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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. I care. Keeps me up at night.
  2. Seems to be a lot of posters confused on this forum from simple statements to topics. Trolling mostly, or low IQ.
  3. Deep police investigations have already clarified there are no prostitute establishments there ?
  4. It will be subsea by time its finished in 2050. Just in time for 100% hovercar uptake. NICE.
  5. So instead of a 'tuktuk' they will have to be named 'whiiiiiiiine'.
  6. Japanese methheads. Been at it since 1939...
  7. About 3 days for me after hansum man calls at every turn....badgered to death.
  8. Like that scene in 'The Beach' where they have to hit the mainland for supplies or something.
  9. The BLONDE ! "Anything may be taken down and used against you."
  10. Not sure if Bahtsold is still any good.
  11. On number 1 no problem with my entry. You may be coming via a side trip you wanted to take and then into LoS after that as I was. No issue whatsover on arrival on inbound flight counyry not being home country. On 2 you could be outside LoS in Malaysia etc.
  12. Tylenol - after making the mistake to drink Thai beer ( always had a short memory on how rough most of the stuff was in LoS ).
  13. Hashish/kief was technically illegal per the strength and preperation...kief maybe not as it was maybe not processed...clear as mud if you had some on you and cops stopped you but they did not even know on those specific types.
  14. Bizarre being LoS leaderships. Never plan a business around a big shift in policy in something in LoS. The tax thing will go as well. It has larger incidental negative effects than the revenue it will raise and can be circumvented by canny expats or they wikll just leave or 6 on/6 off.
  15. Is Farage more like an old school 70s Tory ? Is that his niche, as the tories have changed and also lost their direction ?
  16. ..if it impacts the condo market and other bad optics..expat exodus ..they may U-turn. They u-turn on so much plus new govts. overturn stuff from previous one. It's the flip and flop number 1 country in the world.
  17. They should give a message to log-in from app to verify ID. Dumbass fraud triggers probably set too high - so its went to loads of people.
  18. 8 million pages will typed on this subject across multiple threads - then they will U-turn as unworkable like most other act first think later LoS Govt new policies. WAIT AND SEE.. Land of U-Turns
  19. They maybe should have brought a 90-day tourist visa at consulates concurrently with new VOA 60 - as it would dry up 60-day single-entry application money.
  20. The forums latest thread generator troll.
  21. Nano shower screen long-term coatings seems to reduce it a lot. A spray chemical.
  22. Do unto others as has been done to you ? Am sure there are more nuanced ways now to deal with this issue that don't leave lasting trauma on the kid. He's just not been taught boundary respect and restraint.
  23. Nice....seems like heaven vs LoS. What would that cost for a year ?
  24. A fresh start and a new lovely g/f....the food...the tone of the place...the cheap overheads.
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