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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. I left Kanchanaburi this morning heading to Korat. It was mostly a good ride without too much traffic until the run into Korat. I rode over the road that splits Pasak Chonlasit Dam https://maps.app.goo.gl/NiGNcpNiM4f2aAU17 This was the first time I have ridden here, the water level seemed very high and nearly at road level. Further along I spotted a wind farm and found a small track that took me quite close. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1mPyksbgoGGXUMVL7 Then straight to Korat, 382km ride. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqDYLMzELv
  2. https://aseannow.com/topic/1258609-royal-enfield-trip-part-two/ There maybe some interesting places here :)
  3. Today I decided to retrace parts of a previous ride alongside the canals to take more photos of the incomplete bridge. https://maps.app.goo.gl/BjFVGU9NkT1EwTPx7 From there I completed a loop riding where possible along side canals. There were plenty of water monitor lizards about but they moved to quickly for me to photograph. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqDYLoxyLv
  4. Yes, rode as far south as possible and walked into Burma :)
  5. Thanks Randell, i'm moving on tomorrow, but my previous trips have included Kanchanburi and the info is here somewhere, or i can send the link if you wish. Sliding backwards is not fun! :)
  6. Day 4. Today I decided to ride to get as near as I could to the Burmese border. On the way I decided to stop at Tham Krasae Railway Bridge to take a few photos. https://maps.app.goo.gl/3HRdumZNVsQ1TR9W9 From here I rode until the Thai army road block at Bong Ti, Sai Yok District. https://maps.app.goo.gl/UpUgJRbgy5sjqf9F7 This was a few kilometers short of the border. I then back tracked to the reservoir Ban Thai Mueang. https://maps.app.goo.gl/UpUgJRbgy5sjqf9F7 I then intended to take small roads south east to another reservoir but I came to a dead end in a valley. The second attempt was off road and quite steep, I got to this point before backtracking. 14.08451, 99.04478 https://maps.app.goo.gl/1HmJwQz4CzZ16U9k8 I needed to stop and park up to remove fallen branches which was not possible, as I found out by sliding back trying. Looking at the contours on my Gaia map later I don’t think I would have made it through anyway.
  7. Day 3 of my tour today and I rode a 157km loop through some nice countryside. By accident I came across a temple up a steep road on a small hill and decided to take a look. It’s well worth the ride up for the views for sure. The temple is Phra Chulamanee Sri Mahathat Wat Phra That Pong Nok https://maps.app.goo.gl/U32jm4Vx9MVzsfxi8 https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqoPmjMBKv
  8. Day 2. 04.11.23 Kanchanaburi Canal exploring Today I decided to explore the tracks and small lanes alongside the canal I rode by yesterday. A fun and easy 170km of good road to rough tracks. On the way back into Kanchanaburi I visited Phong Tuek Historical Site which I found by accident. https://maps.app.goo.gl/vp5TEQSzM5bSTaWm7 https://www.relive.cc/view/vevYQNDLxJv
  9. Day 1. 03.11.23. Today’s ride was Pattaya to Kanchanaburi, I left later than I usually would due to bar hopping yesterday. I was still away in good time and although I tried a different route it was mostly hot and busy. 289km ridden. Turning here off the A321 https://maps.app.goo.gl/KboqtVB1Qdv9PDfF8 To this point onto the A323 was the best part of the ride alongside the canal. https://maps.app.goo.gl/3YwyWWhSD7jn28249 https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qkpRDX43v
  10. I have ridden my motorbike all around Vietnam for a total of 9 months and found them very friendly. Besides one person one time near Hamburger Hill who thought i was an American and shouted "loser" at me!
  11. Lao is an ASEAN country along with Thailand the license is ok.
  12. Yes, but every border seems to have different rules that change often. Join this group and get up to date information. https://www.facebook.com/groups/foreignridersThailand
  13. http://www.thai-language.com/dict/search Please type ออก into the above site, probably the best source of Thai Language resources. You can write to them and explain why they are wrong if you please. Luckily i don't need to transliterate Thai language as i can read it.
  14. Maybe depending on their native language. But in English awk or aawk are accurate.
  15. ออก = out (awk or aawk) There is no "R" sound at all. ????
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