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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. Day 4. Hua Hin to Prachuap Kiri Khan. Today unfortunately a few kilometers after starting our trip the Vespa decided to give up and die. Mike has tried his best and he and the Vespa are in his pickup back to Chonburi. As it stands he is riding back to meet me on another bike and I will wait a Prachuap Kiri Khan for him. Today’s photos shop Mike’s beachside workshop yesterday, his abandoned Vespa in Hua Hin and my ride following the coast roads as far as possible. My first stop was Three Palm Trees, Pranburi, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/zYnabDXHHUetA4uy9 Then Khao Kra Lok mountain on the coast, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/rNknzAiEGdexvSKGA Then Sam Roi Yot Beach area, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/mdExLtF7gdEGPkJ49 I then stopped at Dead End Road at Kamnan Dam Road, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/PMFcpFsJ34GgmPbj7 Next stop was Wa Khao Beach with the swings, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/8h6UnvPVjp6BYAH96 I then continued to Prachuap Kiri Khan, another hot ride finished with cold beer. https://www.relive.cc/view/vKv2nVQ3j4v
  2. Day 3. Exploring Hua Hin westward Today I went riding alone and headed west. My first stop was at Khao Hin Lek Fai, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/zCMX4mNY7N3WobG19 After my walk back from the rocky viewpoint I found one of the local monkeys had tried to steal my water bottle, when buying a new one it tried to steal a bag off the bike too! From here I rode on to Khao Nokkrichib Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wtc3ZE1JWV6GLXMb6 This was just a small reservoir and not so interesting. https://maps.app.goo.gl/ThCnksdqo4fskJoa9 As was this reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/4wsEDFiP83Rv8Zu58 Next was Ban Pa La-U Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Vz7KgubWR6zqBBJUA There are some massive earthworks near here and it appears they are enlarging the present reservoir or building a new one besides it. The waterfall of the same name is in a national park, so I gave it a miss and rode to Reservoir Sao Ha, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/iszwtki594QiKGng9 There were some nice views of the mountains behind it. I then returned to Hua Hin. Mike has already returned and is working on his bike, so we should be on the way in the morning. https://www.relive.cc/view/vMv8GNWgzPq
  3. Shop location for reference please.
  4. Mike will come back tomorrow morning if possible, difficult to firm up anything until bike is running. I will update here when i know, but hopefully meet up.
  5. Day 1. Today was the first day of a tour to the south of Thailand with my Mate Mike on his 60 year old Vespa, with me riding my CT125. The ride up to the ferry crossing in Bangkok was ok considering the heat. But the road works heading south made things difficult with Google maps also getting confused at times. Not long after lunch Mike the Vespa had some issues with the headstock slipping which was eventually repaired Basil Fawlty with a hammer. Back on the road the Vespa started having more issues and we could only get it running by me towing it and bump starting it. We eventually got to Hua Hin after a very hot day. Day 2. Today we got the Vespa to a shop that specializes in Vespa’s but the staff were not available to help. Mike is now going back to Chonburi to pick up the spares required, hopefully back on the road tomorrow or Monday morning. https://www.relive.cc/view/v26MjzmkMEq
  6. The government has been taxing all flights with a fee for medical help for years. You used to have to pay at a kiosk at the airport, but they added it to ticket prices. So nom the tax payers should not be paying as the government has the money already, but...........
  7. From their own country, who knows. Thai licence most likely.
  8. Having ridden all around Thailand 100,000+++km i would say yes. Have you ridden here, do you have any experience of riding anywhere?
  9. Best way to travel Thailand is a motorbike, try it one day.
  10. Yesterday was the last day of my ride, day 87. I was riding to Koh Chang, but at the last minute changed my mind. It’s been a great ride, seen great views and no punctures or accidents! Just short of 14k at 13,925km The screenshots are of yesterdays ride and my whole trip. https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvrQV42wxq
  11. Today was another interesting day exploring Ban Kruat. Heading north east I was on small roads and farmers tracks just outside of town. My first stop was Lahan Sai Mai Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7Tmp4Mhx5GsY6crF8 I rode all around it on good tracks, finding a large charcoal kiln here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/eXAKqSVDVT1eebKD6 Next to it was the walk behind tractor, locally called a tak tak I understand, pumping water out of the reservoir. Further round a rescued a turtle that was cooking in the sun and took it to the edge of the reservoir. I looped north and back to road 224 mostly off road before returning to Ban Kruat. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqN17eV8G6
  12. Today was an easy 200km ride from Korat to Ban Kruat in Buriram. The only photos are my breakfast at Da and Ped’s bar and restaurant, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/HWcKZ3Y6UpQSEi78A And the Gaia map
  13. This morning I rode up to Putsa Reservoir to look for off road tracks. There are many all around the area. My starting point at the reservoir was here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/AoupfuCPA75HEyqW9 Almost all of my ride in the area was off road, and fun. https://www.relive.cc/view/vJOK4xeDLw6
  14. Today’s ride started off quite cool and I rode to a small un-named reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/KZUpf3N2xUVT3HnB8 The next reservoir was also un-named, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/aYQdzyx7f9heWQHg7 The tracks were becoming more and more soft sand in places and no fun at all to ride. Not far away was another small un-named reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/vd2gSu4oG8QEBUkV7 Riding via Ban Nong Bong Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/CrVVkUQh6Zx84uXRA I struggled on until another un-named reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/R9Lo6NF8414cG1Cm9 Then I returned back to Korat. https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vjdk8wKY6
  15. I took a wrong turn :)
  16. Today I rode from Bangkok to Korat by a slightly indirect route. Following a canal north out of Bangkok I stopped to take a few photos here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VXQ77SgdXSnLLhJCA I then stopped at a bamboo tunnel here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/pdhv5RdoaZGGqGdEA Before carrying on to Korat, a ride of 284 km https://www.relive.cc/view/v26Mjr7mN3q
  17. Today was day 80 of my trip and it was a hot and not too pleasant of 153km ride into Bangkok. The photo was my breakfast on arrival J https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qV3nN1D3v
  18. Today was hot, dusty and very hazy due to air pollution. My first stop was at Khao Meng Temple, where the bad visibility was very bad. Two photos are the same, one without editing out some of the haze the other as original. https://maps.app.goo.gl/A6so4N1CGvdAc5218 Nearby I explored some off road tracks, before riding north past Grand Prix Golf Course and looping back through many sugar cane fields starting here. (I found this area from Captain Slash’s site. Thanks Colin Scullion). https://maps.app.goo.gl/kQxT48aGrjx5AWdo6 Due to being too hot I called it a day and returned to Kanchanaburi. https://www.relive.cc/view/vKv2n1mYrov
  19. Today I headed out of Kanchanaburi to check out some reservoirs and to see how near I could ride to the Burmese border. My first stop was Ban Nong Kwang Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/fqqKPhCRPsoN1HnE9 Leaving via sugar cane fields I headed for Ban Takhian Ngam Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/G3xBDCrYFJrVrSvu7 I then failed to get to the Burma border, I came to a steep gully that the CT125 was just ok with in first gear but the loose stones eventually helped be decide to call it a day after two near spills. I back tracked and went to Ban Pattana Reservoir, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/w7fE7s3MUkJvXJJj6 And here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/iUtm9wHRBeQCNhJY8 Stopping at Huai Lam Khlung Reservoir for a quick photo before returning to Kanchanaburi. https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qV3BXRW7v
  20. Today I went exploring some new places in Kanchanaburi. But before leaving I took a couple of shots of the River Kwai from my hotel. Leaving the city I crossed Koh Samrong-Nong Ya Bridge that crosses the River Kwai Noi, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1ioQvjWyhEVQtn7SA From there I headed to a rain tree I have visited before in the countryside which also has farmers tracks to ride on, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/mRCZTTWdtC8cGXJJ6 Next I rode to a golf club to explore the reservoir there and managed to ride all around it, but the last part was through the jungle with no track, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/t48Y2vVqLRtWb7aK7 Riding a convoluted route back I stopped to take photos of Wat Hin Taen Lam Pachee, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/AABeupM8T1RY1HBs6 https://www.relive.cc/view/vevY3oWG7J6
  21. Today I rode a 413 km trip from Tak to Kanchanaburi. I stopped to take a few photos of a mountain view, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/B7yKUrnqm83pgueQ8 Not far down the road some more mountain views with rice fields, here. https://maps.app.goo.gl/EuubSeGGqGK163wu6 Before continuing to Kanchanaburi https://www.relive.cc/view/vLqexkVeJd6
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