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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Stir the pot, former Dem now a Indep undecided! Limit? One has to be a citizen to vote, Demo say anyone who has a license show should be able to vote. States DMV, can't ask if they are citizens in application process, gerrymandering counter is to allow more illegals to into into the country the current busing distribution to certain destination can be contrue to counter it? He does spread more boosting than anything like a teen claiming he has a big dick with Rubio, typical white guy in the locker room who does nothing but put a foot in his mouth Trump isnt the only one his personality thinking the way he talks is as he thinks hes at a wresthlng match against the Rock. Speculation nothing more he could never over turn the rules of being President he will never get a majority from his own party. Just like Arnold former Governor of Cal could never run for President. Yes he rambles around the issues not knowing he is doing it and his handlers are too afraid to guide and tell him. The Demos counter with the pure Art of War, diversion if they catch you in a lie it is red look straight say No it is black. Sooner it is over the better at this point with Trump I know exactly what Im getting with Harris from my home City and State I also know what Im going to get.The question will I vote if I do the choice is easy and it is my right to keep it to myself.
  2. pproblem here is they put out alerts and scammer take no notice as if they never heard the alert. Enforcement is what works, example recently they put out an alert on obtaining driver licence yet FB is overrun Ads With these scams.
  3. problem here is they put out alerts and scammer take no notice as if they never heard the alert. Enforcement is what works, example recently they put out an alert on obtaining driver licence yet FB is overrun Ads With these scams. Alert! Job done back to sleep!
  4. When it comes to politiics both side best to not discuss if you dont want an argument endless both side. Not one listens nothing good comes from the discussion and this fits eveey country in the world. What goes around comes around US is in a bad place today but what has always been steady is the Consitution it works and it will work to keep whoever wins in place. There will be no gain without pain. I cant wait for it to be over tired watching both sides do their spin what a soap opera!
  5. Blinded! Thais are really blind to their own habits. All these stories they are outrage " ruin their reputation " They always seem outrage at foreigners a double standard that only Thais are perfect so in Thailand 🤧
  6. I did not make this statement! I quote it wanted to comment! Will do it now, Im not a Trump supporter but something does bother me either time has change we got now worse agencies in the <deleted> for these two incidents. In spite of what is being said for something for this to happen with these agencies so much to lose for them I just feel this was planned by these top dogs in charge. Just as in Kennedy this was planned within. Now to this remark it is simple if you know his pattern what he does the weakness it should be easy to cover but it is coming out the guy was laying there for 12 hours the area was never swept then another top agent said his schedule is no problem to cover. What happened to use of drones? Some powerful people are involved it seems tip off how?🤔
  7. Greed tax pure and simple. There is already 500-600 baht tax remember years back leaving the machines. This was later push on to the airlines which when one purchase a ticket on line will see the tax / fee then as noted it was brought up over a year ago half claim for health insurance in which later only 50 baht would go towards. Then they got resistence from airlines cause they wanted them to collect. I glad pay it if it was to benefit the people, better schools, better hospitals, better infrastructure, sewer water, electric plant, instead the leaders get rich scams.
  8. Really no point from an independent perspective it is rig majority of media where is the honor of having an open debate. Not supporting Trump but Demo now have presented a new package she didnt answer one question just more civil in her approach I felt she shine in interview not debate handle herself better that is all she had to do since voter cant stand the guy! On record Trump wins but his big mouth and ego will be the cause of his own demise. Let him talk and ramble is all Demo has to do. No one answers the questions it is a disgrace.
  9. Capitalism! A need fill it if there wasnt a need she wouldnt be doing it. 🤑
  10. you Got it wrong you only quoted what you wanted. I didnt forget me first equals they die first.
  11. Why cant they move? Obvious this has been going on for a while of course we are talking Thailand but the owner didnt disclose this fact I managed an apartment building back home can attest to this birds basically rat with wings. They nest and <deleted> everywhere until I found the solution I was shoveling their <deleted> up to clean area for tenants I had to get a good face mask after the first time I could feel the toxin.
  12. Knowing or not everything if one lives in a society comes down to enforcement. Thus the reason Thailand has the problems they do so much we take for granted that we learn in the West, sure at times it is overboard but valud why it exist. Like the comment victim receives a judgement ten years still nothing because there isnt a system in place to collect. Many places the assets legally would have be taken and sold so any wages garnished until judgement is paid. Here go to the temple you feel better.
  13. Is it really finished? 20 years it has beem a monumental whale of source of money for every mayor of Pattaya. They have taken money year after year from this project 125 million to do Beach Rd, then another 125 for traffic lights pedestrians, will the CCTV, be the last Move on to the youth facilty they already screw that up how does one tear it down first then have no money to renovate!🤑
  14. My assumption you are going from 2 to a five. You will need to obtain a Residential certificate Immigration which would required current TM30 Medical certificate, obtain website watch a one hour video and obtain copy of QR code of passing, copy of your passport, appt color chart and reaction test. That is required in Pattaya, other offices might require more or less.
  15. Correct, that is why even In Thailand education/training One can not over or undertake 100-150M. from a intersection.
  16. Cholestrol runs in my family, I first started Lipitol in my late 40's, 250 range. There wasnt a lot of long term study then I was tested regularly for side affects started 5M, years later up to 20, my numbers had drop to 170, moving here cost I started on a generic, tested never had a problem but upped to 40M. to maintain 170 range, a few years back I noticed a change cramps, muscles hurting it got so bad, I concluded it was coming from the statins so I stopped meantime got a muscle emzeme test it was off the charts I firmly believe if I didnt stop I would be dead today. Still concern Doctors see me here when I did stop my number one point 295, but my good numbers were great my average ratio was below 4, I talked to a friend cardio Doc back home said regardless of high total no need. I do work out change my diet a bit for A1C, everytime I visit a doctor here or abroard, my Blood pressure average 115/70 pulse great. I use to weigh 65K, today last three years 52K, last blood test , 225 total, A1C 5.6, BP, 105/65. For me after a week of stopping the pain in my arms stopped each day I felt better, not only that I noticed morning I started to get a woody I had more juice and pop to my game. There are So many studies pro/cons do I worry yes but right now it is a gamble I feel good at 72 soon to be 73, although the numbers flex, but still 52K, BP 115/75.
  17. Not happening ever based on current setup!
  18. " Thought in Dept " Not happening in Thailand in my lifetime it begins and ends with Greed 🤑
  19. Government leaders Sangsom all around show me the money!🤑
  20. Pm drama continue didnt take long who is up next Anutin? How long will it be before she slips out middle of night to join Auntie
  21. Thanks for taking the time to comment respectfully! Certainly one thing you and I come from different backgrounds I spent the majority of my youth behind bars because I felt it better to follow my older brother. Growing up I've felt lots of racism and discrimination as a American born Chinese American but that wasn't any excuse. As a youth I was too dumb full of cum when good people around me said you are smart spend more time on your school work because it was all there but I took the wrong path. Once that happened I became even worse double triple down because as they say a male brain isn't fully developed until you are in your late twenties. I've been growing up to 48 of the 50 States I thought prior to living here it's Thailand they are Asian I know Asians I'm one of them. But like everyone I didn't want trouble everyone has a purpose I guess coming here to look for my brother I guess that was my purpose to also marry a second time although I said after the first never again on top adopted my Thai son who I held in my arms when he was only six month old. My family members who have known me since I was a child many from Hong Kong where my father and older brother made sure I knew would always be there to help if needed when they visit tell me I use to be a pit bull now I'm a damn Chiwawa ( mis-spelled ). Not to extend this boring reply, the things that has happened to me since I came full time the racism, prejudice, even the hate living with Thais and I know when people tell me Pattaya and Bangkok isn't part of Thailand. i know that to be very true since my wife family up north rice land rich has always treated me with respect and kindness. But here in Pattaya, things that has happened to me the first ten years I wouldn't wish on a person I want to kill. As to the incident which has been the biggest one that is embedded into my head. There are many more in the past and many to come in the future as for the future I years ago reinvented myself but there isn't a day I encounter that make my blood boiled. In the beginning I like everyone learn Thai years later i stopped knowing too much was what was inciting those feelings I hear B.S. out of some Thai mouth is like an open invitation to do something, that's on me and my personality. Years ago I made plans with my brother and family I can only try but if a date ever come and I snap this is what they have to do, my family here and my little brother back home who is mentally challenge no one left except me and my brother to look after his care. These two loves is what I attribute to me not snapping yet. My biggest concern is taking verbal bravado into action which I could easily do here in Thailand. Clarification: This date as I noted is embedded into my brain April 18th, my Thai neighbor was a drunk and a deadbeat sadly there are many in my Thai village. My wife being from the farm felt we would be better off not living in a gated community what a big mistake that end up being. This evening while I went to pick up my brother and kids down the road during that time the drunk started to beat up his wife again this time she came running to our house to get protection he ended up abusing my wife my son only 10 tried to him he then got smack around. When I return realized what had happen I and my brother went next door as soon as he saw me two knives in his hand attacked me I was lucky to get minor cuts and able to get them away from him. He wanted to fight so we did it didn't last long although he was 25 years younger he got a pretty good beating. As I was walking away with my brother hearing my son call out come back something told me turn around I did and just remember the guy had this large butcher knife swung it at my head all I remember was getting up bleeding badly my brother told me I bent backwards to avoid the swing which caused me to fall and break my nose and hit my head. Once I realized the blood it set me off I grab a metal pipe raised it over my head and told him in Thai bring it on. In that split second prior to him charging I knew I was going to kill this man by splitting his head over when he charged in a dazed I miss and slam down the pipe on his shoulder dislocated his entire right side of his body he slum down when he did I slam down the pipe on both of his legs i was so jacked with anger I raised the pipe 3rd strike I was going end his life by cracking his skull open. My brother realizing my intention grabbed my arm. From what I was told the cops were called but never showed up, they took him to Banglamung in a pickup truck I went to BPH, where the doctor said another CM, the swing from the butcher knife miss a major view which if cut i would have died bleeding out. My brother thereafter called family in H.K. they in turn called Lawyers in Bangkok my wife and son was sent back to her farm with protection until the matter was settle. I never saw the guy or the wife again although my wife did speak to her. I don't go around bragging as to what has happened to me here I don't use any of my resources to use against any Thai, I deal with it by venting in my own manner you say bravado if that is what it is as long as i don't act on it I've had a successful day. I wake up and go to sleep each night knowing one day at a time. Do I hate Thai people NO, bravado in general no different than many others here, more than anything I hate this government leaders who short change the people to brainwash them to make them followers instead of leaders. My adopted son I've never put a hand on him in my heart tough for Thais to understand I don't need him to be my blood for me to love him. I've done a lot of bad things in my life but I also know I've done a lot of good raising him is one of them putting my life on the line to get him out of a Thai mafia group was one of them. I once said to him from my experience I have something to teach you money can't buy and that is how to be the best person you can be without going through what I've been through. Has it been easy hell no raising a child is one of the hardest thing in life even more so in Thailand, there is no real future for the people they don't complain because they know nothing else to compare so i don't hate them saying that doesn't mean I don't vent! Since that day whenever Songkran came around it was standard we go back to her farm knowing the memories I had that night April 18th, years ago my son and future daughter inlaw brought news to me that she was expecting. The thought in my mind was have a abortion but the call wasn't mines, I just smiled and said congratulation, expected time just happened to be in April, as it got closer my son came to me and said we are going to have a C-section the exact date is going to be April 18th, at 11am that day my son and I look into the glass and there she was smiling at us. That pretty much wipe out the bad memory I had of that day today my granddaughter is 6 years old hopefully I'm around long enough to see many more April 18th. Thank you for your time!
  22. OMG, Are you even human or are you trying to put your<deleted> dont smell up on a pedestal. Looking at your handle Richard_Smith, comes across as it you are royality simply just explain who you are. Im human Ive had things happen to me here living with Thais you not a clue that someone as sensitive would pee in their shorts because they live a lilly white world. Here I came close to death because I gave a ounce of caring instead of finishing him off not doing so when my back was turn to help my son 10 years old cut me with a butcher knife. After I regret not killing him he is lucky to be alive today. Thinking isnt the same as doing when I say only good Thai is a dead Thai humans say it in general going to a corner is my solution to vent to change myself so my son and family dont think I hate all Thais. You criticize me but Ive seen many of your own post before ypu start to judge other look in the mirror the last thing you are is a Saint.
  23. " Can you defend yourself " This was too much for you! 🤧 Get a backbone
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