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Posts posted by beechbum

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Graft is good sometimes...

    I departed Phuket airport on Sept 14 around mid night.

    I was There with plenty of time to spare 10:30 ish at departure security & immigration.

    Security and Departure hall Packed with clueless Korean and chinese tourist all with to much hand carry and liquids in bags forms not filled out etc.

    All the counters full of long slow lines.,

    In 20 years in and out of Thailand I have never paid an airport immigration official.

    But since reading this forum I had my eyes peeled for the guy taking the cash and BOOM there he was.

    On the left after the security checkpoint near the Priority lane (empty).

    I just walked straight up to him passed all the clueless folks waiting in line, and just said How much? (in Thai) in reply with a REAL Thai smile he said 50 bht in english....

    Proceed to empty counter for VIP 100 bht in my passport not a word spoken.

    Two immigration guys behind the counter sitting there shooting the breeze shat eating grin towards me nothing towards the room full of korean tourist waiting in long lines..

    Bump Bump Bump passport stamped not a word spoken...Total of 10 minutes max at FULL security and immigration hall..

    Straight to Priority Pass lounge for 1 1/2hrs of free beer and munchies.

    So a little graft can be good sometimes even though I never got the change from the 100bht note for a 50 bht graft charge, Next time I will be prepared with a 50 bht note..

    Thanks for the info from Thai Visa.

    If your using a PP card why'd you pay a bribe instead of using the PP VIP service to go through immigration?

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Dogs are not a guarantee against being burgled.

    Many occupants of burgled houses have lost their pets to valium wrapped in meat.

    Nothings a guarantee against being burgled but it's good to take precautions.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Cheers for the post.

    How did he get in, does your house have no security on the doors or windows?

    Near the circle at the Pier & no, I've been here many years & never needed any security. I became complacent I suppose. I fitted cameras today though so at least I'll have the bastards face next time.

    "I fitted cameras today though so at least I'll have the bastards face next time." - are they hidden cameras, otherwise, what's stopping the criminal from using a balaclava, or some other similar face covering?

    Even with hidden cameras, he may still wear a face covering.

    The system in the link below is a good system. It starts filming upon motion detection and can send the footage to your mobile phone, so you can store it, off-site, confirm it's not a false alarm, and race home and/or call the police. With an on-site DVR recording your CCTV cameras, they can just rip the DVR out and take it with them, then, you have no footage.


    Sounds good but I guess the dogs would trip it constantly.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    We have a couple of large dogs who, truth be known, wouldn't hurt a fly, but when they start barking they sound as if they would rip out the throat of any intruder.

    They've gone off a few times in the middle of the night. It's impossible to tell if they were scaring off potential burglars , or were just letting a strange cat know where to go.

    However, they give us a sense of security at night.

    Same, have had large dogs for the last 17/18 years and to date no probs, although we also have security on all windows and doors.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have the feeling it is far less this year, I hear nothing in my area about burglaries.

    Best touch wood me thinks.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thanks Karen but he's a Timelord now so can't watch anything else the actor may have been in. Feel a bit sorry for him really David Tenant and Matt Smith are hard acts to follow. If there really was a Doctor it would be one of them, probably Matt Smith.

    Don't agree.

    Patrick Troughton, or John Pertwee.

    Definitely John Pertwee IMO.

    • Like 1
  7. Sons Of Anarchy season 7 has started, just dl'd episode 2, Also series 1 episode 6 of Legends.

    Watched The Signal yesterday, not to bad, Sniper Legacy was about as expected though.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Peter Capaldi is shaping up well with his version of The Doctor I think.


    He was fantastic in The Thick of It.

    If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour and download it.

    Gotta 2nd that, really good show.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would recommend one , located btw Chalong and Rawai (on your left hand when going to Rawai, up to the hill).

    There are Harley , and other big bikes.

    The guy (a swede I believe) is honest, and that is a rarity.

    I can vouch for him as well, Im pretty sure his missus actually owns the bikes, I rented a harley for the day a while back, just used the wifes ID card and all was good, no scamming or hidden costs on return.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Not just dog crap but piss too, and now with no loungers, they mark the tourist's belongings lying on the sand.

    That garbage is NOT from India but Thais chucking there and here, just everywhere, and it washed down on the gulleys, creeks and rivers.

    Are you for real, do you go around sniffing trees and mounds of sand or something?

    • Like 1
  11. Was there for 3 hrs today and looked really clean at the Nth end, I don't know if many of you have spent any time working offshore between Phuket and India but the statement made about rubbish floating down is correct(It goes both ways). I know of a seismic boat that found a hobby cat from Phuket offshore Visak and have seen loads of Indian/Bangladesh ect garbage heading down the Andaman coast.


    • Like 2
  12. My boy goes to Kajonkiet Kathu and loves it, his learning is going ahead leaps and bounds, the teachers are very friendly and seem to be very good at what they do, the place has a great feel to it, I've never heard of them hitting children(if it was a slap on the hand as mentioned above i wouldn't have a problem with that at all) and think it's probably just a sour parent making up stories,it'd be guaranteed to suck some in.

    Any time we've emailed the school we've been answered promptly.

    As for the teachers being stressed, if they are they don't show it and the students seem to have a very good rapport with them.

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