and a hard place.

    If something gets through the system and the worst happens, the airlines get kicked in the arse for it. If instead airport security decides to do a thorough job they are accused of being over zealous and then everyone complains. They are in a no win situation.

    One way around the problem of full body scans would be to have two tier system in operation. One for females only and completely staffed by females and a duplicate system for males, although if anyone is desperate enough to want to see me naked, they are welcome.

    Personally I would prefer to arrive at the airport early go through the security system knowing that I have a better chance of making it in one piece to my destination.

  6. I Love Thailand.Yet I do tend to understand the way a Country treats it's Prisoners is how they are in terms of being a Civilised Government. The People of Thailand are very spiritual People. If only the Government would treat the Prisoners like they do in the UK, or even Sweden. Then it creates more of a Human being upon being released.


    Just read the UK headlines, yobbery and crime is out of control. There are no real deterrents to make them cease and desist.

    The streets are over run with thugs, burglaries and car theft is rift.

    The police and criminal justice system has no real powers and the prisons are like 3 star hotels.

    Would you really want to see that happening in Thailand? And before anyone says it is, it`s no way so bad as the UK, I can assure you.


  7. I have eaten at the Dukes so many times that I`ve lost count.

    Never had a bad meal there yet and that goes for the Red Lion, the Olde Bell and few others too numerous to mention.

    A little of what you fancy does you good, says the wise man. I dine at any particular restaurant according to my mood. But they`ll all good.

    I recommend the fried chicken at the Dukes, comes with a free salad, bread roll and all the free water you can drink, all for 209 baht.

    At the Red Lion I enjoy the liver and onions with mash potato and the Olde Bell also serves a good liver and onion meal. Not recommended if you intend to snog a bird afterwards. But then again, the birds I snog are dog rough anyway, so it doesn`t matter.

  8. What's wrong with walking around a store? Probably get some better deals on things that way. Plus a bit of exorcise.

    Yes, that`s what I done when I first set up home in Thailand. A bit of leg work.

    This is the only way you are going to gain experience of living in Thailand. D.I.Y, and I`m not talking about my sex life.

  9. Right on 1 million %.

    My advice to the OP is go and see a lawyer, like yesterday, before you become the fly and the spider comes to get you.

    The wife has put you on ice until she considers it`s time to strike.

    I'd just like to comment on the last line in the above post - The wife has put you on ice until she considers it`s time to strike.

    99.999% of all wifes in Thailand don't know enough of the law to plan to do this. Don't automatically assume bad intent

    And don't automatically tell her that - becase you did this, now you're entitled to another 10 million bath :)

    It`s not what they know but who they know.

    Don`t worry she will be will advised. That`s what happened with my first brain dead wife in the States before she with the guidance of her family and friends took me to the cleaners.

  10. Because I don't live in Thailand, but choose to visit multiple times per year and enjoy it for what it is. What is your excuse?

    No, I am saying that I live here and choose to stay here because I like it. if you dont then go somewhere else.

    I have my daily gripes about the place just like most here, but do the pros and cons on living here, for me Thailand comes out on top. I can take care of me and my family, I do not need a nanny state to back me up.

    Why do some people take these posts far too seriously as if they are a personal insult to them?

    Why did God make me into such a handsome, ultra intelligent, wonderful guy who can give Thai women multiple orgasms by just smiling at them?

    How does Ianforbes manage to give girls orgasms with his goaty beard?

    Why have I suddenly become obsessed with women's orgasms and Ian`s beard?

    Why am I wasting my time talking a load of crap on here?

    Why don`t I just shut the <deleted> up and go out for a drink before someone tells me to?

  11. If married without a nuptial agreement your wife will inherit from you, and not only that. When it does comes to a divorce, all the money/property acquired during the marriage has to be split.

    In addition, as far as the law is concerned you are also the father of the children your wife has with her new partner and they will inherit also from you and you can be made to pay child support for them.

    The law does allow you to repudiate the children as not yours, but only gives a limited time for that.

    For a divorce with consent any amphur will do. If your wife doesn't consent, you will have to go to court and file for divorce there.

    Right on 1 million %.

    My advice to the OP is go and see a lawyer, like yesterday, before you become the fly and the spider comes to get you.

    The wife has put you on ice until she considers it`s time to strike.

  12. Could this be some sort of manifacturing fault?

    The holes maybe some sort of finish from the factory and later filled in with some kind of material or grommets.. The filler or grommets could have fallen out exposing the holes.

    I very much doubt if anyone would have done this as a practical joke.

  13. /quote]

    Are you really that naive? The pornography industry has larger revenues than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined.

    Pornography Time Statistics

    • Every second - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography.

    • Every second - 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography.

    • Every second - 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines.

    • Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States.

    Yes, I really am that naive, not ever being involved in the porn industry. But I do appreciate your reply which is informative.

    So perhaps its as one poster quoted, that many do prefer to buy good quality copies and also judging by the statistics you mention, that money is earned from advertisers on those large scale viewed websites, even if the porn is free to watch.

    Suppose it`s a mixture of everything, all big business.

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