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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. That is my current thinking on the subject. Plan B would be to move. My Thai Wife? When do we pack. She is game for seeing different countries.
  2. Currently working as Executor named in a foreigner’s Thai Will. Filed paper to be officially Thai Court appointed. Attorney says up to 4 months …
  3. Therein lies a potential conflict for me. As a U.S. citizen, subject to income tax on worldwide income my taxation in the USA is “no tax due” (I am poor by US tax standards). Hmm, but as a Thai year round retiree resident? Thailand says my required income results in taxation because I am not poor (I ignore the DTA here)?
  4. Thanks. Really just wanted to elicit an answer. American, retired, read the Tax Treaty. While I am a year round resident, IMHO will not apply to me. I will await notification from the Embassy of the USA in Bangkok that this will need my attention. Only US Social Security and state government retirement sources of monthly income. My Thai based USA Income Tax preparer advises, “jai yen, yen”.
  5. I have shared my thinking with other Americans concerning male-female relationships here in Thailand after retiring here in 2011. My observation has been that it is like stepping back into a time when I was growing up in the States (1950s). The male is expected to, “bring home the bacon” (supply the financial security). The female role is to take care of the domestic side. Additional observation I have found is that my female partner is pleasantly dedicated to taking care of her man (yes, feel free to observe that this is in her security interest). While every relationship varies according to different considerations/influences … it appears to me, that it is still possible to find a relationship here where the finances are much like the USA of my childhood. We might note the role differences in the working middle class USA where it is necessary economically for both partners to work. IMHO, there has been quite a cost as a result … our “Boomer” history is littered with the resulting conflicts/divorces.
  6. “Thailand’s Secret War: …”
  7. Much the same. Thai Will = to Thai Wife. USA retirement funds to my two U.S. Sons. US, no need for probate as I own ne US property and so not a resident of any US state. Funds pass to beneficiaries directly.
  8. Currently working on this as Executor of my friend’s Estate here in Thailand. Brief delay due to the holidays. Court appointment as Executor will be filed tomorrow. Upon death, bank accounts are to be closed until the Thai Court appoints the Executor officially which, I am told May take up to 4 months. After receiving appointment, I can access bank accounts, pay bills of the Estate, sell property. I accord with the Thai Will, I will remit the balance to heirs in Australia. At which point, the Australian Will kicks in and my responsibility is finished.
  9. I do not doubt that the Chinese are trying to develop Chinese (call them what you want) in many countries to “assist” overseas Chinese. I would ask all, however, to cite creditable sources as to these programs in whatever country being mentioned.
  10. 65,000 baht minimum to be brought into Thailand every month for retirement extension (monthly method). Help me understand. Immigration required income, revenue department says it will now be taxed?
  11. True that far too many folk are concerned with only themselves … the US President-Elect is a good example. My answer, however, was only stated as a personal recollection of the subject of the post. My life’s work refutes my being focused on only myself.
  12. Invalid assumption on your part. I addressed only the mortgage rate I recall getting. Nothing more.
  13. Yes, if I remember correctly, the mortgage rate I got at the time was around 14%. Shame there appears to be so many who choose not to remember or are incapable of remembering history.
  14. Please allow for some slack in remembering that Trump, if fact, did not receive the majority of all votes cast. Yes, we agree hold Trump, his ilk and supporters responsible for all the results of their decisions but … do keep in mind there exist those Americans vehemently opposed to him and his Project 2025 ilk.
  15. Very funny, if it were not so sad. This may be the last four years we get that … agree. As the end result IF Trump and his Project 2025 ilk get their way, it may be the final nail in the coffin. The justified current political party situation (both Democrats and the traditional Republicans) having been rejected domestically and the increasing rejection by the foreign community due to his bluster, if not the factual carrying out his threats.
  16. Interesting to note the differences of opinions on the subject. Hues it is to be expected here where different locales bring different results. Think I will go along with my experience. When I sold my condo, we split the transfer tax … done and dusted.
  17. Up the chimney in smoke for me. At age 77, nor so far off.
  18. Davis Crockett, 5th Cousin. That and a few baht will get me a cup of coffee here in Thailand.
  19. First thing, his Embassy to establish citizenship. Ask advice there first.
  20. As we see in the responses to his action, the justified frustration/anger with the failed US healthcare, cuts across any simplistic right/left divide.
  21. As you could care less … I’ll not bother you again.
  22. We agree … on looking forward to the confirmation hearings and the information brought forth. We can also agree on constant review of laws, regulations and agency oversight. We disagree on Patel being the person fit to carry out a review … I can only judge him on his pledge to shutter the FBI building and opening it the next day as a museum to the deep state and his published enemies list. Yes, I trust he will be summarily stopped …
  23. I will await … FATCA not required of all US citizens and FBAR only if in excess of $10K (cumulative ) anytime during the year. I would hope all US citizens being approached will direct inquires to the US Embassy, Bangkok for clarification, esp. as regards the existing tax treaty.
  24. I can agree, except with the idea of a mandate which, I think would have demanded a more overwhelming popular vote in Trump’s favor. Personally, I am trying not to spin my wheels on what might be the result (my crystal ball appears quite cloudy at the moment). Rather I do favor addressing the concrete steps taken … thus Trump’s appointee are fair subjects, as are his and their public statements. While I do not agree with Rubio or Bondi politically, I cannot say they are not qualified. Other appointees are certainly to be cited as wholely unqualified. Even there I have to agree with you that if this is the Trump Administration, I see disaster … but, this is what the majority of Americans want … have at it!
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