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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 21 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Its most likely purely an economic decision, someone has probably done some accounting and realised that its not much point stocking the mini bar with overpriced alcohol as nobody drinks it, serious drinkers will probably go elsewhere, most buy their own at 7/11 etc, the general hotel demographics dont drink much so why spend money providing it for a minority.


    Its probably nothing more than it costs X to provide alcohol and it brings in Y, operates at a loss, so can it. No different to not providing a shoe shine service because everyone wears sneekers and it runs at a loss.


    At the end of the day its a hotel right in the middle of 127,000 bars, so why try and compete, the accountants probably worked out years ago it doesn't make money.

    But they have restaurants and pool areas where you can't buy a drink. At 7k a night i would want to be able to order, not have to go looking outside.


  2. 8 hours ago, a977 said:

    So you paid the cop 300thb thereby contributing to the problem you are complaining about. If you had not paid what was going to happen he fine you, you go to bank or police station pay fine no contribution to police benefit fund.  You are not required by law to give police your licence only court can take licence from you. You are required to show police your licence for the purposes of I.D. and to check your details they cannot confiscate your licence.  And you wonder why police corruption is so rife!!!!!!

    In Pattaya for sure the police have taken away my licence, then told me to collect it at the police station when paying the fine.

  3. One Songkram i went out without my wallet and phone, just cash in a plastic bag for obvious reasons.

    Police road block were stopping everyone, so many bike keys were taken away, followed by a long walk to pay the fine. 50k for that would be ridiculous. There is a difference between having a licence, but not on you against not having a licence. 

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  4. 23 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Travel north to Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. Hire a scooter and go up into the mountains.

    I promise you won't be bored - you'll be too busy trying to stay alive.

    Agree, but lots of flooding there at the moment.

  5. 19 hours ago, Esso49 said:

    Simple.  Parents are responsible for their children up to 20 years of age.  Parents here usually do not care what their kids do. So stop all motorcycles.  Those driving without a license a 10000 baht fine  , responsibility of their parents, or 100 hours of community service leaning drains and klongs.   Also crush the motorcycles of those caught underage or no licence .  Thais put money first so hit them where it hurts first.  After 2 weeks then I suspect there will be queue upon queue at the Land Department offices for driving tests.  Problem is the police are too damn corrupt and lazy themselves so guess what will happen ?

    When you were 19 did you follow mummy's orders? Where does this type of thinking come from?

  6. 8 hours ago, seajae said:

    so how about enforcing the road rules, stopping them from weaving through the traffic, make them indicate, stop at red lights, give way, no more riding the wrong way along a road, these actions would save a hell of a lot seeing most ignore the road rules anyway, they seem to think that being on a bike allows them to do as they please

    I presume you are talking about cars and pickups too?

  7. 12 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    "The first misunderstanding regarding foreign investment companies in Vietnam is thinking that you must have a local associate."




    "In reality, you can set up a 100% foreign-owned company in a lot of industries."


    Which is what I said in the first place

    Go start your own thread on this.


    I stated a fact, which is born out in the article. The tourist industry you need a partner.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Where in Thailand do you live? There are buffaloes, cows and other animals, including airborne vehicles coming from all directions. OP, have you got a good life insurance? Try to survive Sisaket's rush hour for a week and you can drive everywhere. 

    I have ridden to most places in Thailand, Korat, Buriram, Khon Kaen, Udon, Nong Khai, Phetchabun, Tak, Umpang Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan, Kanchanaburi, Prachuap, all down the East coast of Thailand and Malaysia to the Singapore border and back up the West coast.
    Seen animals everywhere, only had issues with dogs.

    In Laos and Vietnam, chickens and pigs are around a lot, but don't run into the road, rather away from you. ?

  9. 2 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:


    VN is more beautiful (scenic) than Thailand and I was on the main road between Hanoi and HCMC...your photos show off the beautiful landscape when you get off the main road...more opportunities for living unhassled (immigration) and for working and I was thinking of a move there either to Hanoi or the north central coast where I've lived before...I'm fortunate to have local friends there from when I've worked there in the past...but certain times of the year ye gotta watch them typhoons comin' off the south china sea...the big storms do a lot of damage both in coastal areas and inland...






    Yes, in the north thay have had a lot of problems with the rains this year.

  10. 7 minutes ago, superal said:

    Citroen Light 15 ?  Did you get to chat with the owner ?   


    Brilliant diary and pictures  and I will read it again later when I will be undisturbed . Did I miss it or did you name the camera ?

    Any problems when you returned the hire bike ?

    The Citroen's were parked outside a top hotel in Hanoi, there for show I'm sure.


    Nikon D3100 and a Fuji X100F and some on my phone.


    No issues at all, i have used the company before Tigit motorbikes, they are based in a few places around Vietnam. Jon the owner is an English guy and very easy going.



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