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Posts posted by AloisAmrein

  1. Thailand at its best. NEVER buy a house in Thailand. You cannot own a house as a foreigner. Xenophic policy of Thailand. Second: Don't marry a bar girl from Pattaya. A bitch remains a bitch. Third: Get a better lawyer. Fourth: You will pay for your mistakes you made in the past.

  2. Why they do not just say the truth?

    "We are sorry we have made a mistake."

    Because saving face is the single most important thing in this country?

    That's why it MUST BE a falang / foreigner. Thai people are innocent, eve when member of mafia. See Ko Tao killing early this year. Thai police arrested 2 burmese scapecoats, process still ongoing. The reputation of Thai police and justice is falling deeper and deeper, no wonder with this junta, which has no legitimation to be in power. They took the power by force and eliminated the little freedom which existed before in this country. This junta ressembles more and more the Italian fascist State of Mussolini. But please remember: Mussolini was caugtht by Italian resistance forces and condemned to death penalty by a court near Como, near the Swiss border, he wanted to escape to Switzerland. Mussolini was hanged on a tree.

  3. After knowing Thailand since more then 40 years, with some long stays, I clearly opt for Spain. Much better food, no language problems (I speak Spanish fluently), better climate, nice and cheap housing, better infrastructure, much higher road safety, no cheating, no different prices for foreigners as in Thailand, same currency as in most of Europe, etc.

  4. Cambodia and Vietnam are traditional ennemies, not to forget that the Vietnamese Liberation Army had to invade Cambodia for eliminating the terror regime of the Khmer Rouges, strongly supported by China. The Khmer Rouges killed about one fourth of the own population in forced labour and extermination camps and the Chines did nothing about it. Also not forget that Hun Sen, actual president, was member of Khmer Rouges. The actual regime in Cambodia is worse then the military regime in Thailand, highly corrupt and inefficient. Still one of the poorest countries in the world.

  5. Last January I took a taxi in Banglampoo and I wanted to go to the train station for Kanchanaburi in Bangkok Noi, The driver took me to a wrong place, he did not even know about a train station with train to Kanchanaburi. He had to stop several times and ask other taxi drivers about where to go. Finally arriving at the train station in Bangkok Noi he wanted me to pay the full fare. I paid him the half fare. Stupidity has not to be paid.

  6. Amazing how many falangs from western countries welcome the junta which came in power by military coup, eliminating a democratically elected government. They are ignorants on the political level and from the same sort of people who helped Hitler to gain power in Germany in 1930ies. Thailand is further falling back, economy down, car industry down, car factories firing thousands of workers, prices up. World bank and Asian Development Bank numbers show it clearly enough. Prayuth speaks of "returning happiness to the people", but refuses to adjust the minimum salary PER DAY from 300 Baht to 340 Baht. Just a cheap joke.

  7. Saudi Arabia is the most retarded country in the Middle East, no freedom, women cannot drive a car, if you are not muslim, you are jailed and persecuted. Supporting Al Quaida and other terrorists in the half world, from the Middle East to the Philippines. And still gets strong support from the USA. In comparison to that, Iran is a nearly free country. The USA make another mistake in condemning Iran and supporting the reactionary regime in Saudi Arabia.

  8. Some years ago I was checking out if Thailand would be a good country for residence after retirement. My wife is Thai. Finally I and her came to the conclusion, that it is not a good country for farangs, even married with Thai. Racist laws for farangs, big bureaucracy for visas and permits, low road safety, very limited shopping opportunities for Western food in most areas, growing criminality in some areas, low standard of housing at high prices. All this led to the conclusion, that live in other countries is much easier and much better. Thailand did not fulfill the test.

  9. Empty promises of Prayuth and his yellowshirt fellows. In fact, he and his fellows do all that the rich get richer and poor remain poor. That's why he has taken power by coup, he and and the aristocracy are afraid of democracy which could change the things. Thailand today is not a leading nation, but 200 years back in history, like France before the Revolution in 1791, when the French trow away the monarchy.

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