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Everything posted by meechai

  1. Oh come on now...what is this fear mongering when Thailand is finally following the smarter bunch? Even Moderna has said the same on Bloomberg today Moderna co-founder tells Bloomberg News that 2022 may be the year the pandemic enters the endemic phase.
  2. This ^^^ Charlie really nailed it. Some of course not all but some if your lucky & are married to one will make you happy ever after They work hard, respect you always even when you don't deserve it & always are there to help or take care of the one they love They really are as unconditional as I have ever known
  3. Yes & sorry I have not read all the answers but yes 101% GO LEARN I learned to read & write while not perfect really helped learning to speak as you are not looking at transliterated from English pronunciations Also do not get so hung up on tones in the beginning Do you know Thai children are never taught anything about tones? They learn the word & repeat it...They learn the alphabet & vowels & repeat it same as any language DO THAT! Get a simple free program & start with the consonants Then the vowels Then learn basic words & on you go! Many Falangs make it too difficult & use tones as an excuse as not to learn Learn as Thai's learn...Learn a word LISTEN to it & copy it
  4. Ah so all those Thai forest fire starters are actually helping ???? Kidding aside that is a interesting premise & does make sense But then again I always say the future generations will look back at out health care & just laugh. They will say things like ...they actually radiated their patients thinking if they killed everything & patient survived then all good Don't even start me on the whole Covid nonsense..... But as your book said about not dying & no new ideas "unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization" so is our health care taught decade after decade the same useless BS So even though the teachers of such ideas die their techniques are living on far too long We need new thinking but it is hard to learn new when we think we are so smart already.....
  5. Exactly Correct! You are not allowed to board in any country if your destination is Thailand & you do not have the required insurance This Golden Fleece is just another in a long line of Thai Fleecings Land at any Thai airport & be swamped by the BS taxi/limo companies before you can make your way to the "real & fair" normal taxi Que outside Because the vultures pay brown envelopes they get first crack at the fresh meat This is just another JetSki Thai BS business allowed because they paid "fees"
  6. It is true & something all foreigners residing in Thailand by choice should look at closely. Try to realize that while yes the whole covid story was big but not major...it is not in reality that big not like a missile crisis or civil war or many other much bigger things If this whole covid fiasco in Thailand has shown foreigners anything it should be that you do not want to be trapped in Thailand in a REAL Crisis period! Yes a nice place to visit ....or was pre 2014 but these days it is General Dumb & his other brother General Dumber running the show & sadly even supposed doctors etc show the same small minded ignorance with their explanation in this article yet again blaming others for what was inevitable & in many ways a blessing for the world to have this milder mass immunization thru Omicron If your not the Foreigner that is trapped by a situation to live out your life in Thailand learn something from this small test run crisis called Covid...Take a look elsewhere while you still can. Look at other countries & see how they helped their citizens thru this small crisis & see what was given freely in aid Then look at Thailand...If not for the kindness of others they would not even have any vaccines For the citizens look at how they were not helped at all with any social aid food/cash stimulus etc Not trying to scare monger just a wake up notice to any still asleep
  7. 555 Perhaps next you can work on explaining to Thailand how to limit the smoke drifting from China/Taiwan/Thailand etc to all the provinces Because it is basically the same thing...no not because it is airborne but because it has been fully in place moving about within Thailand since 2019... This whole Covid story ends the same way for all...When it is fully endemic period That does not happen any quicker/slower by hiding under your bed as the smoke reaches there too You cannot limit the smoke while everyone walks around in it going to the talad etc etc But we fully believe in your right to hide ...we are just laughing at the insanity of trying We are also complaining of your insistence that we play along with you ????
  8. 555 are you kidding me? What is wrong with these nimrods? First off 2019 & 2020 Thailand was full of Covid but never tested 2021 & 2022 now act like they are the virgin mary being impregnated by covid carrying foreigners Lastly to suggest anyone is spreading a virus that has been like smoke in Thailand for years is Nuts
  9. It will end everywhere as Covid is basically now gone endemic but........It will end much slower in Thailand where they still think they can hide better than Omicron ( basically a mild cold for most)... can seek. The rest of the world is well underway to full herd immunity with a million plus cases per day in many countries Omicron is doing what the vaccine could not & much more efficiently Yet Thailand thinks it is better to hide? They can Stave it off? Stop it? Perhaps curing the common cold is next on their list? So yeah you go Thailand...but meanwhile for the rest of the world tourism is booming
  10. In Hawaii? Nothing In Europe? Nothing In Disneyland? Nothing In Thailand? Swasdee Krup Please bend over & spell RUN ????
  11. In other news Thai hospitals were told million may have mild colds this year ????
  12. Duh....this was well known worldwide before Anutins knee jerked
  13. If you play Russian Thai Roulette you have to accept the chamber may be live
  14. Don't roll the dice if you cant pay the price... ???? What is instead folks had not bought insurance then asked you for coverage? It is no different than you SELLING insurance then balking at your losses You bet...you lost
  15. Pssst...I live in one of the highest tourism ranked States of the United States...We never required testing on arrival & still do not...Situation is just as calm here thanks...Except Tourism is booming here ????
  16. They need to start a 14 day quarantine for all Thai drivers leaving their province
  17. They have finally found a way to get people to take the new yearly flu shot $$$
  18. True but at least with cremation someone might hear you yelling...Ouch..ouch...fookin ouch ???? Buried none will hear you yelling...who turned out the lights?
  19. She has a point & we have seen so many wound way too tight these days. Stop feeding the virus addiction - go live your life
  20. It is rather odd that some believe in such that a body can be resurrected after...10-100?? years of being buried yet a body turned to ash cannot? Limited second coming powers eh? That aside there are many that believe in what your saying but not literally instead they believe that it takes 3 days to vacate the shell that use to be your vehicle... to be resurrected if you will....so they request their remains not to be touched for three days. Meaning no burial,no cremation, no embalming etc Rather similar to the Thai version of party a few days while monks chant & while your left alone in the cooler box To those who said burial is good for the soil....Ummm have you seen some of those battlestar galactica caskets they use? Man it will take a century to rot those ...So maybe not too good for the soil eh? Lastly to those who say it is nice to have a burial plot for family to visit ...That is a bit sad isn't it for them to think your trapped there in a box for all eternity?
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