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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. All you have to do is input this into your phone keyboard *#0*#. That will verify genuine phone. Then Google genuine Samsung phone checker: input imei number. That will confirm genuine Samsung. Then register with Samsung products and no problem. And THAT is personal experience. Despite those who talk about grey imports and Samsung not honouring Samsung Warranty.
  2. Why not book an appt on line?? Absolutely no hassle.
  3. Check your downloads folder. Or check> my files> downloads.
  4. I never said that I took 100.000 IU of vitamin D per day. I thanked the person for the info I requested.
  5. Excellent. Thank you for your prompt reply.????
  6. What brand do you purchase please?
  7. I wrote 9am local time. As I live in Thailand that is 0900am thai time which is 0300 am uk time the day before.
  8. It would be interesting to know, what reason you selected and which Thai bank received the transfer. Mine always arrives at 1413 hrs on the same day, having made my transfer from UK at around 9am Local time each time. BKK and funds for long term stay in Thailand chosen.
  9. I don't see why not. I'm not sure of your daughters status. So answer these questions in your own mind, but don't publish the results here. It is a private matter for you and your daughter only. 1. Are you the biological father of your daughter with birth certificate to prove it? 2. Or, is she adopted by legal means. 3. Or is she the daughter of someone else you met in a ex relationship? None of those should really make a difference at the Amphur legal will dept. Finally, if you deceased tomorrow, would she be legally old enough to manage whatever you leave behind. If not, you may wish to set it up for when she attains a certain age. As far as I am aware, you can leave your estate to whomever you choose. But, you may wish to go to the Ampner to confirm your questions. I hope that helps.
  10. Please see my post on this subject below: Ignore the first link. See my post below that. Correct. Thai law does NOT require probate of all wills. 1. Under thai law sect 1635 there are rules for statutory heirs. 2. Furthermore, the legally married spouse of the deceased has automatic rights to the estate, unless you provide a will to the contrary. 3. Finally, not ALL provinces/ states in Thailand require probate for All of an estate. Now for those who pass themselves as wannabee lawyers and being rather fed up of certain annoying statements I visited the Amphur on Monday, specifically to ask about leaving a bank account to ones legally married wife after my demise. This is nothing to do with all my other assets. They have already been dealt with. AND, there are no other heirs in my line!! I had just been to the bank about this issue and they said it is NOT illegal for a wife/ husband to gain FULL access to the deceaseds bank account, providing i gain authority from my local Amphur. This is their (Amphur)official reply. Provide the following documents: 1. Passport and copy of first page. 2. Provide a translation of passport ( first page). 3. Copy of bank book/ books. 4. Certificate of mental competence from a doctor. 5. Provide a will in Thai language stating the sole beneficiary of your bank accounts. 6 Provide a copy of the Tambien Bahn plus ID card of the sole beneficiary. 7. Copy of marriage certificate and original kor ror 2. 8. Bring two witnesses to the Amphur, to witness your signature. They should also provide ID or passports to verify their status. I know that I previously stated that I had previously registered a will in English with my Amphur, without a doctors certificate, which I showed the Officer in Charge. It was still extant. But rules had changed since then. But, because of Thai government policy to reduce all Bank accounts to 1,000,000 guarantee for investors from 5,000,000, I had to move things around to new accounts. And so I had already prepared most documents prior, apart from the doctors note, which was new to me. Hence my visit to the bank and Amphur for clarification on making a new will, SPECIFICALLY, for bank accounts and nothing else. Today, everything has been ratified, signed sealed and authorised. Now, whenever the day comes, my wife can access my bank accounts "legally". I hope that helps someone. Even if it is only one person, it will have been worth the time to post this on the forum.
  11. A couple of points to note: 1. You can renew your extension up to 45 days before actual renewal date. I always do mine on the 44th day just in case immigration become a little pedantic if I do it on the 45th day. Just being cautious. 2. You can then make your online appt 30 days before the 45th day, or whatever amount of time you wish within the 45 day time frame. In other words, decide when you wish to renew your extension, count back 30 days prior and make the appt.
  12. I had an appt for 10 am Thursday. Arrived at 0935 am..out the door at 1005 am with new extension.
  13. Many thanks. I have all my bank statements for my appt today. A neighbour of mine stated that he did not produce any bank statements for his extension on retirement. Didnt argue, just left me puzzled.
  14. I went there a few months ago and they were no longer there.
  15. Yep. That is quite normal. Arrival card details are not required. Mine came through this morning approved.
  16. You can sideload es explorer and cx explorer. Just Google es explorer apk and cs explorer apk. They will or should work on any Android OS box. Or indeed Android TV operating system boxes. Most apk stores like apk pure or mirror have these. Failing that, install downloader from troypoint and then install his Rapid App Installer. He has most things on this Rapid App installer. If you get stuck, just let me know.
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