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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Happens often all my wife does is take the rice lay it out in the sun come back gone put rice back in container. Never had a problem I'm still alive and kicking.
  2. Get the Big Joke on it! Since he ????has been removed from the Chinese Triads case????
  3. What a bunch of B.S. when all the photo ops are done the show will go on. Triads been here longer than he has been kissing ass all One has to do is the math Even when he was in charge of immigration.
  4. Just asking being online although not available 24/7 I get all my notices in an email to inform about changes, increased, even my 1099 tax form. They know what or when you last log on isn't this form to see if you still alive or not? Sure there can be loopholes but they do send you a code prior to accessing account..
  5. Just curious, does going paperless and signing up for their online Service help eliminate this problem?
  6. In 2018, I went to the show in Bangkok thinking the same. Although I made up my mind Toyota and knew prices and wanted to see other models. No one there seem to want to give much, certainly not the same as home U. S. All just said insurance and extras priced seem fixed. So I just continue to search in Pattaya area with different dealers, finally one day unexpected one dealer wrote down 45,000 down from the listed price still with all the extra. I took that quote to the dealership Near my home which I also purchased a vehicle before and got it match.
  7. This is what happens when you have an inadequate justice system. Then you give duties to an inept police force that is minimal train to be judge and jury in majority of the cases when they themselves come from a system that has no critical thinking. It was a simple case, for start get the man medical treatment then take the report. Everyt&ing here is a Wai, sorry, fine, dont do it again! Does anyone understand the meaning of taking and teaching real responsibility. Guess it is easier to say TIT.
  8. Realizing it is a easy gig and the side payments or benefits why leave?
  9. Why not have it Fax, considered a legal method.
  10. I hope the next victim is him the reason he didn't show up. The RTP are lace top to bottom with these corrupt and arrogant the reason nothing will ever change until a hole is dug <deleted> or them.
  11. Bring Red Bull home too! ???? Get him a new watch that should do it!
  12. This is very common here! I would have a conversation as soon as possible to get your answer. From my real estate experience I've been both renter and owner and applies everywhere just because one had the ability to own property that they should. A great majority of owners don't have a clue!
  13. Another rerun suggestion that is already dead as soon as it was mentioned.
  14. I live here for twenty years I don't know Pattaya anytime you want to know it give me a challenge. That includes all of the east, West, North to Bangkok and south to Sattahip. The fact that you shoot your mouth off if you travel to the Darkside you can go KM, like on a Soi like Siam Country, from Sukhumvit to the Lake that is around 7 KM you be lucky to see a dozen, Nernpludwan, Khao Noi, and barely find one. Then construction of all the drains on the West when it rains you see a reservoir, levee, go down to the beaches after a major storm and watch the garbage. I've taken the time to observe drains being put in everywhere it all leads to the I suggest you take up the challenge or just do us all a favor and <deleted>! Clueless get your head out of your A--
  15. correct it is called " stop slow down and proceed with caution "
  16. If it is like Pattaya, all talk but try finding a trash bin! Then you got the drainage system which is non existing when it rains goes into the drains which all leads to the ocean everything drain there including the garbage.
  17. Likes pro! ????
  18. There are marking 90 on the left 120 on the right. But reality of driving here don't do as Thai do, adjust your speed based on condition it will reduce the excuses.
  19. A perfect place for all the freeloaders.
  20. I was in your situation once carry ACS, for 5 years covered my son the attraction Covers in USD so you are getting much more than your normal Thai policy. As you noted rain or shine it just goes up and up regardless. After I just got tired and left for actually less coverage in over 15 years never needed to make a claim. You will find a few but less premium but coverage is much less! Even no no health problems some required a physical be prepared 6500 .-8000 baht If they do cover you like ACS be put into a bracket for prices won't cancel but the premium will also continue to go up until you get to the point you leave. It is nearly all the same big rip off here advertised inexpensive but find print they just don't want to pay out when you need it most
  21. Shocking! Just when you think Thais couldn't have their heads in the sand anymore than they already just shows you? What you think is going to happen? No enforcement here for anything alcohol, underage driving, so why would pot be any different.
  22. Another pointless rule that will not affect anything. Enforced 1 day, just like the baby seat and seat belt. Then when stop how are they going to verified, will they all be carrying calculators.
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