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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 11 minutes ago, blazes said:

    Certainly English is, bar none, the easiest language to learn, especially since you don't have to worry about the gender of nouns and very few problems in the verb area.  And no matter how bad your pronunciation of English, both natives AND foreigners will understand what you are trying to say. 

    I mean, here in LoS, it is not uncommon to hear a Korean and, say, a Japanese converse with each other in English.


    If the Thais would transliterate their impossible script into "Western" letters, more of us would, I think, take the trouble to learn a bit more than we do.

    They did that in Vietnam, does not help at all. For example this is the name of a village, "My Lai" How do you think it is pronounced? 


    Another example, "thanks" Cam On, the "C" is more like a "G" to my ears.

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  2. 9 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    wow... you would not want to lose your concentration for a second on this road. this is going on the list for sure.


    better be some hotties in Fang worth dying for.  :cheesy:



    I understand there have been landslides on the hill and it's being repaired, no full access. But maybe you can ride in from the South to get to the top, rather than from Fang direction.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    OK everybody i am researching and adding your suggestions to my list. thanks.


    keep it coming. :clap2:

    Two trips, one on a PCX, the other on a 650 Versys. Thaivisa seem to have made the photos smaller, but the routes i took cover the areas you are interested in plus other areas. Hope it's useful ????








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  4. 2 hours ago, Denim said:

    Well, in the Burapa hotel there is a massage parlour and a nightclub where you might manage to pick up a bit of fluff if you have not yet reached Zimmerman age. Not stayed there for a while though so might have changed. 


    To the south of the hotel there is a sort of canal / pond thing with restaurants and pubs both sides.

    Possible to score here but very hit and miss.


    Another trick is to wear a t shirt with Thai writing on it saying:

    " I am free tonight and looking for female company "


    This state's the fact clearly as you approach as many unattached ladies as necessary before you hit pay dirt.

    Another trick is to wear a t shirt with Thai writing on it saying:

    " I am free tonight and looking for female company "


    Think i will do things my way ????

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