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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Other words Im sure your dead mother is very proud of you how you turn out too
  2. Tell me what is your actual purpose here! I have been respectful by honestlly answering your question and remarks politely. You are a grown man acting like your handle a Racist known location in the past maybe so embedded deep inside you cant help yourself! A reminder one of the rules of this forum grammar or spelling although important because there are people from all over the world. If it bothers you so much apply for a <deleted> job at a school but dont try to think you are better think your <deleted> dont stink doing your closet racist George Wallace impersonation.SMF!
  3. Fact is you so off it isnt funny! Not blowing my horn there are numbers while growing up felt I was tested me and sadly realized they made a mistake. When I first arrived not looking for trouble not being one I got into a number of situation Im no one doormat a number of Thai found that out but to remain here in peace to take care of my personal business needed to adjust but there are days I go off to a corner and think to myself the only good Thai is a dead a Thai. Take a deep breathe get a massage.
  4. Fact is you so off it isnt funny
  5. ByThe full article isnt there this is continue to be a proposal which has to be passed which hasn't. Those who wish still dont know or understand how to deal with countries that have Duel Taxation treaties. This article also gives a false impression expat living here will generate Trillions which is false if there is Trillions it is from rich Thais who arent paying their offshore investments. When healthy ask Thaksin?🤑
  6. Same here but in the end they arent white as the article states. Im Chinese American as noted love many of the things as noted been told bt many living here Im more American than them that doesnt mean I running around with a white hood over my head. Again whoever or whatever Fuentes is <deleted> him!
  7. Living here I feel pretty safe although I use to pack a 9mm, under my motorbike seat, thinking twice I remove it and replace it with a short 6 inch blade under a panel on the bike. Today all that is gone my key is my deadly weapon my demeanor is always be aware I never carry more than what I can lose. I never give anyone a dirty look or get upset I dont look for trouble. Once a year I go home to the States S.F.the day I arrive my cousin hands me the only one left to my name 9mm, I take public transportation everyehere. You never know, just like the football rooKie Ricky Persawl? Goes into town wearing his rolex 17 year old boy shot him in the chest. This is what happens when you got K. Harris Mayor and Prosectors running the zoo.
  8. No Years ago I brought my vintage mountsin bike here, I went to a bike shop got a box packed it all in and more. Contacted the airline gave them the measurement why cause I was allowed two pieces of luggage 23 kilos using bike box as second piece. To not be caught off guard techno by an agent although box and bike was under 23K, can take measurement of box if greater than 23 k can anally gotcha! checked in as oversize and picked up same.
  9. White Nationlist! Nick stupid f--k take a good look at your last name Fuentes!
  10. 331 that time of night even during the day a race track for these kids what else is there to do but sit around and drink then time to leave let see who goes first to their graves.
  11. True. The others I listed are pretty comparable, these are jobs my Thai son and daughter inlaw have worked.
  12. They should be able in my opinion, D.Y.I., HomePro, BigC, Lotus, Makro, Delivery jobs office, Flash, DHL.
  13. Thailand, hub of ideas on top of ideas! One day it is this the next it is that! They cant even keep track of infractions of drivers
  14. This so call youth park once vibrate at night for locals has been turn into a <deleted> hole. The city leaders robbed the place of its funding as to intentionally rude the place. Tennis court. Pool, all closed I believed the police station onsite is still there so why!
  15. Get the <deleted> out!
  16. Thailand justice system is the best justice was done video was unclear which resulted " insuffient " what is clear " get the <deleted> out of here " What a miserable human being getting angry cause someone is just sitting. Whatever happen to just asking " can you not sit here " 🤧
  17. Yes, I saw that yesterday, guess that is the way to get someone to react! With the Chinese now over running their countries and I don't know the Online rules or laws why FB, and Line, allows these illegal scams to use their websites. These ads are using photos taken right in front of the DLT buildings even have guys dress up in Government uniforms to advertise their scams. They suppose to have a Cyber Unit but yet a few clicks here and there I lovated this one scammer and their office, Bang Chok just outside of Bangkok. Yet, all we are getting a warning from DLT! 😂
  18. Not sure what your referrence as to purple palace. We are in Pattaya! To be clear it wasnt my son who try to obtain the car license illegally and got burn it was his friend who he grew up with in our neighborhood since had moved. As noted in the original post I trained both myself prior to covid both had appointments but covid hit all got shut down after Q were month long for Thais meantime both had gotten jobs for my son I sent him to the school where he obtained his bije license. Once a week on his off day went for 2 hours took less than a month since he knew how to drive already just need the school to run him through provide the certification to basically cut the 4 month Q.
  19. From looks of things the last coup they drew up a new consitution to make sure they not need another. Voters selection doesnt matter just find a reason, Senate can do the picking inspite, if wrong dislike can easily replace and MP can select this go around. Who needs a coup.
  20. Again here we are again! Just last week I got a response that it was already illegal or a ban from importing into Thailand! But not illegal to breed or to own one which I responded " makes no sense " but of course this is thailand reason this wont be the last death.
  21. " No idea " That is very obvious! From your responses 2.0 SMF.
  22. Be thankful! Be real thankful!
  23. And if you had any ability to read, comprehend and follow the conversation you would have noticed this isnt about me. SMF
  24. Look lets wake up and smell the coffee. The kid knew exactly what he was doing with one day off not a priority better time spent sleeping and drinking with friends instead of taking care of business. Like everyone like getting Visa, he thought the transaction would be basically grease a few palms reason the overcharge for medical. Believe it or not there are many who could get a cert for someone else without being present! This was the same thought he had in getting the actual license without leaving his home as advertised. To be clear, they requested his ID with address. A photo. I saw the license on the return Line message it had the same picture on the license look real but photo shop! I could have gotten money back for the kid but why some lesdons need to be learned. When they advertise they will do it all for you, medical, test, even knowing how things work here it is red flag everywhere.
  25. There is no doubt what the kid was doing was illegal. Reason for willing to pay 500 baht for the medical when we know 100 Baht. Illegal means hands got to be greased. My son told him dad took me down the road to this school, for 3800 baht included everything first work it out with school working come on his day off took 3 weeks one day a week to complete written. Video and driving course. Once done an appointment was made for him got a new medical cert and half hour out the door with two years. Kid is now enrolled in the same school. A month ago I renewed 3rd 5 years bike and car, got an appointment list of what what was needed show up at 9. I was out the door at 9:45am, 700 baht for the two. That day I spoke to my lawyer in BKK, about another situation in conversation told her about the licence scam within an hour she called back said their office is in Nong Chok out skirt of BKK, want money back for your son I said no his friend not our problem. I thank God he is smarter than that.
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