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Everything posted by Bangkokhatter

  1. i think you need to let the incidents go and focus on moving elsewhere with your son, your wasting energy on a person who obviously is not worth it, ask yourself what outcome you would like and then think about the likely hood of that happening. I went through similar and was quite surprised how easy they agreed to me having custody of our daughter.
  2. I would be interested in answers to this also. I have a couple of hollow tiles and was thinking i will have to remove them and replace with new tiles, only this time apply the adhesive to the whole area under the tile.
  3. did you miss the bit where i mentioned visiting two hospitals and am currently taking medication from one of them , or did you just want to try and post a clever comment ?
  4. Thank you for your reply Sheryl. I was prescribed 81mg of aspirin alongside the other tablets and i have been taken them all as directed. Going by your reply i take it the numbness will continue and there is nothing i can take to reduce this ? Regarding further episodes, at work today i did suddenly start feeling dizzy and weak again, but apart from the continued numbness, no other symptons and after about five minutes was feeling kind of ok again. It was this episode that led to my OP. I live in Samutprakan which has a few international hospitals. The first one i visited was Thainakarin which was recommended, but it was them who told me the MRI was clear. If you have another recommendation it would be much appreciated.
  5. Interesting, did you make a full recovery or still have some issues ?
  6. For a few months now i have a constant numb/fuzzy feeling from left side of torso and all the way down the left leg. It is uncomfortable rather than painful. I believe i can trace this back to doing some DIY at home, using a ladder to fit some lights and then having to descend as i came over all weak and dizzy and have had these symptons ever since. I visited the hospital who gave me a brain MRI and said that was all clear and started treating me for some nerve damage. I ended up trying 3 different courses of treatment with no improvement before i decided to collect all my records and change hospital. Second hospital checked the MRI scan report and did more blood tests and have said i had a "stroke event" and then put me on four different tablets to treat Hypertension and high Cholesterol. Now both of these were high despite regular exercise and an ok diet and i have continued to take the tablets. However, the numbness down the left side has not improved and becomes quite uncomfortable by the time i get home from work and i have no real energy to do anything. Any suggestions are welcome.
  7. If you have been here long enough you should know any assets obtained during marriage is officially split 50/50, reality of this happening is not always the case. However it is unclear what you actually want ? You mention you have a Thai daughter and wish to put the property in her name which is entirely possible if your wife (or in-laws) agree, but will be of no monetary value to you. If you do this then the house cannot be sold until your daughter is 21 i believe, unless you go through the court process. Sorry, just saw you mention to put the land in your daughters name, you would still have a problem selling it, who do you think would buy it ?
  8. maybe read all the posts, you might have seen my retraction.
  9. I stand corrected then, i was told this by one of the ladies the first time i failed the written test.
  10. Maybe you should learn the Thai highway code, the driver entering the roundabout has right of way.
  11. i pay directly to the mortgage account number and the monthly statement is sent to the house. I found out about the non payment as i opened a statement one day. Previously i would pay to her account and she would transfer to mortgage account, was only 2 missed payments so wasn't burnt too much.
  12. Actually i am in similar situation as OP, apart from selling. Originally i was transferring the mortgage amount to the wife until i found out she had missed two payments. I went to the mortgage issuing bank with all details and although reluctant at first we ended up having a dialogue once they realised i was their only option of getting their loan paid. The outcome of which ended up with me paying direct to the mortgage account and its been this way for around 18 months, with me and my daughter happily living in the family home. However should the house go on the market then it is the wife as owner who will be involved in the selling process.
  13. I don't understand the confusion. Mortgage is in ex-wife's name so she informs bank she is selling, the Bank advise how much is left on the mortgage. Buyer agrees selling price and up to them how they raise the funds, cash or apply for mortgage of their own. Negotiate transfer costs between both parties and then go to Land office who facilitate the transfer. Actually you can agree that any profit be paid directly to you, no need to go to ex wife first, but she will definately have to be involved at Land office. Wife's Bank get paid their money, Land office get paid their money and wife gets the remaining amount (profit from sale) and then she pays that to you.
  14. I had similar issues but found turning off my VPN actually works better, been watching the live cricket and football all weekend with no issues.
  15. If it is a fact then surely you must follow your own advice and back up your fact with a link?
  16. How does that work ?
  17. Interesting, do you know if they can be installed in areas with a roof covering already ?
  18. Talking more nonsense, and you make out your a seasoned veteran of Thailand.
  19. Surely the focus of this story is all wrong ?
  20. It was made clear to me by Bangkok Bank no insurance no loan, and it had to be their insurance. Mine is considerably less than yours but then so was the loan and as mentioned above age will be factored in also.
  21. Please feel free to post your demonstration using an unprotected supply
  22. Maybe i did not explain myself too well in the OP. They claim there could be up to 30% savings but have no empirical evidence. Their next step is to test the prototype in real situations which is what they are doing. I was happy to agree, it's obvious safety features are a bonus (despite some of the comments from so-called AN experts) and if it turns out the claims are not as expected what do i care ?
  23. We will see, however this is far from a simple plug in device and there have been no promises of anything.
  24. Sorry for being short. A good friend of mine is involved in the start up company being formed here and i went along to one of the presentations. I questioned the electricity saving claim and they asked if they could fit the prototype in my house so we can actually see how much, if any, savings are made.
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