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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Oh, I maintain a realistic balance. Billions of souls in the world, I have no need to “get over it”. Water off a duck’s back, I just move along …
  2. News reports have observed that the numbers are still below the expected annual turnover rate.
  3. Or go into lobbying at higher pay … Devil’s in the details. What is the average annual turnover? Has Congress appropriated funds for this buy out?
  4. Sorry, you do not know me, otherwise you would note sarcasm. Suggest you leave off the derogatory “buttercup”. Unproductive … it is, at times very difficult for me but attacking folks personally does not encourage civil discussion.
  5. In her name. Never mind additional funds, the house remains hers.
  6. Shades of TR takeover of Panama Canal interests from Columbia?
  7. As an American, I agree. As Republicans are opposed to increasing taxation on the wealthy and a larger national debt, I guess Trump will finance this through his newly minted coins?
  8. How about we just check the deviation offered by Britannica? “left, in politics, the portion of the political spectrumassociated in general with egalitarianism and popular or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life. The term dates from the 1790s, when in the French revolutionary parliament the socialist representatives sat to the presiding officer’s left. Leftists tend to be hostile to the interests of traditional elites, including the wealthy and members of the aristocracy, and to favour the interests of the working class (see proletariat). They tend to regard social welfare as the most important goal of government. Socialism is the standard leftist ideology in most countries of the world; communism is a more radical leftist ideology.”
  9. Needs $$$ now for domestic issues … like the proposed tax cuts benefitting those as was done with the 2017 tax cuts?
  10. Yes, discriminatory in the recognition that a correction to the American reality was needed. I am certainly open to, in fact, welcome a review of all law/regulations in a logical manner. What I oppose is an arbitrary and capricious dismissal without that logic applied first. There is a reason a law/regulation is implemented to address a recognized issue. So, I would look at what was that issue? Has the law/regulation effectively dealt with the issue? If not, does it need “tweaking”, supplemental amending or a new law/regulation? If the original need is no longer present or if the original law/regulation is not needed … then end it. Is there no need for diversity, equity, inclusion in the USA? Reflecting on my experience, I am hearing that there is not enough diversity, equity and inclusion in academics … that more conservative voices are needed?
  11. Se, comprendo … however, Trump and his Project 2025 ilk have classified all immigrants in the USA, whether waiting for their asylum hearing, under protected status, etc. as “illegal criminals” subject to being rounded up and deported. My comprehension is fine, thank you for your concern.
  12. Originally hired under the University of Kentucky. Taught the American undergraduate survey courses on American and European History transferable to US upper division institutions.
  13. Efforts to redress discrimination dead? Right! Four years, if that and the regressive actions of The Donald will be swept into the dustbin of history.
  14. Good to learn that there no longer exits discrimination in the USA … problem solved by fiat!
  15. Watching, “Band of Brothers”, Part 9 ending with the discovery of the Nazi concentration/death camps. Yes, as a retired Prof. of History, I am well aware of US government knowledge of these developments and the turning away of other immigrants (Jews) fleeing Hitler’s Germany. And of the local Germans saying that they were not aware … The world has since condemned the German nation for allowing this (the larger question for all nations is what responsibility do the citizens have for all actions, not just the most egregious, of their country’s government). While I do not anticipate American concentration camps again (WW II we concentrated Americans of Japanese ancestry) … we all have a responsibility to watch Trump’s/Project 2025 mass roundup of immigrants … no matter how long they have been in the USA. Trump has stated “millions” of “criminal immigrants”. And NO, if they are awaiting hearings on their claim of asylum, they are not criminal immigrants.
  16. Very funny … if sadly ignorant. They are a direct result of threats already made to go after those on the “enemies list”. Both Trump and the J6 “hostages” were indicted by my fellow citizen Grand Juries, then given the right of defense against the charges and found guilty by a separate citizen Trial Juries. I have little doubt that we will see a reaching for Sen. J. McCarthy (R-WIS) type tactics coming to the fore with the incoming administration. These preventative Pardons were, as Gen. Miley expressed, made so that the “enemies” of Trump, et al are not going to face years of emotional and financial cost due to Trump’s having been found to be a Felon by juries of his American citizen peers.
  17. Absolutely true that I was never introduced to the ideas in your post … from age 0-78.
  18. No secret, no underhanded dealings. The history is there for all to see. The decision was made, not without justification, to reject both the Democrats and the traditional Republicans. Unfortunately, reaching the emotional decision to vote for Trump and his Project 2025 ilk does not portend well for any of us.
  19. Happy to be insignificant … and, as an American, out of the USA.
  20. Talk, especially in the documented history is cheap. I await concrete action … and then the results of such actions. We will have to see if his “Bull in the China shop” actions results in pushback, when, from whom …
  21. I suppose I am condemned to having not only studied history but having lived through the times in the USA from the 1950s onward. I remember having studied the segregated US Amed Forces, how Black US Veterans, after fighting in WW I & II, returned to their country only to be denied equally in education, voting rights, property rights, legal rights, etc. Fighting to make the world safe for democracy resulted in a very different reality for US minorities. Today, I am estranged from a USA that is moving to roll back the advances we had made continuing to reach for American ideals. I understand and agree that there is justified frustration/anger within the working middle class (and that this is not limited to my own country). But, having studied history, I fear the move toward an authoritarian right as an answer. The USA was founded on liberal ideas and that is why some of us understand that we can never get closer to the ideals while traveling in the opposite direction. We have moved in this direction previously, I am just not at all certain that we will regain balance before suffering a terrible cost under those currently seeming to hold the potential of no accountability until we are forced to the wall.
  22. “Up to 10 years” … so, up to how things go. Chance of 10 year sentence … none, IMHO. I agree that this could have resulted in a much harsher treatment by family or friends and that there is a difference in public behavior.
  23. I’m thinking those GOP politicians will just do what they always do … flip the script. Blame the Democrats for forcing a cut in welfare because it is a burden on the working middle class taxpayer (completely ignoring the proposed tax cuts favoring the wealthy, military spending or government business subsidies. Seems to work for them …
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