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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. That we now will never know. Up to bat Donald, I await events to unfold. Cabinet picks? Project 2025 authors in the administration? Let’s not waste time on speculation but focus on concrete actions … like the nomination of Matt G. … yes, I condemn. Bondi? While I certainly disagree … she has the qualifications for the nomination.
  2. Right .. all those folks investigating, separate Prosecutors Offices, Trump having a life long documented history of sleaze dealings. But what is really the core of your focus? The American Justice system is corrupt. Four separate Grand Juries found that there was enough evidence to warrant a trial to determine guilt or innocence of those charges. One citizen Grand Jury called for a trial and then a separate citizen Trial Jury determined Trump was guilty of the 32 charges and declared him guilty as a felon. Thus, is the documented factual history. Feel free to now rail against history. As to the other charges? May not see the light of day. Nonetheless, we all were able to hear and see the happenings on Jan. 6, the call to Georgia to interfere in the election, the calling on Pence not to certify the election. Trump may well have escaped the remaining legal dealings but history has already recorded what happened. Thus is his legacy to date.
  3. Quite inline with incoming incompetence …
  4. I certainly am supportive of a continuous review of laws/regulations and government spending. If her salary band should be around $143,000 thousand rather than the $181,000 then a review should be performed … oh, but … I want these steps to be taken fairly across the board not “targeting” individuals on any other basis than a fair review of costs, including salaries. That is the aim of having a civil service system dealing with all federal employees (non-politically appointed). For those elected or appointed to federal office, I think there are also regulations concerning compensation. Traditionally, government employment has been a tradeoff of job security versus getting paid more in the private sector. Hmm, it will be interesting to see how many are willing to give up their higher paying employment for lower paying government service.
  5. Certainly would be looking for an escape route if I were an enlightened federal civil service employee. Life is too short to deal with the ensuing foolish mayhem of the declared disruptor.
  6. Shaking my head at the news that DPT vaccine shots are down and … gee, cases of Pertussis are currently rising.
  7. Yo! Not so fast. Don’t condemn all Americans. Yep, 76+ million voted for him … 73+ million voted opposed. I am estranged from my country for the next four years but I certainly will not be involved nor responsible for the majority vote.
  8. This would make a difference in my thinking. Conversely, it also clarifies that the Republican rule move is just another tempest in a teacup. I do wonder if we might incorporate a rule stating that each member undergo a public exam of their pieces parts to establish that there are nor hermaphrodites (ambiguous genitalia if you wish) among them. Yes, tongue in cheek …
  9. So, only a person of the same country nationality can comment on a nation’s documented history? Interesting approach to censoring comments. As your “which means” … sorry, you lost me as your reasoning is … well, not reasoned.
  10. I recommend reading Rousseau on this subject of being right.
  11. The two are not usually exclusive.
  12. Love the wording, “Some netizens criticised the transwoman for not revealing her gender upfront.” True dat!
  13. It is true for me in Chiang Mai. Easy, fast stop at the Drive Up Window and then off to the Mall.
  14. Mandate? 76.4 + million vs 73.7 + million popular. Methinks not a mandate. Nonetheless … I hope the American voting majority greets everything they deserve as a result of their vote …
  15. Depends on the individual, I suppose. I made monthlong trips to Thailand in 2009 and 2010. Fat boy in a candy store and I certainly tasted the variety. Retired here in 2011 and continued to play, testing the scenarios. Variety, then seeing one bar girl two or three times a week on “retainer” (started to care too much and was not wanting a bar girl for long term). Arrangement with university student coming to town on the weekends. Nana. In the end I guess I had been too used to sharing my life with one female (albeit serial monogamy). Now happily settled with a Thai Wife who, after 8 years seems could not be more compatable.
  16. Recently back from driving 2800 km from Chiang Mai to Trat Amphur on the Cambodian border. Confess to driving around 120 kph on most of the four lane, divided highways (legal on many highway stretches). In the USA, cops with radar guns would have been much more in evidence and having fewer road deaths (although I do note the substantial number of speed cameras in evidence mounted over the highways). Here, freer to speed but the trade off is the higher road deaths. It appears always in society as to where to strike the “sweet spot” … the most freedom with the most safety.
  17. We don’t need no stinkin “diversity, equity, and inclusion”. Merit only … everyone knows that in the USA all, from those growing up in poverty to those growing up in wealth, are absolutely equal in having the same opportunities to improve their lives. Entirely up to them …
  18. Do cut some slack for those of us who voted in opposition for all the good it did. Not all Americans are controlled by their emotional frustration/anger.
  19. Although it might need to be pointed out under current circumstances that the “loyal” is to the US Constitution not to the individual who is President.
  20. Need not leave the focus on the USA. Political candidates dependent on campaign contributions from wealthy individuals and businesses. Quite legal …
  21. What the American voters wanted …
  22. Ha! Well, yes I could go off on your declaration about “real Americans” but you are not worth getting into a pissing contest with over my documented USA family history going back before the country was even founded.
  23. Ah, easy on your mention of history and democracy here. History is full of nuances , including the writings of Rousseau who pointed out the fallacy of thinking the majority always is “right” in their decision. Oh, I certainly agree, the majority has chosen … and now I await the results of that decision.
  24. Methinks you have switched the actors here. How many court cases have the zdemocrats filed to contest or charge cheating? Are you predicting a Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by Democrats?
  25. I’m thinking that while I agree there was a rejection of the Democrats, that the election of Trump, in large measure, is a rejection of the traditional Republican Party as well. Trump has given voice to the justified frustration/anger by purposely beating down the traditional Republicans. He has voiced wanting to drastically change the status quo in government … the working middle class is so emotionally driven to want change … well, I will await their reaction if Trump carries out his stated goals …
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