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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. Yesterday I rode back to Bomb Mountain, the paragliding mountain at Nong Yai in Chonburi for the second time. Mr G was unable to join as he is still recovering for his fall last week. Al also had to give the ride a miss due to a non motor biking injury. I met up with a Facebook friend Mr A to ride up on our CT125’s. The ride at first was a bit busy but once into the countryside it was ok. On arriving at the base of the mountain we had a chat about if the CT125’s had enough power and planned to paddle on the two steep parts if necessary. Unfortunately Mr K did not quite have enough momentum and paddling didn’t help too so he had a fall just past elephant <deleted> corner. I stopped at the next flat area to come and help just in time to watch him fall into the drainage ditch back at elephant corner, quite spectacular! We got his bike upright and sorted, then I carried on to the top to take a photo before riding back with Mr K the family shop near the bottom of the mountain for water and to check the bike over. Mr K was starting to stiffen up after the falls and decided to ride home. He didn’t need company so I carried on my intended loop round the mountain and home, some 250km loop. Mr K got home safely and hopefully will be riding soon. https://www.relive.cc/view/vMv8B7kAMP6
  2. Today, Al, Mr G and I went for a ride to the paragliding mountain at Nong Yai, Chonburi. https://goo.gl/maps/cZ3kTagnTREh5v5k7 I have been before and from the top way in that starts here… https://goo.gl/maps/ELLGuMhH5PPKf33P8 Having seen two YouTube videos recently of the newish ride up the front of the mountain we decided to take a look. Both of the videos said how steep it was, I was skeptical having ridden some very steep roads in the north. After a straight forward ride to the base of the mountain you can see the concrete ribbon of a road going virtually straight up. I made sure I was in first gear as soon as the climb began and it was needed as it was very steep, but that combined with being very narrow made the hairpin bends very tricky. The last 20 meters to the take off point is track and then you are there. Great views even if hazy. I then had a Line message from Mr G with photos of his bike on its side taking a rest on the way up. Al went back to help out but in the end it took three of us to right the bike and I rode it back down to an easier place for Mr G to carry on riding. In fact it was so steep the local elephants has <deleted> themselves walking there too! Unfortunately Mr G had hurt his back in the tumble so we rode to the nearest shop to buy refreshments and painkillers. This made the shop keeper very happy and she kept taking photos of us to show here friends. Due to Mr G being in pain it was decided a slow ride back to Pattaya was in order. A shame about the fall, luckily very little obvious bike damage and hopefully Mr G will be fit soon. Relive video here https://www.relive.cc/view/vDqgeoYLAVO
  3. Example of EXPATS doing this please, tourists yes. Expats i am not aware of.
  4. Most people who are experienced in riding and understand how people drive here don't have problems. Tourist and the young Thai boys racing is another thing, along with zero knowledge of what is going on around them.
  5. I will follow Honda's recommended oil until out of warranty ????
  6. When i came off the engine was turned on straight away, i can't see that was the issue. It was a great ride for sure, thanks ????
  7. No, when we rode that was faster than i ride alone.
  8. Possible, that was a an speed guess, i don't think it was anywhere near that fast. If it was there was a lot of momentum due to the weight on the bike. I never thrashed the engine at all.
  9. In the service book in Thai scribble the different oils were written, they said wrong oil until I showed the the receipts. I have no idea why it happened.
  10. A follow up to to trip. The engine started knocking and i took it to Cub House here in Pattaya, firstly they checked it had oil which of course it deed. Then they said the wrong oil was was put in when serviced! All services were at Honda dealerships, so next they said i must service where i bought it, plain rubbish! As i explained i was in Chiang Mai, why would i ride back to Pattaya for a service when there is a Cub House there? I went home, took back every receipt from my services and they said they would break the engine down, photo the failed parts and sent the photo to the Honda factory. A week later i went to check progress and they were replacing the crank and bearing, then they said i must pay! I just said no and walked away. They called a few days later to tell me the work was completed and can i collect it. And i must pay for the oil only, no problem! 22k on the bike, all repaired with a warranty until 30k or 3 years. Well done Honda.
  11. Your license runs out on your birthday. So if renewing a day after you get five years plus the amount of time until the following birthday. I have now done this 3 times, always been the same.
  12. 2028 my license finished at Christmas, last week renewed to Christmas 2028
  13. The whole system has changed, certainly in Pattaya. Online test. TM30. Go the make an appointment. Return at time of appointment.
  14. I'm not long back from a 12,222 km trip on my CT125, riding to Koh Chang is an easy ride, but not a nice ride. I would cut cross country and then south or try following the beachside roads where possible unless you are in a hurry. My PCX i have ridden up to North Laos to the Chinese border and Phonsaly and Phonsavan, Plain of Jars. Try keeping off main road and enjoy the ride.
  15. My friend was sure she was going to get the one off payment from the government, but as already advised they discontinued the payment. The money in the bank they had was used up on his last days and the funeral costs. I am also in contact with his family and have asked for help from them, but as of now i have no answer.
  16. No problem butter to get to the facts. I have asked her to gibe my his private pension details, i will contact them direct.
  17. I am worried you are correct, but they were married about 16 years ago, i need to check exactly when. If at time she was qualified for the one off payment i would hope it was grandfathered.
  18. I am waiting to get that documentation, he told me his company pension did not include her and she will get a one off payment for the government. I have sent an email to the government too, but it would be great to know the correct procedure asap.
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