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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I used Yokohama Geolanders on our 2 SUVs and they were a good, long lasting tire....

    I did replace them due to wear on our most used vehicle & went with Maxxies which have turned out to be a strong, smooth, solid feeling tire....

    They cost about 15,000 including a service and alignment....

    B.Q would not be on my list of places to go....

    • Thanks 1
  2. I use this from Makro....We make our own breads, pizza dough, etc. and this works just fine....500G for about 115B.....

    I keep in the freezer in a sealed storage bags = good for at least 6 months....

    If you have a Makro nearby, they should have most anything you need.....


    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 came to our house....They were nice & casual & fairly thorough with their questions.....

    We were told that 500 per person was the "expected"....Our property manager advised on the amount as she'd routinely been asked to be a witness + married to a farang herself....

    I bought 2 of the smaller Almond Roca candy packs (6?8?) & handed them to them with 2 - 500B notes on the underside thanking them when they were ready to leave....Nobody could see and the "donation" exchange went smoothly.....

    That was the only time we had to have the home inspection....

  4. 2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:




    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Thailand due to COVID-19, indicating a high level of COVID-19 in the country. Your risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be lower if you are fully vaccinated with an FDA authorized vaccine. Before planning any international travel, please review the CDC's specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers.



    They threw in the unrest down south also as a cause....

    Considering how Covid struck there opposed to here the whole thing smacks of  political implications.....

  5. There is a hotel directly behind Baan Tawai....The rooms are good sized & there is a 2nd floor you can expand into to rent....There is a small pool & it's quiet and safe for kids to be outside (horse shoe shaped)...

    You would need you're own vehicle as it is away from Hang Dong Rd...They also manufacture furniture along with some interesting antiques....They did have a cafe there + places to eat & 7/11 in Baan Tawai....

    When I lived further out I used it as a nice quiet place to grab a few quiet days....They did have monthly at that time.....

    It's all done in sandstone brick & is aesthetically pleasing......

    Behind Baan Tawai is a road with a small canal in the center....The place is on the outer Soi/road maybe 300 meters in on the left....


  6. 56 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    You have a point.

    But, in real life, how many accidents end with a head (with or without helmet) against a wall? I think that doesn't happen too often.


    And apart from that many young people have this feeling that they are invincible. How do I know? There was a time when I was young and I also did some stunts which, especially in the hindsight, could have gone very wrong.

    If "wall" can be assigned as a car or truck = a significant amount....

    Much of the damage to cars is caused by the motorcyclists body.....

    Wall could also be defined as the pavement, (even a dirt road) - which remains undefeated.....

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, connda said:

    "Dirty farangs."  Good job dehumanizing your target while painting a picture of your virtuous actions.  Perhaps it's better to mind your own business?

    Possibly yes, in this case he was only a few feet away ascending the escalator when I motioned the mask up....And yes, he'd not taken very good care of himself....

    I'm not a boisterous or loud person and found his shouting from 40 feet away embarrassing....He had some issues or a bad couple of days - unfortunately.....

    A good reminder for me that we're all not necessarily one happy group of expats...

    I usually just exchange smiles.....

    • Like 1
  8. 42 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    In my area of Bangkok (Onnut) I have never seen a Farang without a mask.  It is always Thais.  And no, I don’t confront them nor give dirty looks.  I just go on with my day.


    I do wonder about, and have a question for those who do/would confront someone for not wearing a mask….


    How much do you weigh?  Are you overweight/obese?  What steps have you taken towards bettering your own health during this pandemic in order to lower your risk of becoming a statistic?

    6'4" @ 225# - installed & use a home gym + ride a bicycle every night for the legs.... Wife takes great pride in her vegetable garden, started during the pandemic & delights in serving me that green stuff because it's better for us....I eat it....

    Got home yesterday after running 9 errand stops at 9 different places....Wife orders we shower & clothes worn to the laundry just as a precaution....

    We don't necessarily avoid people, but we don't go any place many people could be expected to be.....We do mask up & follow all protocols...

  9. 13 minutes ago, tifino said:

    ... should have just reacted, by then silently openly 'Pointing' at him, and get those around you to do the same...   Once this look me too moment gains momentum, it is then time to spirit oneself away into the background 

    Good advice, I've seen the Thai people do it in store aisles.....The escalator & my blindspot around the corner to enter the escalator, along with the escalator itself kind of removed that on this occasion....

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah - got into an unpleasant exchange at a Big C.....

    Farang in a rumpled gray shirt that had what looked like big black mold stains all over the shirt, dirty rumpled shorts... Many days unshaved & unkempt matted hair...You get the picture - looked a step away from homeless.....

    He got on the raising escalator & was about 20 feet away at a right angle as I was approaching the bottom from another direction....His mask was down under his chin, I thought he forgot and motioned to his mask - mask up = nothing.....

    I got on the moving escalator with some Thai families in between me and him; he was about 40ft away ahead of me....

    Pretty soon the loud fku's were raining down at me along with other incoherent shouts.....The Thai's in between us actually got scared, basically huddling up together watching the show.....He yelled it's nobody's business - I pointed to everybody around replying it's everybody's business in the store....He fku'd me several more times & I called him an idiot. ....He got off at the top & didn't wait around to pursue it any further,  he definitely had a fighting posture on the escalator but didn't make a move down towards me.....

    I apologized as best I could to the Thai people that were around to see and hear it.....

    It was 11:00 so I figured he was there to grab some alcohol....I didn't see him during the course of my shopping or in the parking lot....

    Clearly he was a man that didn't care about how he looked/acted or how he represented farangs.....

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  11. 13 hours ago, rumak said:


    your right.   those stones have me looking all the time.     my noise sounded just like that but turned out the brakes just needed a slight cleaning and light sanding.  

    Pads that are worn can click - in essence chattering/moving slightly in the caliper on slow turns.... Cleaning/sanding/ brake clips/brake adhesive can correct....

    Glad it was something simple...

    If it happens again you might want to have the calipers checked & serviced at the next brake work....

  12. +3 for Dr C.....

    The Doctor's work at most of the hospitals as part of their rounds = you should have a range of choices....Rajavej was fine for me when I had my hip done....I opted for a suite & it was huge enough to accommodate the additional family that showed....Providing 2 balconies, inside & outside tables, TV's, convertible couch, and kitchen....Made it very comfortable - me +6 = nobody hovering.... Everybody relaxed....

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