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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I am interested in your experience with Medicare as I continue to pay the Part B monthly premium but (unlike fully retired military) I receive no coverage outside the country. $175 usd a month for nought, return and faced with deductibles, co-pays? Your thoughts?
  2. I confess at 77 and a heart patient … threaten to take away my earned Social Security had me reflecting on just where is the “breaking point”?
  3. No rioting in the streets as we already have the KKK and American Nazi Party …
  4. They don’t care … Economic considerations took precedent in the election.
  5. Over a decade ago, a Brit friend pointed me to a four condo building group which had gone belly up in the 1997 meltdown. There were many condos standing empty held by original owners. I was able to but three units, renovate with internal passages and furnish for about 1 million baht. This gave me a living room/dining area with sliding glass door to the kitchen (had been bathroom), bedroom with sliding glass door to laundry and bathroom, and the third unit was my office with sliding glass door to a work area and bathroom. About 100 sq. meters. Sold after heart attack as reality, at the time would mean my American Sons upon my demise coming over and dealing with disposing. Felt it best to rent avoiding death issues. Now married to a Thai with Thai Stepdaughter. Buying house which will stay with Wife.
  6. Thanks to Trump and his SCOTUS …
  7. Congress passes a law stating that any government official/employee accused of a crime will bear no financial burden if found innocent or case dropped/dismissed and that the financial burden falls to the accuser personally (not the tax payers). That should bring both the ability to go after any valid corruption while forcing some deep thinking before bringing charges. Looking for balance …
  8. Agreed. My example was only a suggestion to get a better understanding of what is trying to be communicated. Certainly I agree that there is yet to be a translation program that can take into consideration more than a word to word exchange with any degree of accuracy. Give me a student of the language who also knows the history and culture of the country to do the translation/interpretation.
  9. Given that the average reading level in the USA is at the 7th-8th grade level? Don’t know about the more intelligent but certainly many are more generally knowledgeable. As to Trump personally … he is dangerous due to his personal manipulation skills, not his intelligence.
  10. My local attorney served some years ago as elected President of the local NAACP. He certainly was not the only white member..
  11. Absolutely, let the states decide just like healthcare. Then we can return to the good ole days of segregated schools, rest rooms, lunch counters, bus/train waiting rooms, literacy test for voting and Jim Crow Laws … (for those who are not aware, retired Professor of History so … said tongue in cheek).
  12. Too complicated for them to deal with and takes too long. They will go for the easier attacked social programs, denouncing them as “socialism”.
  13. Interesting. Are you stating that Trump did not, if fact, attempt to attack the ACÁ and were beaten back?
  14. 32 counts of an expired misdemeanor?
  15. What the majority of Americans wanted in voting for Trump and his Project 2025 ilk. I am just rolling over playing dead. Waste of time fretting … May they get everything they supported by voting for him.
  16. Just a note … my wife speaks Thai into Google translate and Google speaks the English translation to me. Might help?
  17. Cold Duck and Thunderbird came to mind reading Boone’s Farm … once got very sick on Mogán David (parents mixed with Ginger Ale at holiday).
  18. I think I used up my lifetime beer allotment in college. My Maternal Grandparents were “winos” but, having gone to college, I am an “oenophilist”. Ha! The red wine is heart medicine.
  19. Monte Claire box is my “house wine” a few bottles of “Eaglehawk” put back for company.
  20. Had a Shiraz at the Four Seasons recently Thai wine from Monsoon that was within your price range when I checked.
  21. Agreed. I’m thinking, public reminders of restricted airspace. Then, if private drones, roving military personnel with shotguns to take them down. If discovered consistent individual(s), legal proceedings. If foreign advisory identification …
  22. How long is a piece of string … as with the question, so many variables. Fro me? 13 years retired in the Lanna North, although my Thai Wife came from Changchoensao. Could not be happier. I have observed to others that settling here, relationship wise, has been like stepping back to the 1950s in the USA. The man is expected to provide the financial support and the Wife is to take care of her Husband. Yes, you can say it is, in large measure, reliant on the financial aspect. But we are both quite happy and think we are quite fortunate to have found each other. All boils down to the individuals involved.
  23. Have not been. One of the 5 countries I was considering for retirement. Thailand was the pick but … the Kingdom of Thailand chooses to tax the required amount I bring in annually to meet immigration and Panama is on the list as a possible move. Been here 13 years as a retired professional, no issues for Thailand and a steady scourge of revenue … up to you Thailand.
  24. Would not know as I do not watch.
  25. Certainly agree there is no mandate … although they will proceed as if it were.
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