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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Just think about English people wouldn't get a hotel room in London…….

    If you are politically aware, you may have noticed some new legislation being passed this week unbelievably named the "Equality Act" which makes it perfectly legal to discriminate against white British males in favour of ethnic minorities and women when it comes to employing staff.

  2. Those of you that have never witnessed any of us decent white folk dealing drugs, I suggest a few nights stay in Pattaya.

    A couple of questions for you racists::if for example you had never visited Thailand or not ever associated with Thai people. Would you still have the same attitudes towards the Thais living or working in farangland as you share regarding the blacks and Indians over here? Or are Thais exempt from your list of inferior races because it suits you in able to live and do your deeds in Thailand?

    I work and get on with Indians, Russians, Muslims from the Middle East and have a non Aryan child, but despite this many Africans in tourist areas are scum of the earth and cause trouble on a constant basis.

    Its people like you i despise with your predictable your racist crap name calling.

    • Like 2
  3. I fail to see how this is a problem.

    Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

    I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

    I said 'Yep, you're right'.

    All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

    I ran out of reds today but will be back tomorrow to give you one.

    I know plenty of those white folks who sell drugs also you bigot!

    It shows the kind of people you associate with then, ive never once seen a white male pushing drugs in Sukhumvit or causing trouble in gangs like the West Africans do, theyre the reason why i will never step into this area again in the evening.

    Pity the decent blacks suffer because of them. This company must have their reasons for taking such measures.

    I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!

    I was refering to anywhere in the world. there are white dealers and black dealers! probably a few yellow ones as well.

    I am shocked at the amount of racism on this board! :o not every black dude sells drugs for a living.

    Of course youve never been to such areas, but i hope you dont mind if i think youre a liar.

    No one has said every black dude sells drugs so there is another lie ... youre on a roll

    If you could also point out where ive been racist, is it when im harmlessly going to watch the football in Gullivers on my own and get pressured by the gangs of West Africans that try to scam and intimidate me, notice theyre not brave enough to try it on their own.

    • Like 1
  4. There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

    So if someone wants to have sex with a kid the vendor that supplies the child is only offering what the market wants, what twisted logic.

    • Like 2
  5. I hope that the company is bought by a new face that will keep Carrefour as it is, or even expand the products, it would be sad to see the larger range of western type products that Carrefour offers, reduced to a smaller range as offered in tesco and big c.

    These 3 are almost identical in choice, especially Tesco and Carrefour .. i never understand how anyone prefers one over the other ... Villas and the one in Emporium are the best for choice though theyre ludicrously expensive..

  6. To stick to the topic i know only the basics about why one should invest in gold but i do know those who bought in 1980 didnt do too well, and from this data, it seems to be the biggest gold boom in history.

    in reality it is not [yet] a boom. adjusted by inflation (U.S. and USD based) the present price of gold has still a long way to reach USD 2,300 an ounce. when using the inflation rate of some other countries and currencies the amount increases to the equivalent of USD 2,600-2,800. but using the short peak of 1980, which lasted only for a few days, for an extrapolation is of course arbitrary.

    Ok my first principle after losing money in the past is dont invest in something i dont fully understand or have the slightest cold feet about.

    Anyway the chart i sent before is from the first day of the year in all the years listed, it shows gold at 594.90USD in 1980, the peak this year was 850 according to this chart.

    However i quickly googled to get a chart adjusted with inflation, and this one seems to show gold as being above its long term average, but below the boom and bust peak of 1980, the website looks as if they know what theyre talking about so i will take it for granted its accurate.


    So i stand corrected its the second biggest gold boom in history.

    It was a great investment when Great leader Gordy was telling the world he's about to drop a whole load of it onto the market, did anyone on here buy then and hold? .... now im not so sure.

  7. Bank of England tells savers: Screw you; we're debasing the currency


    Very sound advice from the bank of England. I have never met anybody who got rich by saving money in a bank.

    Yes cracking advice from the aptly named Mr Bean, i think everyone should spend their savings on flights out the country and blow it on a holiday of a lifetime, thatll be good for the economy wont it. rolleyes.gif

    Thing is id say my savings have dropped almost 30%, due to spending it because of the 2.75% interest rates and expecting it to be inflated away (so he has achieved what was intended by the 0.5% with me), however most this money was spent overseas, since these not very bright civil servants decided to bail out the indebted ... ironically it was set aside to spend in England on a property once the bubble burst.

    To stick to the topic i know only the basics about why one should invest in gold but i do know those who bought in 1980 didnt do too well, and from this data, it seems to be the biggest gold boom in history. http://www.onlygold....ces200yrsfs.htm

    No please get a grip of the reality.

    What the BOE is saying is that you shouldnt save through a bank. Saving through a bank is spending in terms of paying bankers bonuses etc..

    Lets keep this very simple.

    Calm down i didnt realise youd get so upset, and my grip on reality is fine, well for someone stranded here waiting to go to work!

    I played the property market to perfection until they lowered interest rates to 0.5% and they used QE to bail out the banks ... Nobody predicted this changing of the rules at the end of the game!

    My money is in the bank as it enables me quick access should i see a property or 99.9% safe investment worth buying, the best bit of investing i have ever done was to take my money out the stock market in September 07/08 (terrible at dates, but just before the first crash), and itll only be put into something i know a lot about.

    My architect friend offered me an opportunity last week to buy his next door neighbours house for 100K, his identical but refurbished house is valued at 180k, then to knock them down and build 4 properties on the site which is in a prime retirement area he has been planning this for years (hardly great timing to start it i know), if it was locked away in some bond for a year then i wouldnt have this opportunity.

    If everyone done literally as Mr Bean said and spent their money the banks would go out of business, and he'd be out of a job ... as his pal Merv should.

  8. Great looking menu, I'll be trying it out. Any plans to sell your products in stores?

    Yes id like to know this, ive ordered several thousand bahts worth of meat from similar guys in Pattaya and the meat wasnt that good in all honesty so id rather try a little at a time.

    Villa seems to sell from smaller producers.

    Edit - English people eat some crap but gravy on biscuits or whatever that is looks truly revolting! bah.gif

    At sausage king we only sell high quality food products and our food products with meat are fully loaded with meat. we are not a small set up but we stick to quality as good as M&S in quality, we manufacture all our products. if our staff not stick to quality they are out . sk

    Yes but that doesnt answer the question!

  9. Great looking menu, I'll be trying it out. Any plans to sell your products in stores?

    Yes id like to know this, ive ordered several thousand bahts worth of meat from similar guys in Pattaya and the meat wasnt that good in all honesty so id rather try a little at a time.

    Villa seems to sell from smaller producers.

    Edit - English people eat some crap but gravy on biscuits or whatever that is looks truly revolting! bah.gif

  10. Bank of England tells savers: Screw you; we're debasing the currency


    Very sound advice from the bank of England. I have never met anybody who got rich by saving money in a bank.

    Yes cracking advice from the aptly named Mr Bean, i think everyone should spend their savings on flights out the country and blow it on a holiday of a lifetime, thatll be good for the economy wont it. rolleyes.gif

    Thing is id say my savings have dropped almost 30%, due to spending it because of the 2.75% interest rates and expecting it to be inflated away (so he has achieved what was intended by the 0.5% with me), however most this money was spent overseas, since these not very bright civil servants decided to bail out the indebted ... ironically it was set aside to spend in England on a property once the bubble burst.

    To stick to the topic i know only the basics about why one should invest in gold but i do know those who bought in 1980 didnt do too well, and from this data, it seems to be the biggest gold boom in history. http://www.onlygold....ces200yrsfs.htm

  11. Chav scum. Shame that these type of morons associate themselves with football clubs.

    Ive always been of the opinion that if 2 groups of people want to fight each other then let them got on with it, but make them pay for health treatment.

    But throwing bricks at people and buses is just unbelievable and as cowardly as can be ... these little cnuts deserve a £25 fine or told off by a community police officer or whatever the maximum penalty is these days for bricking 78 year old women. rolleyes.gif

  12. The things people do here to save money.

    Buy beer in bulk, stay at home and churn out endless meaningless posts on an anonymous internet forum, then go back to that same forum and say how good or how bad your life is in Thailand, and blame the Thai people if its bad, and congratulate yourself if its good. smile.gif

    wow, u just dissed everyone then posted ur own meaningless post... thanx

    But he's got a good way of thinking.

  13. The airline will not allow you onboard the plane without an exit ticket as has been stated by many other contributors already. But if you obtain one, then you could register with a non-profit organization called couchsurfing.org which maintains a network of individuals who offer accommodation for free to travellers all over the world. See Couchsurfing FAQ

    I come in on a one way ticket, its no problem, but to cover yourself go through the process of booking a ticket out of BKK at lastminute.com then print it off should anyone ask.

  14. After living in Saudi for over 10 years, I think Saudi Arabia is doing the Thais a favor by not opening up "normal" diplomatic relationships. Most Saudis treat their workers from other countries like scum --especially in the service jobs (clerks, cleaners, office workers..). Yet, the Saudis will act like they're "holier than thou" -- actions mean more than words. (Look and see how they behave in Nana district!)

    Agreed, the masses of Indian Filipinos working together in factories then transported to their digs will be safe enough despite it being a bleak existence, but id fear for anyone coming from Asia and working on their own in the family home of a wealthy Saudi.

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