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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. 3 hours ago, taotoo said:

    On one application form you have to provide your Ampher and Tambon. I don't remember, but it may be that you have to provide your full address on another form.

    I had to fill in my address on both intake forms at each jab.....

    The first round when my number was called it took about 5 minutes at the window while they actively entered info into their computer (guessing all identifying info).....

    On the second jab it was a straight through process at the same window - just a form exchange, intake for preprinted....

    I asked at another station in Lamphun if I could use that jab station because it was closer to my house = the answer was yes, I didn't have to live there, however, all their allocated doses had been scheduled out....

    • Thanks 1
  2. I passed by twice and the market is shut down tight....No lights or signs of movement/life + encircled with a red & white tape barrier....

    I'm guessing Covid 19....Does anybody know any specifics or the severity?

    If it is, it's bringing it close to home.....

  3. 28 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Of course, the unvaccinated may not die from Covid infection. 


    Similarly, there are many people who play Russian roulette and survive. 


    So, what's your point? Being unvaccinated is stupid, and so is playing Russian roulette. 

    Good analogy....Even with 85% vaxed.....That leaves 1 bullet out of every 6 contacts/trigger pulls....


    Which still means 15 people out of every 100 are, by %, endangering themselves and those around them....


    It would be my guess that non vaxers also are the one's walking around unmasked/masks askew, not distancing, or following protocols....

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  4. 17 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    I would have plumped for a U/J but if you've checked them it sounds like drag on the clutches (yes, autos have them). First port of call for most auto problems is to change the gearbox oil & filter. Also check the idle speed isn't too high.


    By the way, when checking a U/J, do it on a flatbed ramp (wheels on the deck) with someone in the car selecting reverse & forward gears  - handbrake firmly on of course. You can't always see any movement unless the joints under load.

    This will also work for motor/trans mounts + anything else that can shift & clunk under load...It could be as simple as suspension/shock bushings, even body mount bushings....

    We're you able to isolate noises on the rack by running the engine & shifting D to R to D to R foot on brake & watch/listen to the drive train? 

    Are/have all the lube/zerk fittings been lubed during servicing? That's universally overlooked everywhere....

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, transam said:

    Not necessarily, our lad took his Honda for a service, they told him it has a problem that will cost 40,000bht to fix, I said what's the problem,

    "Don't know, it drives OK".. That was about a year ago, we still don't know what the problem was...

    The idea of this forum is to ask, a simple fix may be found, many simple fixes have been found here before taking the next step....????

    Honda dealers seem very good at that stuff, based on our experience.....

  6. Based on observation, the people either not wearing a mask or wearing a mask improperly (nose & or nose/mouth not covered) are about 8-10 to one Thai - farang over Thais.... This is generally accompanied by a f-u attitude & verbal aggressiveness when told by employees to correct....

    When in for my (farang) Pfizer jab in seated queuing, about 7ft to my left sat a man who'd taken off his mask and for the next hour sat there picking his nose & wiping on his pant leg....

    To my right & behind me sat a group of 6 people that had engaged in conversation.... They all slid their masks down to their chin so they could talk - total disregard for the reason they were there and the people around them that were trying to be cautious....

    At the 2nd jab, while seated and waiting, a lady behind us couldn't stop coughing - the phlegmy loose type cough repeated about every minute = mask off....My wife and I took one look at each other, stood up & moved far away....

    Are these "bad" people = maybe....Are these (at the least) thoughtless people looking stupid and noncompliant in a country that has mandated masks in public = for sure.....

    We follow every procedure the Thai government mandates trying to keep our family safe.... Including 94/95 masks....

    Do I get <deleted> off when I see people being careless - yep, but it's a lose lose to challenge/remind them = and they know it & count on it.....Anyone not being cautious is putting my family in jeopardy by being thoughtless, or worse.....

    We don't invite masked or unmasked people into our house....


    Why are they purposely, unsafely, forcing themselves in other people's proximity.....


    They know their little display/campaign/rebellion does no common good.....

    Are they bad - possibly....Wack jobs - possibly... Uncaring = certainly.....

    Bet they mask up to go to immigration or around authority.....

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

    That doesn't sound particularly stressful.

    It is & isn't....The schedule isn't strict, so hard to follow for us - so - she skims at every opportunity, completely omitting sessions & tests unless caught out....

    It turns into a constant policing environment.....Our gym-wardrobe/library/big screen room would be a perfect study area, except she's not that kind of kid (our other daughter is  forthright, 100% autonomous) - she'd skip out on everything....

    So, she's in our (open house plan) dining room area where we have to watch/monitor & not create background noise (per wife) during the sessions....So, it's walk on eggshells - we're basically trapped 6-8 hours a day for months.... = Stressful....

    Can't wait for her to go back to onsite....Let her have her normal student interactions back.....

    Then we regain our normalcy - & mobility.....

    • Thanks 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    I doubt the stress is actually related to studying online, more the type of work that the Thai teachers set as a result.  They probably just send some work and say "do X and send it to me by X time", which is a higher work load than they are used to.


    The answer to online study should really have been a reduction in homework and far more interactive lessons.  I suspect the opposite is what happened.

    There are assignments that need to be printed, completed, photo'd & returned....

    And there are spoken classes with verbal instruction, verbal questions & responses.....The screen shows the kids faces.....As far as I can tell, the teachers are doing their best to keep it light....I perk up & listen at the English class....The others the wife oversees when possible....

    The teachers have separate channels for students & parents to conduct classes & monitor both ways.....

    • Thanks 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Pattaya International Ladies Club


    Bridge Club


    And I always see a few old biddies in Hemmingway's on a Thursday having lunch and playing cards.


    And on my morning beach walks there's a few older ladies walking also.


    So there's some around, and something for them to do.

    Yeah - I can see the benefit of a beach side town versus being out pounding the same old concrete every day....A whole different vibe....

  10. • For centuries they sat/sit on the floor in school.....

    • For centuries they've sat on the floor worshipping at the Wat....

    • For centuries they have eaten Mookata on the floor where their BBQ/grill is central & maybe about 30-35cm high.....

    • Many sleep/nap/watch TV on the floor since infancy - again, going back many, many years.....

    • Furniture, like dining room tables, is fairly recent to Thai culture.....Almost every flat surface in a house is used as practical, easy storage....

    To many Thais, the concept of furniture/shelves/formal dining/ display/ornamentation/keep sakes is a completely alien idea....




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  11. We have a family breakfast at the dining room table in the morning..... After that it's pretty much an open style for the rest of the day.....

    However, if they have something to watch on TV, they park right there on the floor in front of the TV; eat, and watch their soap opera.....

    The wife is a uni grad that had 17 years management - working for an international company (Nissan)....#1 daughter is 2nd year university & other daughter in high school.....

    The kicker here is the in-laws are farm/ranch folks.....No degrees or advanced employment or education.... Salt of the earth....

    They have a big table with chairs in their kitchen that they use for meals.....


    My guess is they are taught to squat at schools, at temples, gatherings from a young age....I remember visiting a school in rural Ang Thong and their meeting/lunch room was nothing but a big empty room, the kids sat/ate/visited on the floor...

    Undoubtedly, many did at home also....

    It's become ingrained into their existence & very natural for them....

    Just as sitting in chairs, couches, lazy boys, bar stools has been ingrained in us (as we evolved from trees also as mentioned by a previous poster).....

    In short - it's an ingrained trait....

    I can't see one any worse than the other.... It's not my nature to look down on, or pick at others....

    Right now my oldest daughter is sitting at our kitchen table eating.....

  12. 5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Another ANF scientist amazing. ????????

    Apparently there's different tiers of approvals....The US FDA is tier 1 and accepted world wide....

    China's approval is on a tier 3 rated system & is not recognized internationally....

    Some countries that have ordered/accepted an offer from China have either cancelled or refused to use it....

  13. We're just south of Hang Dong off the 108.....


    Rain = zip, nada, none....

    Coming from the west coast US where storms can inundate large areas, the Thai zip code rain squalls have always fascinated me....

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