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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I'm 195/6'4" and haven't run into any significant problems over the years....

    I do have to watch my head at the CM Buffalo Market as some of the roofs have to be ducked under....Since I might go once or twice a year it's not a real concern....

    Had one ride in a 10 passenger van that was cramped; but I think that would happen no matter the country....

    Buying shirts where the shoulders and chest fit & it doesn't balloon out at the waist + finding decent shoes/choices is more a challenge than doorways, chairs, etc. while knocking around....

  2. I suspect that I might have somewhere along the way..... However, I would never think to ask anybody about what forums they are into online....

    If the question happened to be raised I'd watch, learn, and listen before commenting....


    A few years back, it seemed most of the foul, uncouth, bullying/fight provoking ones either dropped off or were culled out... 


    Most of us on here just reflect the (semi ????) normal among us - sharing life's twisty, slippery, & unpredictable rocky road....Thai drivers and all.....




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