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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

    The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

    I believe it. Why would he lie about it?

    Because I don`t take anything as fact solely on face value and hearsay or are you the type that believes everything you read? It`s on the Internet so it must be true?

    Why would he lie about it? Because the guy is in the business of selling headlines. He has all the traits of Andrew Drummond, giving himself a glowing reputation online. Any reporter big in the world of journalism would not entertain stories such as the OP. As I said; this guy appears to have jumped into the now vacant space of Andrew Drummond. Something like Stickman who has now been replaced by Stickboy.

    None of these poorman`s journalists impress me, I do not regard them as credible sources of information.

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  2. I was asked once to take a Downs Syndrome child home from school in my car.

    I was driving along when suddenly i felt a hard thud" on the back of my head and was quite painful. I looked down and saw one of the kid's shoes on the front seat. I turned around and asked her to please not do that.

    I continued driving and less than a minute later...."whack", the other shoe nearly took of my left ear. It was a very stressful journey and just want to say that, even though I always treat handicapped people well and don't condone the action in the OP, they can be more than a handful at times!

    40 years ago I was travelling early morning to work on a district line train on the London Underground. A downs syndrome man probably in his mid 20s for no reason suddenly decided he did not like the male commuter standing next to him. First the downs syndrome guy become aggressive followed by pushing and slapping the other passenger hard in the face. Myself and some other passengers pulled the victim behind us and shielded him. I can remember it was a scary moment.

    I do know that people born with severe downs syndrome can have violent tendencies and are extremely strong. I personally would not like to become involved in any altercations with them.

    Watched the video on Thai TV news of the boy giving a statement to the police after the incident but nothing was shown what happened during the incident. I would not like to say who was in the wrong in this case. The questions should be asked is why did the lad persistently not have his fare money each time he traveled on the bus and why was he not accompanied by his guardian or an adult as obviously the lad requires supervision.

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  3. I was unfortunately watching the channel 3 Thai TV news when they showed the clip of the chicks being fed to fish. Made me feel physically sick.

    Anyone who does not find that appalling have serious character flaws in my opinion. I get distressed witnessing pain and suffering in any form, but on the other hand so should other normal people who do not have sadistic streaks and perceives scenes shown on that video as entertainment.

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  4. A friend in the States had a similar situation. He went into a tent at a fairground where there was a lady Gypsy fortune teller.

    My friend asked the same question; when am I going to die? And the fortune teller would only give vague answers. But I want to know precisely when I am going to die said my friend to the fortune teller. Then the fortune teller replied; give me $10000 if you`re desperate to know and I will tell you exactly how and when you are going to die. My friend keen to know the answer gave the lady $10000.

    Then the fortune teller said; you are going to be shot in the head at point blank range with a gun. OMG said my friend; when? When? In the next 10 seconds said the fortune teller, who took out a gun and shot him in the head.

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  5. They're building a coal fired power plant in the south? That'll be it then, that's why those pesky tourists are going somewhere else. 15 years and I didn't know about it, how will tourists? Do they do a google search for "tourist places that have plans to build a coal fired power plant"? Whether or not it's environmentally friendly etc is another debate but do tourists care? I can see why they would care about martial law and if their memories are good enough, the murder of the two kids on Koh Tao, police shake-downs, autocrasy governments and so on but.. plans for a power plant...

    I have been here 31 years and neither have I, my wife or anyone else we know heard about this proposed coal fired power plant in the south nor are we the least bit interested.

    One of my neighbors has built a large shed where he and his family peal and process garlic, sometimes the smell can become pungent. Perhaps he is to blame for the decline in Thailand`s tourism?

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  6. What a gross and disgusting lowlife looking woman.

    Firstly, have their visas and activities here in Thailand investigated and then bill them for services of the fire brigade, plus sue them for arson and endangering lives.

    The problem is that now it is very easy for foreigners from the underclasses of western society to plonk themselves in Thailand with virtually no checks or questions asked, plus very cheap for them to stay here.

    The trailer park trash and council flat inhabitants that I was grateful to leave behind in my home country, or so I thought. Now it seems it is very possible to have these dregs as neighbors here in Thailand. A purge is required against these people, the social low lives that nobody wants in their neighborhoods.

  7. I don't know where you were at the floating market but i go there at least twice a year with a group of students who conduct a survey with the tourist. There a sign and I believe a boat is 400 baht and one with a top for shade is 600 baht. Even that is high but so be it. You sure you didn't miss a O in the price.

    No I didnt.


    Read the reviews here, same experiences as mine. My taxi driver took me to the stall of a private boat owner. Apparently its what taxi drivers do, they dont directlyt take you to the market, but take you to a place so you have to hire a private boat. Of course they receive their hefty commision.

    Didn't you think to yourself at any point: "Maybe I shouldn't take a taxi"; or "Maybe I should tell him to go straight to the market without stopping first" When you read these reviews? simple planning takes seconds. I hope you give more attention to any pre-flight checks you may have to make in the future....

    I like doing things instantly, just like how I decided to go to Bangkok from Istanbul the same day.I like making my plans last minute, and today I had no plans to go to the floating market. Before hailing the cab, I didnt even know how far and where the floating market was, so when the cab quoted 1500thb for going and coming back I was like <deleted>, but gave in after he told me it was 100km away. Common sense, why would you plan your trip to a floating market, its a <deleted> floating market I thought. And I dont mind getting ripped off actually, but there is a line between getting ripped off and getting raped, 4000thb for a boat ride is rape.

    Gosh, you are an impulsive person. Istanbul? As a pilot did you take off on your magic carpet? You only have yourself to blame for your predicaments.

    2 questions; are you computer savvy? And can you speak even the basics of Thai language?

    Firstly it only takes but a few moments to check these things out online. I never go anywhere I have not boldly gone where no naive farang has boldly gone before without prior checking the details online, so at least then I am armed with some knowledge of where I am heading and what`s involved. Once informed and if able to communicate in Thai, at least you would not come across as a gullible tourist and ensure you would obtained a reasonable deal. Otherwise what else do you expect?

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  8. Easy answer...to stop the karaoke bars doing this? Just don't use them!

    Unknowing, naive tourists coming from Malaysia/China/Korea? Most of them holiday through Travel agents and tour companies who know EXACTLY what goes on in those places, so they should be warned before they arrive! They also stay in hotels, where receptionists and concierge will happily tell them not to go there!

    The tour guide took them to the Karaoke, and received a healthy commission. Not sure if I am allowed to mention the name, but just avoid every Chang Klan karaoke especially if you are a tourist.

    Everyone knows what`s involved behind the scenes of these seedy places. It makes no difference whether the customers are tourists or ex-pats, even Thais have been skimmed in those places.

    These rackets have been going on worldwide for decades.

    If you have an hour and a half of free time, go into Utube, search, and type in; Night and the City 1950, a movie based on the London Soho scene starring the great actors, Patrick Widmark and Herbert Lom. Although made in 1950 it still pertains today. It`s an eye opener and an education about how these establishments operate and what goes on behind the scenes. Once viewed you will have have a whole different perceptive of the adult entertainments scene.

  9. It is the big ripoffs in the OP that don't happen in Western countries. I've never heard of it in the US, Canada, or anywhere in Europe.

    Similar scams used to happen quite often in Soho in London - and maybe still do. Guys (generally tourists) would be invited into sex shows by touts and then charged anything from £50 (2500baht) up to a couple of hundred pounds and given very little option to pay by the security thugs. Difference is if people reported it (a lot don't out of embarrassment) then the police actually do something. Admittedly the amount of these scams pales into insignificance in comparison to what these guys got stung for.

    50k for 8 persons sounds reasonable

    Are you high? 50k sounds reasonable, here's an example of how hard it would be for them to hit that figure

    - They drink beers at 150 a pop (very expensive) - 41 beers each

    - They drink whisky by the bottle at 2000 (again much more than it would actually be) - 3 bottles each.

    This happened to my friend and I back in the early 1970s at the Treadmill Club. We actually got pulled by 4 men inside the premises and our wallets taken. We ended up leaving there cleaned out of all our money about £75 between us, a lot of money in those days.. Once outside we reported the incident to a policeman, the cop opened his mouth and took out a set of back dentures. He said; this is what happened to me the last time I went in there, the police were not interested.

    It`s the same attitudes in Chiang Mai, these rip off joints have been well documented just like the jet ski scams. The police consider that those who are gullible enough to dare enter these places do so at their own risk. There is no pricing lists in those establishments, they can literally charge what they like or what is believed they can get away with. All the police can get them on is legal technicalities if possible, such as they have done in the case of the OP.

    I have passed some of those clubs on my travels in the Chiang Mai Land area.with the pretty girls sitting outside like sirens trying to lure customers in. Had a look and common sense told me that these places are not going to be cheap, it`s going to be way outside my league, then done the sensible thing and moved on.

    As regarding purging these establishments, the incentive has to come from the top, a determined clamp down. Until that happens the scams and rip offs will persist. The regular police do not have the powers to close them down unless it becomes policy.

  10. Thanks for the interest. The main plot of the land has a proper paper (Chanote/Nor Sor 4), and is in a fairly even rectangular shape. The land without paper is a small plot extending on one side, which I think is of little consequence, except that I am not interested in paying anything extra for it, and as far as I am concerned, is not part of the deal.

    Aside from that I think we have to be extra careful here, as the land has apparently been for sale for many years already, yet it looks like quite a good deal to me, so I am not sure why nobody has snapped it up before. When we visited again yesterday, we also saw a Thai couple looking at it.

    The land is a bit out in the wilderness, and as-is I can understand that not everybody may want to stay there. One of the neighbours paid a very hefty sum in order to get electricity and water (a well was the only option at that time, but he thinks that particular aspect may have improved recently). Also not yet sure who owns the dirt-road used to access this plot, and the 2-3 surrounding plots. Mrs. Awk says "nobody" owns it, but I can't imagine that is correct. Hopefully we will get some more answers next week as she starts visiting the various governmental offices, and the dirt road will turn out to be government owned.

    With the land not being the regular moo ban plot surrounded by countless other houses, where one can at least assume that everything important is in order, and it already having been for sale for a while with no buyer, I think it will also be important to, once Mrs. Awk to the best of her abilities, has determined everything seems to be in order, including that connecting to electricity and city water is not cost prohibitive, have a decent lawyer review everything again.

    I have not previously had a good reason to contact a lawyer, but many here seem to recommend a particular lawyer at 29 Tanin, so will try her first, unless others have some other recommendations.

    Are you aware of these facts?

    A farang may own the following types of properties:

    1) a condominium.

    2) a house as a structure, having no interest on the land on which it sits

    3) one rai (or less) of land, provided at least 40 million baht is brought into the country, and permission is obtained from the Minister of the Interior.

    4) If purchase of the land is bought under a registered company that meets all the imposed requirements of the foreigner business and company acts.

  11. Personally I would preferred to have read that the so-called dog owner was banged on the head and skinned rather than the dog.

    In the scheme of things dogs are categorised as man`s best friend, not as animals to be abused and considered no more than a meal. In the civilised world dogs would only be eaten as a desperate last resort, for example if in times of great famine or war. In many cases the companionships of dogs can be more beneficial than that of people.

    Pigs, cows, chickens and the like are herbivores and since ancient times have been breed and raised specially for meat produce, these are not domesticated animals. Dogs are domesticated animals breed and reared as pets. Throughout the centuries dogs have relied on humans for their welfare, in an exchange of companionship and love not simply as products and abused.

    People that display a cruel streak towards animals have serious character disorders.

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  12. The mods should be carefully looking at that site it does not look legitimate .

    I just checked out that site, it appears to be some form of amateur template build your own site job, the contact links are disabled, no means or discovering who runs that site and seems to be dummy news articles mostly pertaining to company directors published by people who bear grudges perhaps competitors that can publish false information about anyone.

    I found it rather scary and is another good reason why to always keep a low profile and never get involved in Thailand.

  13. Land and house?

    Under the current old fashioned criminal Thai law foreigners in Thailand can certainly pay for any land however you will never own or control that land...

    So in case you like to donate your investment over to your wife go for it.I sure have many nice land plots out there..

    If that is not your plan then better start looking for condos freehold and can in the name of the person who puts the money on the table !

    Actually I am planing to put the land in the dogs name.

    To all most some of the other members: many thanks. One respectable member messaged me in private that he hopes to find the contact info for somebody who can examine the soil properly, having previously having had that done himself. In case he does not manage to find that info, contact info from other members would sure be appreciated, if anyone has it.


    Illegal in Thailand. Do your research.

  14. Stupid foreigners that have no idea how to deal with matters if confronted with these kinds of situations in Thailand.

    Similar has happened to me many times in the past, where a Thai person has approached me trying to peddle something and seemed not to take no for an answer and then can become extremely irritating. The easy answer is learn at least some basic Thai and then politely explain that sorry you have no money, wish the person good luck (Chok dee) smile and calmly walk away going about your business.

    If a tourist who cannot speak or understand even one word of Thai, then still try to explain you have no money, smile and walk away. Showing aggression no matter how irritating the situation doesn`t compute well in Thailand, Thais simply do not know how to react in aggressive situations and therefore can immediately turn to the defensive.

    There are certain ways and means of dealing with situations here in Thailand, losing one`s temper and aggression can have dire consequences.

  15. Doing the conversions to a non immigrant visa was not that big a workload for CM immigration alone. I think the problem was that division 5 headquarters having to do the approvals was the problem. They did not want the additional workload after Bangkok headquarters changed the requirements to where they had to do the approval.

    I applied for my first non Immigrant O visa extension based on married to a Thai in Chiang Mai 30 odd years ago. If I can remember rightly I think the amount required in a Thai bank was 80000 baht at the time, still considered a lot of money back then.

    The visa application or extension fee was 500 baht. I submitted my visa extension application that had to be sent to Bangkok for approval, which was the procedure and was told to report to Immigration once a month until my application was either accepted or refused. Each month I reported to Immigration they stamped the pages in my passport and in no time my passport pages were soon filled.

    Then once the 12 months prior to my application had run it`s course, I had to visit Immigration again to apply for my next visa extension but during that time I had not received a yaa or a naa regarding my first application from Bangkok yet. It took 20 months before Chiang Mai Immigration finally heard from Bangkok and I was able to receive my up to date stamp passport visa stamps. The situation did not improve until the mid 1990s when Chiang Mai were given more independence from Bangkok.

    I think Bangkok has always been a thorn in the side for Chiang Mai Immigration and believe that the present situation is due to that Bangkok still insist on maintaining the final word and holding the overall authority over all the country`s Immigration departments.

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  16. Considering that these days we have the information highway at our finger tips, anyone with a bit of savvy should do their online research first rather than going into any situation unarmed with prior details. This pertains to making purchases and the buying of certain items and obtaining what is required if using services, Immigration included.

    The method being; find out the facts beforehand, be prepared and save yourselves a lot of time, stress and effort later on. No excuses.

  17. Sounds like another rumour picked up from a guy in a bar.

    But nevertheless if were to become fact I would welcome this with open arms. If travelling to Bangkok once per year would mean no more of the lottery scenario of obtaining an appointment slot or paying extortionate fees to agents, than an annual trip to Bangkok would be a more viable prospect.

    As for the elderly and infirm, I am sure that with medical certification a third party would be permitted to apply for the visa extensions on the applicants behalf.

    Great, the sooner the better.

    You need to read my post just before yours.

    I understood your post, my point being that if all the non O visa processes were moved to Bangkok, I would welcome it rather than having to face the hassle and stress of having to deal with Chiang Mai Immigration each year. Sorry, my fault for not making myself clear, plus getting a bit confused.

    I also think that if Chiang Mai has begun off loading some of it`s business to Bangkok or anywhere else, must be of benefit to us long term residents here, giving us better odds of obtaining appointment slots. So for me this is good news.

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