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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. What is the problem! Government officials new fleet of cars!
  2. stick to the topic which is Thailand! If I was reponding to down under you would have gotten a different answer.
  3. Twenty years coming and going Ive never bother to look at what I could bring in. Meat in particular including pork I've brought in process already sealed like Baby back ribs, Mexican pull pork, even T- bone steak, and cheese included. Never been stopped!🤔
  4. What is the saying " The past will be indicative of the future " the outcome will be the same in all due respect and Ive voice this for many years. These group mean will but they all come from the same school of though cant teach what teachers they themselves never learned. Changes will never come fast enough until they put a outside person or group in charge full power to control, remove anyone who tries or stands in it's way only one person can direct that power! They wiil take full control of DLT, RTP it has to be s dictatorship anyone who doesnt follow or tries to use their influence is simply removed end of story! Until that happens it continues to be noise.
  5. Although it is the natural thing to do dont swerve unless you know.
  6. Correct, this is why I noted I said " change the system " and we know that isnt going to happen in your or my lifetime. The real change sadly is drastic basically a coup must happen from a person or group that care more about the people of course that is for another subject. The leaders on down due to nepotism have people in charge and staff all around given jobs with zero credentials work contracted out also goes out to family. As you noted Inspectors in name only what is that you and I can do a better job! Everyone goes along with what was given to them how can you go against those who you are do grateful. Example police have not a clue as to all the violations around them as they sit waiting for the lightbto turn Green. What moved this country is money exchanged to make people move and turn a blind eye.
  7. First everyone knows there is corruption everywhere in the Thai government and their system. From this story change the system to inspection and how payment is made twice a year! I guess collected money is more important than anything. Im not into growing government but Thailand system on the surface " honor system doesnt work " Having laws and regulations with zero enforcement doesnt work never has. Unannoumced inspections doubt and heavy penalties is your greatest weapon. You go in flash your badge run through the operation from top to buttom woth an oversight system in place to check the inspector and their bosses. From the photo, clear this bus was modified in height several years big news like now something was going to be done. Even with the 6 month so call inspection how the hell can a modified bus be clear if an actual honest inspection onsight is being done.
  8. Because they have a lot of cash and Red Envelopes to go around for officials. The Chinese Triads are here been here for a long time especially out on the Darkside. If you didnt know the Chinese own 32 if not more of the 72 provinces in Thailand. A bit over a year ago the attempted arrest of one of the big boss who had his own club operating in Pattaya thumbing his nose at the Thai, Jomtien immigration were handling visa out like candy just like they were doing in Bangkok. They made a big show they are on top of it dig deeper uncover names so deep they swept it under the rug. There has been nothing mention since. They invited money to come and the Chinese triads have plenty to blow and sadly it is a bit late they are here to stay this raid changing nothing.
  9. Isnt that what the debate has been for years especially with China, Thailand is no different " Free Trade " problem it isnt free nor fair is it. Import Duty what 30-40% ? It is a no brainer they want yo to buy local item if same price as Thai the choice is clear even for Thais. Living here you pick and choose what to give up for me chip, ice cream LOL, local once I saw a sale on Kettle Chips 175 baht reg, sale 119 baht I broke the bank book home open it was near all crumbs as if someone intentionally smash the bag then it was stale. Once saw fruit stand Big C extra, basket of Cherries imported from USA, 3500 baht a week later You want to bypass, need to open a factory just ask Toyota , its not just vegemit ask those wine lovers.
  10. What about all the potholes! Im still waiting for the Tour DeFrance to come too!
  11. The hot air the so call concern from leaders right now looking for a scrapegoat! Years ago light was shed on these illegal modifications then height as a untrain driver took a offramp speed too fast the bus overturn. Inspection by DLT announced so what happen this article noted " company been operating 50 years several violations " You see these buses modified straight as soon as they leave the factory they are height modified dress up painted illegal lights placed at night look like a rolling Christmas tree blinding other drivers. Sadly I see these buses rolling down Hwy 7 from Bangkok with police escorting them illegally modified. That is Thailand!
  12. I really hope this is the case but this digging will be as far as it goes in Thailand.
  13. Couldnt happened at a better place! Someone was making a statement!
  14. what Yanks got to do with this story leave the yanks out of your Bias.
  15. 4000 baht, new for unit that was for a PCX. In Pattaya, main supplier Pangyong on Sukhumvit Soi 55, just off Pattaya Klang, took one hour.
  16. Just another idea to bring in revenue for themselves! Money will never help the Thais that need it.
  17. The Mayor today and all the ones before the municipal officials all the relately contractors are all crooks. Warranty as soon as the complaints and cameras turn off this will like everything be swept under the sidewalks. While the work was going on one could see no cement where were the officials who sign off I guess a the bank making their deposit.
  18. Even if you are married it is tough if not impossible to obtain a Tourist visa. Without detailing my own experience years and years ago many of the stuff noted is true, if she has traveled abroad on her own that is a good start, the Embassy know being Thailand many documents are forged. What I sense from reading many request like yours doing it yourself online the cost not refundable I havent looked at the site recently but you better have all your ducks line up able to upload with your application. People think the interview is the make or break in general but majority of decisions have already been made prior. At times the frustration I read my opinion is use a lawyer that has a good reputation with the Embassy in their interview can honestly tell your wife her chances before proceeding. Another opinion you mentioned Siam Legal, I ran as fast as I can!
  19. The Art of War! If they say it is ok, then it is not. If they say watching it they are in process of malipulation. If they say in line with other currency it isnt.
  20. R.I.P sad really sad! My heart goes out to all the families!
  21. Oil worse used reason why the food taste so good. Have you tried the fried chicken skin! OMG!
  22. Prior to living in Thailand, I didn't have a clue to a Brit and still don't 🤔 This is one example as to why there isn't a Great any longer to Britain LOL? I really feel sorry for them coming from an Democracy but yet they hand out and spend like a drunker sailor sure just like the U.S. force us to participate in a good program that our government has driven to the ground then when <deleted> hits the fan want us to do the cost savings good intentionl programs run to ground then they call us who put in told at the end this is what you get now called an " Entitlement " . The average guy losing out as government pit other citizen against each other sharing a small piece of the apple pie while those who are in government continue to benefit because politician use them for votes. Their claim to those benefits " we need to pay more so they don't go into the public service we have to compete with the talent " As I learned from many Brits the word " Rubbish " politician taught about " Gobal economy/Freedom " that is what is " rubbish " while they live in comfort care more about illegal immigrants more than their own citizens pitting them against each other. The allowance is a drop in the bucket to what is thrown away each day. Talk is cheap by our political leaders none lead by example any longer!
  23. Thank god Garland was never allowed to be in the Supreme court. Not only DoJ, CIA, FBI, S.S. Military, these are starts.
  24. They sold everything in Asia except in China, everything was sold to China " Great Wall Motor " now. First I would never buy a Chevy or a Ford ever any American car I had my share growing up. In Bangkok you have more options for used I heard like " Sure " a used car network but I go with Toyota value holds better I had a friend buy a used Yaris thay came with a Guarantee.
  25. Just a generalization! Sidecarts, motorbikes are a way of life here there are lots of road where there isn't a toll as they continue to built and improve the roads safety isn't really a priority in design nevertheless of the shortcomings if one is trained and follow the basic rules one can still navigate around safely. Based on the picture the travel is common on the left side there seem to be an epidemic of hormones with male drivers at this age statics for insurance shows a male brains doesn't develop fully until 27, here it seems many have never obtained that level and it seems majority of them drive trucks. Accidents on top of accidents involve these pick up trucks. Somewhere along this road there are cameras check them and I'm sure this truck was way beyond the speed that is safe! These male driver seem to have never been told to share the road. As soon as they see a motorbike in front or a smaller vehicle they speed up using the larger vehicle to intimidate other smaller drivers. Sad, at 70 years old should be kicking back enjoying life yet he is out selling Ice Cream and his life ended RIP!
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