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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Lots of announcement on purchased lots of announcement of vaccine being obtained coming in months or by the end of the year yet announcement of pre-paid for Moderna, second pre-paid for Moderna by MedPark, Bumgrungrad? yet no word as to when it is going to come! ???? by the time it actually get here the pandemic might be over?
  2. Quoting from the CDC, until the Delta came? The youth immune system is stronger but from the photo it doesn't mean you can't take precaution like social distant. ???? As we know now since the beginning things change which is what the virus has done so what might apply in the beginning might no longer I'm one that believes in general " government can't run anything " not only that they can't seem to even communicate to us the reason for the changes the reason everyone seems to be fighting every suggestion?????
  3. I've fly Eva exclusively (BKK-SFO) and done research as to how they market their fares before Covid, right now due to a lack of competition their prices are pretty much set Eva is one of the few airlines during the pandemic that isn't in big financial hole reason they are carrying a lot of cargo. What Eva is doing when you log on to their website although you see schedule and flights they aren't really operating especially in and out of Bangkok. If you are able to book a trip for example two month down the road you will be able but as the date gets closer and nothing has changed with the situation they will contact you and refund or reschedule with a penalty charge. Also on their website look at the top in regards to information noted as to their transit area which is basically closed. As noted Eva connection process is much easier than JAL plus JAL doesn't operate in or out of SFO, they use a code share like ANA? the layover in Japan is much longer I believe if you use JAL, code share ANA you land in one airport layover like 8 hours you got to transport to Narita by train or bus? My cousin last year had a booking on Eva, after a number of cancellation by EVA, as I noted above they finally gave him an option on ANA. Checking prices last year on Eva it was somewhere between 45-52,000 baht although I knew they weren't operating, Cathay Pacific has a pretty good connection from BKK-HongKong-SFO, the times are very similar departing and arriving the price was under 25,000 baht but a few month prior Cathay was having a dispute with whether the flight crew needed to be quarantine on arrival so they discontinue the route until further notice. That might be another option? Good luck.
  4. Wait another month they are slowly trying to get away from giving the Sino but the leaders don't have the balls to tell the CCP. The next bright idea announced a week ago in October they will start with providing the AZ, second shot is with Pfizer? Like my wife and family they waited this long will continue waiting until a better combination shows up or they start to provide the Pfizer even if I have to pay for it myself. News also they want to start vaccinating students with the Pfizer to make such an announcement are more on his way?
  5. End all the mandates required to get in! There have been millions donated to Thailand in supplies like the test or out right cash to purchase yet they are charging these outrages prices then you got the 300-600 baht that was approved a year ago added to the price of a plane ticket admission for health and tourist promotion cost. Does any of this stuff smell to anyone? Stupid ideas after stupid idea but these guys do know how to come up with all these catch program names so many I've lost track the reason I can't seem to move on from criticizing?????????
  6. Of course many of us foreigners have great suggestions because we come from parts that actually educate and enforce the driving laws and that is really the key. Living here all these years and having training back home in the transportation industry I know the importance of enforcement. When I came here I felt the same drinking I would scream inside " stupid MF " then through several incidents I realize I could get in a fight everyday I was really wasting my time and energy because they just haven't been educated properly they have taken everything the object, rules and turn them upside down to the point everyone is desensitized to what they are doing. I been in situation with driver even the police as a witness to accidents explaining what went wrong and who was a fault based on their own driving rules and laws. You will find out in general they don't have a clue or the proper execution which is why the accidents happens. We all come from the same seed we are human we are in general born the same what separate us is our culture. Thailand today is part of the world and they have ask for it when you reach out for money like they do year in year out with the W.H.O. for money to improve the system ( 15 million USD ) yet the numbers continue to rise their solution is to put up more poster to wear helmets foreigners like myself have a right to criticize! Are Thais stupid NO! in the model world lets take the sports of MMA, many of their boxers are now entering into the sports the sport has different rules yet they aren't being single out for infraction why? they are educated to exactly the rules, infraction and penalty within the match is a referee ( to enforce ) who is also taught those rules everyone is on the same page. Unlike the BIB here isn't judge and jury the referee applies the rules to the oath he or she has taken. It is really simple as Thai excel in many world sports event it is all about EDUCATION AND ENFORCEMENT by knowing you will follow because if you don't there is a Lost, THE LOST HAS TO BE GREAT ENOUGH THE HUMAN DON'T WANT TO LOSE. How important is enforcement as I visit and drive back in the States with different priority for police even before the call of defunding I see with less enforcement more road rage incidents and accident when people know they can get away with system human nature that is what they will do! That being said as long as the police don't have a clue as to how, what or when to enforce I wouldn't be giving them a baht why would anyone give a TOOL to someone who doesn't have a clue as to what to do with it that includes the person at the very top! I stand by my earlier comment the whole system needs to be taken away from the country leaders but reality we foreigners know that isn't going to happen and that is the reason nothing is going to change.????
  7. To early, just be glad you are getting the Pfizer 2nd shot! enjoy why worry when no one really knows!
  8. As noted, sorry young lady you don't have a clue what you are talking about! In my opinion there isn't one Thai that comes from the same school of driving know or has the power to fix and lower the numbers. The only reason the numbers were down last year was because of the lock down due to the pandemic as soon as it was over and no curfew the number start to rise again. Around 20,000 that number haven't been seen ten years if it wasn't for Libya, Thailand would be number ONE year in year out The only way this can be fixed or reduce is to use the Emergency Power Act give it to a outside person who has full power to make the changes and remove anyone I mean anyone who refuses! Get the thousands of DLT personnel out of the offices who are bumping into themselves doing nothing. Nothing will ever change if a Thai is in charge you can't change something if you have no clue as to the problem. The Thais have taken a luxury invented in the West with it's rules and made everything unrecognizable killing the greatest asset of their nation T.I.T. Driving is a privilege a vehicle is consider a weapon education through enforcement is full time 24/7 not once a month to get your rent paid. When the Thai leaders are serious and leave the honor system behind give me a call and if you do you won't like what you will get and that includes the guy at the very top!????
  9. With held his name due to editorial policy? what about all the names in the past with road accidents etc... I know this road well although they can't seem to spell it right all the time. Lots going on at night? just the other day news here a Thai guy from Bangkok been drinking drives off the road and crashes into a house then now this might be lots of partying going on????? Just like I tell my Thai son all the time, just because you got a dick doesn't mean you are a man! Being a man is being responsible taking care of business many never grow up mentally?
  10. Rules don't apply for the elite? here comes another wave! and they are still pointing at foreigners putting us in a bubble, sandbox, moving on with the same restrictions. ????
  11. That makes some sense based on the time line? Up to a month or so ago they had very little vaccine what they did have was Sinovac ???? then if you live here and not asleep majority of the time ( not saying that is bad ) you look at the health and eating habits of locals it isn't surprising that so many are dying from the underlying conditions I said it before prior to the start of vaccinations that many locals have no clue to their health since rarely do they get treatment until it is too late?
  12. Wife ask me that question once! Once I stopped rolling on the floor her helping me up I said " are you <deleted> crazy " it has taken me years to get us right I'm too old and tired to start again with all the headaches! The grass is never greener! Like the guys say renting is much cheaper and easier!???? Reverse? I was once asked by a regular or as noted " rental " she wanted to be my Mia Noi I just responded with a smile but deep down inside I was thinking why would I want someone else treating me like a dog? ????????
  13. Have no problem with PM here to help if I can.
  14. Although closed I seen a number of Indian guys outside sitting regularly, looks like someone needed something to do? $$$$
  15. Correct, I will be the first to tell you how hard it is to find a really good lawyer even a Thai one, in the end you get what you pay for the lawyer I use now just happen to be a friend of the family Thai but raised, educated in the U.S. and based in Bangkok. Yes any good lawyer will not charge you for just to hear you problem.
  16. Just my opinion and experience especially when it comes to renting. The question is never asked until the rent contract is signed? Many locals renting have the money to buy and want to rent but all they want is the cash don't we all? The question is never asked whether the owner will help you if necessary with any Immigration obligations particularly giving you a copy of blue book or whatever color one want to call it ownership book. Many owners renting are scared and will not help you because they think they will have to pay taxes the only business I know that does TM-30 are the hotels or resorts? I have everything under my wife name, before I made addition copies for future use I had her sign the one copy also made a copy of her I.D. card also with her signature. When the TM-30 got popular a number of years ago when I needed to renew my license prior I was told I needed to register for the TM-30 just gave a copy front page and I was done. As noted you don't need to have your name added just get a copy and have them sign personally I would see if I could get a copy sign of their I.D. just tell them it is a requirement for you to rent and stay and you will do all the work. Years ago I purchased a small Condo, after renovation I decided to rent it out I kept it vacant until I found the perfect tenant I reduced the rent and undercut I wanted a long term rental who wasn't a pack rat part of my rental agreement if he couldn't I would help him with any immigration needs that included providing him with ownership paper for the TM-30 or I will do it myself for him. The renter using Thailand as a based came and went at times out of the country so I showed him once thereafter he did it on his own after a number of years he loved the place so much make me a decent offer to buy. It really is a easy process there isn't really anything to hide good luck!
  17. Even in Thailand there is a thing called " Criminal " and Civil " based on what you wrote you have a clear indication as to who the owner of the dog. Some has the belief that the police is completely in charge as " judge and jury " if one believe that then stop reading especially if one believe of retaliation if one takes it further. I would get a good lawyer ( English speaking and comprehending ) file a Civil lawsuit with a injunction against owner that stops any movement of assets sadly one got to spend money to get money that would include anywhere in the world including Thailand. The Civil portion should put pressure on the police on criminal charges.
  18. An old idea but the excuse is it is different for each location? Another waste trip one hour a Thai get together later to converse as their cut of local gambling etc. a private night out with drinking and girls that is how they come up with all these ideas and names for their programs????? Sandbox, Moving on, Moving forward, Moving left/right, Step by Step, Moving backwards and wasting time and money is more like it.
  19. Nothing new here hidden in the change of name from Sandbox Freedom? " The New Norm " that is the catch? Now you got to meet all the Sandbox requirements come Dec 1st, all those requirement will now be the " New Norm "????????
  20. Since many of the factories are being shut down due to outbreaks there is now a shortage of hair dye. Hopefully due to this fact there might be less B.S. interviews each day?????????
  21. Not sure if the ops is asking for the company he owns? or just a curious employee? nevertheless something is missing here? With all these questions if the owner of company hasn't contacted a lawyer it should, and if they already have a lawyer get a new one. ????
  22. The article doesn't say anything that most of us already know? HOPE! ???? O.K. I will get my pom pom out and celebrate this news!????
  23. Continue the useless policy! Instead of pro-active testing and following protocol it is let them freely in do as they please then if a outbreak happens close! That has been the solution the last few months maybe it is time to re-think or resign the continue outbreak in Chon Buri is due to one person look in the mirror governor!
  24. That is the problem where do you drain the water too? you are right is there a nearby dam/reservoir NO! Anyone that is curious when they put in the sidewalk could see you don't just pack sand and then lay bricks on top when it rains the water falls through the cracks between each brick creating a million little tunnel sooner or later the castle falls picture show just that. After the last rain on beach road I noted for someone to tell the Jomtien folks to stop what they are doing near the far end! Also all the water from Sukhumvit ( your high points ) runs down toward the beach at a number of points particular the two main roads leading down to the beach are drain pipes when it gets to the beach it drains into a large black tube under the sand into the sea when it rains and high tide no where for the water to drain after it goes into the man holes drains on the beach thus it back flows out and on to the road. If one go off the sidewalk and step down on to the beach you will noticed on the other side of the cement wall hundreds of small little PVC blue pipes from under the sidewalk drains dumping water into the sand which undermines the cement structure walkway. I've watch this technology throughout Pattaya for over ten years you should see what they do on the Darkside?????
  25. I think if prior to buying your ticket online especially with the airline take a look at the different prices for the same flights, click on the rules and regulation and it should note what you are getting? It should include more miles if applicable cancellation charges and length of ticket use paying more will give you some flexiability in cancellation charges and greater length of the ticket.
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