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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. One hurt in blasts in Thai capital: police

    BANGKOK, February 14, 2012 (AFP) - A man believed to be Iranian was seriously wounded when a device he was suspected of carrying exploded in the Thai capital Bangkok on Tuesday, police said.

    Police investigators rushed to the scene after three men were seen fleeing from a house where a blast was reported in the east of the city.

    One of the men hurled an explosive device at a taxi which refused to stop and later tried to throw another device at police, triggering a blast which tore off his legs, authorities said.

    "An Iranian ID was found with the injured man so it's likely that he's an Iranian national," Major General Pisit Pisuthisak, deputy commander of Bangkok Metropolitan Police, told AFP by telephone from the scene.

    "A police forensics team is examining the house," he added.

    The suspect was admitted to a Bangkok hospital where he was receiving emergency treatment.

    Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra urged people not to "jump to conclusions" about the circumstances behind the blasts.

    "Let the police and intelligence agencies do their work and the public must not panic because the perpetrator was detained," she told reporters during a visit to northeast Thailand.

    The city has been on edge since the United States last month warned of a threat of a terrorist strike on tourist areas in Bangkok.

    Thai police later charged a Lebanese suspect after they raided a property and discovered chemicals that could be used to make a bomb.

    Thai authorities allege the Lebanese man has links to Hezbollah, an Iranian- and Syrian-backed Muslim Shiite group that is blacklisted as a terrorist organisation by Washington.

    The Bangkok blasts came a day after bombs targeted Israeli interests in India and Georgia, injuring a diplomat and her driver in New Delhi, in attacks that Israel accused Iran of masterminding.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-02-14

    Its a serious issue but you have to laugh at this sentence I mean how does a man with no legs run away exactly?? Congratulations for detaining him!

  2. I have not made and will not make any preparation for the Thais, thank you.

    You must have reasons for living in Thailand that do not include living with Thais. Would you like to share with us?

    Wife and her wanting to stay in Thailand , in effect I sacrificed what i wanted for her, I could have lived in Madeira ( first choice) or Spain/UK

  3. "the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

    Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

    The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

    The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

    Wake up Thailand is the worlds biggest whorehouse, whether you like it or not thats ALL its known for if you ask the "man/woman on the street"

  4. Are you prepared to learn the language in a country where, regardless of what date your visa displays, a falling out with the "wrong" Thai couldpotentially have you on a plane out of the Kingdom.
    Maybe if the OP spoke Thai he'd be able to communicate a little better with Thais and avoid the confrontation he seeming fears.

    Exactly - would the OP accept foreigners in his country if they couldn't be bothered to learn the language.

    As the locals say here - kor sing suk sid hai kwam sa ngop gae ka, hai yom rap sing tee plian mai dai, hai glaa plian sing tee plian dai, lae panhaa tee ja yaek yae.

    This is simple Thai language that probably many foreigners who have been here years can't understand.

    Which translates to something like " may holy things give me serenity to accept things I can't change, courage to change things I can and wisdom to differentiate between the two".

    When people got to live in other countries, learning the language is a priority. Some expats here seem to think otherwise and, of course, the consequence of this is that they can't understand many things, not only the language.

    Well said!

    Securing some vague fluency in the language will certainly be a conduit for connecting and understanding.

    We shouldn't be surprised at the almost embarrassing large number of "long-timers" that couldn't be bothered nor attempt at any such effort......

    Sad circumstances.

    have you ever considered some people might actually find it very difficult to learn?

    • Like 2
  5. I think nothing of it provided they are trying to 'convert grown' adults.

    The indoctrination of young child, however, is another matter entirely.

    And yet is done in every country in the world, "our Father who art in heaven" I personally hated this CRAP at school and have held a religious hatred ever since, the more they rammed it donw my throat the more I rebelled. Im not fussy which religion either.

  6. Dont worry most of the planet believes in a god or life after death, both equally as idiotic as this yet you mock this guy for his "belief".

    For me the Naga and god are the same and equally idiotic yet one is revered the other mocked.

    Actually, the traditional Naga and a presumed and invented God have no relation to one another.

    Both equally nuts imowink.png

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