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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. You know US. Support Israel and Joe Biden is President although it is said he is on the wrong side of every foreign affair decision. Then he just release the billions to Iran which is claim to be funding Humas bombing. At this point in time Joe Biden doesn't have a clue and shouldn't be asking Israel to follow the rules when the other side isn't.
  2. And to be fair how many American were killed by the Bombs of Humas. And how many Americans were kidnapped by Humas murder and beheaded so far.
  3. It is all about raising prices, which past month has already. Rice I buy for wife restaurant 15.kilo bag before 475.now 509. Palm oil 2 years ago 24 baht said it was too low today if lucky 48 baht, Cooking gas 355 today 475.
  4. This guy got to be a tough bird? They they scare him, maybe even beat and put a plastic bag over his head and nothing so he must be innocent. So now they decide better go back and collect evidence or better yet plant some because these guys already trample over the scene. If only they do such a job when a farang dies. Years ago I had a Australia classmate in Thailand language he express feat for his life a month later he was dead. Police claim he jump off his balcony.
  5. When you hear stories like this it is tough not to comment " bashing " Thais because they got no shame in bragging how tough they are on crime when it is opposite " 50 years " every MP Senator must be rolling on the ground. Truly the Land of Stupidity!
  6. Since you mention pension. I get this from other Brit's who Live here. They tell me those who chose to live in Thailand does not get a cola increase yearly. You were ask to join put into system at the end there was a return now that they have run the program to the ground are blaming those who do chose in a global economy to live elsewhere are as to help with the deficit. In the US, our politician label us " Entitlement " but at least we continue to obtain a cola 2023 was 8% up. Now when you were force to join was this noted? You have a massive budget for foreign affairs that include Embassy around the world you have a huge expat community living here in Thailand yet they sold the land for the Embassy moved into some office in a building isolating their citizen that provide very in person serviced and lsdtvtime I look offer information on line. Brit's continue to pay the price for their leaders as I as a American for their shortcomings. While they ask you and I to help out borders are being overrun for anyone that crosses not only are they crossing they receive benefits we citizen could only dream but ask us to pay for them. From your remark you seem happy with it. I once happen to be back in the States tagged along with a friend to a rally there he was just ousted congressional house speaker McCarthy talking use the word Entitlement for my benefit I laid into him verbally like white on rice. Now they want to tax or Help Thailand tax your benefits which is already taxed. Tell me am I on the wrong track?
  7. The title is wrong what are you actually asking about support of wife or immigration issue! I know but it seem you have done zero RTFF.
  8. Country leader are all greedy no matter where they are Revenue is a black hole for them since they neither earn so they spend like drunken sailors it's not their. There are no good politicians all should be hung from the nearest tree. The stuff the Brit's do to their citizen particularly abroad is shameful, one can see why Great is gone from the title, Churchhill is turning in his grave.
  9. what is the problem reason Pattaya is a RR tourist location blowing off steam from the war????
  10. As noted one near 8-10, departure R
  11. Hamas, Palestinian, don't want peace not in their DNA. I'm seen their rally's they don't preach peace they all seem to be brainwash from early age to hate and kill. Those views are supported by countries like Iran. There is only one solution it seems.
  12. What is the saying never let a tragic go to waste! Introduce a fee to line their pockets this time have the tourist pay for it, if a tourist got shot they will melt them to a point one has to go the GoFund route, if Thai they will brag but not tell you the payout which in general will be very low. This is the Land of Smile.
  13. And who is going to teach from the swamp. Who is going to enforce which is the biggest problem.
  14. Why would he intervene? Let it crash which should have been the case long ago. Whenever they start talking about the baht weakness no matter what as target claim intervention is coming????
  15. What is the location you are buying? A ADV, it has been a while I first checked a few years back when they came out close to 100,000 or like 105,000 I was interested but felt it was a bit overpriced. Personally, full price down and it takes a month I would walk and look elsewhere. In Pattaya, you have two main dealers, Honda itself and Mityon at times hard to tell the difference any other they might be pure independent which I stayed away from usually a bit more and they want to you to finance the bike. I've purchased a number of Honda for myself and family for myself I've never been asked for more than a residential certificate to get it register.
  16. And 1400 plus more to replace the retiring crooks, and 1400 plus more to replace those it is a factory of corruption.????
  17. A meeting to congratulate, then can he drop the case against him.
  18. The art of war! I represent the people, first I-Pad, raise minimum wage to 400 baht, now I give my salary. Great investment return will be in the billions.???? First Year Puppet Chan O reported he had a Billion U. S. In Swiss bank. Only a dreamer to in love to see what he is doing. K
  19. This is my method in 15 years. I use a free service called Catalog? Online sign up. You need to create a personal log as to what is important to you know exact when they expire etc. Need to go paperless for everything. Are you leaving U.S. not to return, so far I return basically once a year I run through the mail the junk. I contact personally or I online unsubscribe. Personal I know what I need so my family member doesn't have to worry I tell them if something looks importsnt open anything my life is a open book price of method. Credit card some will mail to Thailand I also leave a filled out FedEx slip if something important needs to be forwarded. I also leave a number of personal checks. As for jury notice I've always disregarded them never been warned etc. Never sign up you want to vote. Last few years I've been getting notices being a good citizen I call them up from here get only six month extension went on for a year at my age I ask for a medical exception and told travel alot refused finally when new notice came I told friend trash it <deleted> them. Really, with people at my home robbing stores defunding of police turning Cities into <deleted> holes anyone walking over the border fentinol being sold everywhere is it illegal who cares they want to issue a warrant knock themselves out.
  20. You are wrong the month to month is normal generally from the west, the key to his situation as he noted made an extended agreement in an email that including his own words dates he doesn't mention the dates I assume base on his posting is for another year thus voids any month to month 30 days as you noted. He basically added a addendum to the original lesse The ops dissatisfy he can't sublet his other personal problem isn't relevant looking for a out. The owner has the duty to do his best to find another tenant asap his wish to wait renovate to get more rent isn't. I see problems with owner on this point and although deposit isn't normally use for rent being Thailand I would just give up the deposit and leave. I seriously doubt a report would be made.
  21. The answer was clearly there problem you We're driveling all over yourself as I noted you need help with things.???? that is what happen when one is a SMF.
  22. Let me do a summary killing two birds at once. I made a remark about the story poster Goat, far from one remarked " do I speak Thai and do I live here " I responded in my long post in the being " what a silly question " because there was no clarification as to why that was asked so I assumed thinking why would one have to speak or live here to respond. Following that remark I clearly stated " I learned the language " the rest of my post is long enough that I do in fact live here. As for your last statement " smearing and defamation " of who and what knock yourself out if you think you have a case. I'll try to be nicer let just say forum rules don't allow me to say what I really want to say and everyone is just having a moment of lapse. So to answer you like I do my Thai granddaughter who is five Yes I do speak Thai and I do live here over 15 years. My Thai is good enough that I don't need a translator in court good enough to tongue lash the captian at NaJomtien for not living up to his oath applying the law instead try to extort money from a friend when Thai omitted on record she cause the accident. His reasoning we farang have the funds and actually threw in we would feel better if we did. With a smile I told him I feel better if I could slap you across your face that any future meeting will be with a lawyer that this is a civil not a criminal case thus walk out the door that being said you had more than my time bye bye.
  23. The answer is there clear as a bell, it wasn't a riddle. You must be one of those who need someone to hold your dick when they piss. Not fair to others if you need help next time in Pattaya or already here give me a pm, I'll buy coffee or whatever you drink and explain it like talk to my Thai Granddaughter. ????
  24. That's lif????e isn't it, there are some who get it then some lights are on but no one is home!
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